def printplaying(skater,deck): splaying_layers = "S: " playing_layers = "D: " tplaying_layers = "T: " for x in range(9999): if skater.isPlayingAction(x): #if trucks.isPlayingAction(x): #if skater.isPlayingAction(x): splaying_layers += str(x) splaying_layers += " " if deck.isPlayingAction(x): #if trucks.isPlayingAction(x): #if skater.isPlayingAction(x): playing_layers += str(x) playing_layers += " " print(splaying_layers, playing_layers) def main(): frame_rate = 60 #Set this to the framerate of your game. optimization = 1 #An integer, must be at least 1! Higher value will make a smaller saved file size. I do not reccomend setting it to anything other than 1 though. #recording_cutoff = 6974#7300 #3600 #Frames at which the oldest recorded frame will be deleted. 0 is no cutoff. recorder_state = 1 #This is the main state of the recorder object. State will be reverted to this value when the user breaks out of the playback. allow_playback_break = True #Allow the player to resume playing from the position in the recording. from bge import logic import aiRecord import aiSortData import npcChangeAnim from mathutils import Vector import math cont = logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner scene = logic.getCurrentScene() dict = logic.globalDict own['valueIndex'] = own['valueIndex'] + 20 #dict['recorder_on'] = recorder_on npc_index = own['npc_index'] skater = dict['spawned_npcs'][npc_index] recorder_on = dict.get('recorder_on') own['recorder_on'] = recorder_on #print("recorder on: ", recorder_on) own["playback"] = True recording_cutoff = own['replay_length'] idle_timer = own['idle_timer'] npc_playback = own['npc_playback'] if 'data_loaded' not in own: own['data_loaded'] = 1 aiRecord.loadData(cont, own) if npc_playback == True: cube = own aiRecord.loadData(cont, own) #own['move'] = False #.................... valueIndex = own['valueIndex'] n = (valueIndex / recording_cutoff) * 1000 n = int(round(n)) #print(own['valueIndex']) if own['objIndex'] < (recording_cutoff-3): own['objIndex'] = own['objIndex'] + 2 else: own['objIndex'] = 4 print('replay end') # try: # tActu = cont.actuators['npcSteering'] # cont.deactivate(tActu) # # except: # print('no target to delete') npcChangeAnim.main(cont) #own['npc_replay_name'] = '30secA.dat' own['inited'] = False own['rotate_in'] = True own['move_to'] = True own['rotate_out'] = True aiRecord.loadData(cont, own) else: if idle_timer < 5: idle_timer += 1 #print('idling', idle_timer) else: idle_timer = 0 own['npc_rotate'] = True # if own['npc_rotate'] == True: # xyz = own.localOrientation.to_euler() # rotz = math.degrees(xyz[2]) # print (rotz, own['rpStartZ'], '---rotations') # num = rotz - own['rpStartZ'] # amt = .05 # amt2 = 2 # if abs(num) < amt2: # own['npc_playback'] = True # own['npc_rotate'] = False # print('----starting replay', num) # elif rotz > own['rpStartZ']: # own.applyRotation([0,0,-amt], True) # elif rotz < own['rpStartZ']: # own.applyRotation([0,0,amt], True) if own['move'] == True: speed = .15 target = own['rpStartLoc'] my_vector = Vector([target[0], target[1], target[2]]) length = (own.worldPosition - my_vector).length obj = own['target_object_name'] vect = own.getVectTo(obj) if length < .1: own['move'] = False obj = own['target_object_name'] own['idle_timer'] = idle_timer try: obj = own['target_object_name'] #print(obj.worldPosition) except: pass #11111111 if own['rotate_in'] == False and own['move_to'] == False and own['rotate_out'] == False: own['npc_playback'] = True #obj = own['target_object_name'] #obj.endObject() #print('ending target') if own['rotate_in'] == True: tActu = cont.actuators['npcTracking'] tActu.object = own['target_object_name'] try: own['rotate_in_timer'] = own['rotate_in_timer'] + 1 except: own['rotate_in_timer'] = 0 if own['rotate_in_timer'] < 120: cont.activate(tActu) skater.playAction('reg_idle1', 0,120, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=.5) else: cont.deactivate(tActu) own['rotate_in'] = False own['rotate_in_timer'] = 0 skater.stopAction(2) elif own['move_to'] == True: target = own['rpStartLoc'] #print(target, 'target', own.worldPosition, '++++++') my_vector = Vector([target[0], target[1], target[2]]) length = (own.worldPosition - my_vector).length sActu = cont.actuators['npcSteering'] = own['target_object_name'] #length = round(length, 7) if length > .1: #print(length, 'length < .1') #pass cont.activate(sActu) skater.playAction('reg_nwalk', 0,35, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=.5) else: cont.deactivate(sActu) own['move_to'] = False print(length, 'length met') skater.stopAction(2) elif own['rotate_out'] == True: #own['rpStartZ'] = 180 #print(own['rpStartZ'], 'start') xyz = own.localOrientation.to_euler() #print(xyz[2], 'non euler') rotz = math.degrees(xyz[2]) xyz[2] = xyz[2] + 1.57 rotz_b = rotz + 180 if rotz_b > 360: rotz_b -= 360 srotz_b = own['rpStartZ'] + 180 if srotz_b > 360: srotz_b -= 360 #print (rotz_b, srotz_b, '---rotations') #print (rotz, own['rpStartZ'], '---rotations') num = rotz - (own['rpStartZ']) amt = .03 amt2 = 1 local = own.worldOrientation.inverted() * ( own['target_object_name'].worldPosition - own.worldPosition) if local.x >0: #target is in front #print('in front') pass else: #target is behind #print('behind') pass if local.y > 0: #object on right #print('on right') rot = 'right' else: #object is on left #print('on left') rot = 'left' skater.playAction('reg_idle1', 0,120, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=.5) if abs(num) < amt2: own['npc_playback'] = True own['npc_rotate'] = False print('----starting replay', num) own['rotate_out'] = False obj = own['target_object_name'] obj.endObject() print('ending target') skater.stopAction(2) #elif rotz > own['rpStartZ']: elif rot == 'right': own.applyRotation([0,0,amt], True) own.worldPosition = own['rpStartLoc'] #elif rotz < own['rpStartZ']: elif rot == 'left': own.applyRotation([0,0,-amt], True) own.worldPosition = own['rpStartLoc'] #print(own['rotate_in'], own['move_to'], own['rotate_out']) main()