import bge import GameLogic from bge import logic, render def main(): cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController() #cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner #bge.logic.addScene('Main') scenes = bge.logic.getSceneList() #print(scenes) #------- mainDir = GameLogic.expandPath("//") fileName = mainDir + "Settings.dat" with open(fileName) as reading: #data = [line.split()[0] for line in reading] data = reading.readlines() #print lines[25] #print lines[29] reading.close() resx = int(data[7]) resy = int(data[8]) #trick_string = dict.get('trick_string') # # fullscreen = bge.render.getFullScreen() # print("fullscreen = ", fullscreen) # #if fullscreen != True: # #bge.render.setFullScreen(True) # width = render.getWindowWidth() # if width != resx: # bge.render.setWindowSize(resx, resy) #--------- #bge.render.showFramerate #bge.render.showProfile #dict = bge.logic.globalDict #Get the global dictionary #print(dict) #resx = dict['resx'] #resy = dict['resy'] #main_scene = [scene for scene in scenes if"main"][0] # # for scene in scenes : # if == 'Hud': # player = scene.objects['player'] # print( #mains = main_scene.objects['Empty'] #resx = mains["resx"] #resy = mains["resy"] #print("read res: ", resx, resy) # if not 'render_settings' in own: # print("disable mips") # render.setMipmapping(2) # actu = cont.actuators['myActuator'] # cont.deactivate(actu) for i in scenes: if == "main": main = i = [0, 0, 0, 0] = [0, 0, 0, 0] scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() black = scene.objects['black'] shuvit_logo = scene.objects['shuvit_logo'] black.playAction('black_fade', 0,100, layer=1, play_mode=0) shuvit_logo.playAction('logo_fade', 0,100, layer=4, play_mode=0) print('black on') dict = bge.logic.globalDict dict['overlay_fadein'] = 0 dict['overlay_fadeout'] = 0 dict['load_timer'] = 0 dict['reload_timer'] = 0 dict['menu_idle_timer'] = 0 if not any(logic.joysticks): print("joystick not connnected") dict['joy_con'] = 0 else: dict['joy_con'] = 1 dict['kb_a'] = 0 dict['kb_d'] = 0 dict['kb_w'] = 0 dict['kb_s'] = 0 dict['kb_q'] = 0 dict['kb_e'] = 0 dict['kb_z'] = 0 dict['kb_c'] = 0 dict['kb_en'] = 0 dict['kb_la'] = 0 dict['kb_ra'] = 0 dict['kb_ua'] = 0 dict['kb_da'] = 0 dict['kb_lsh'] = 0 dict['kb_space'] = 0 dict['aBut'] = 0.0 dict['bBut'] = 0.0 dict['xBut'] = 0.0 dict['yBut'] = 0.0 dict['lBump'] = 0.0 dict['rBump'] = 0.0 dict['bkBut'] = 0.0 dict['stBut'] = 0.0 dict['xbBut'] = 0.0 dict['ltsBut'] = 0.0 dict['rtsBut'] = 0.0 dict['ldPad'] = 0.0 dict['rdPad'] = 0.0 dict['udPad'] = 0.0 dict['ddPad'] = 0.0 dict['rUD'] = 0.0 dict['lUD'] = 0.0 dict['rLR'] = 0.0 dict['lLR'] = 0.0 dict['rmUD'] = 0.0 dict['lmUD'] = 0.0 dict['rmLR'] = 0.0 dict['lmLR'] = 0.0 dict['mTrig'] = 0.0 dict['lTrig'] = 0.0 dict['rTrig'] = 0.0 dict['last_ltsBut'] = 0.0 dict['last_rtsBut'] = 0.0 dict['last_ldPad'] = 0 #dict['shirt_color'] = [.5,1,1,1] dict['mu_last_track'] = '' dict['mu_artist'] = '' dict['mu_title'] = '' dict['joy_con'] = 1 dict['last_joy_con'] = 1 dict['last_driving'] = False dict['spawned_npc_decks'] = [] dict['spawned_npc_trucks'] = [] dict['spawned_npcs'] = [] main()