#shuvit.org #main control script #scale = .3 #action layers #0-14 rolling #grablay = 400 #fliplay = 500 #grindlay = 700 os = 'Windows' from sys import platform if platform != "win32": os = 'Linux' def onWindows(): return os == 'Windows' from mathutils import Vector import bge import GameLogic import ctypes import math #import bpy #build global dict (move this to separate script that runs once) scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() objList = scene.objects try: GameLogic.DictObjects init=1 except: init=0 if init: cont.GameLogic.getCurrentController() own = cont.getOwner() name = own.getName() if not GameLogic.DictObjects.has_key(name): GameLogic.DictObjects[name]=cont own.init=0 #reduction = 400000 #axisTh = 0.03 #initialize quadrant variables q1on = 0 q2on = 0 q3on = 0 q4on = 0 q5on = 0 q6on = 0 q7on = 0 q8on = 0 lq1on = 0 lq2on = 0 lq3on = 0 lq4on = 0 lq5on = 0 lq6on = 0 lq7on = 0 lq8on = 0 #number of frames / length of the location timers countdown = 20 cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController() obj = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects char = bge.constraints.getCharacter own = cont.owner dict = bge.logic.globalDict #Get the global dictionary #dict['trick_string'] = '' #last frame stuff lGRAB_ON = own["lGRAB_ON"] lastgrab = own["lastGrab"] lastpump = own["lastPump"] lf_ground = own["lF_ground"] lastopos = own["last_Opos"] lastnopos = own["last_nOpos"] LAST_STANCE = own["last_stance"] LAST_GROUND = own["last_ground"] lastStop = own["lastStop"] LAST_LEFT = own["LAST_LEFT"] last_trick_string = dict.get('last_trick_sting') lasta = own["lasta"] lastx = own["lastx"] lastaf = own["lastaf"] lastxf = own["lastxf"] lgf = own['last_grind_frame'] frame = own['framenum'] frames_since_grinding = frame - lgf own['last_footplant'] = own['footplant_on'] lastaBut_ground = own['lastaBut_ground'] lastxBut_ground = own['lastxBut_ground'] aBut_ground = own['aBut_ground'] xBut_ground = own['xBut_ground'] own['last_manual_v2'] = own['manual_v2'] #current frame stuff GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] pumpon = own["Pump"] vib_countdown = own["vib_Countdown"] grindold = own['grindOld'] #grindHit = own["LAST_GRIND"] LAST_GRIND = own["LAST_GRIND"] #grindTouch = cont.sensors['grindCol'] grindTouch = cont.sensors['grindCol_bottom'] touched = grindTouch.triggered leftgrabon = own["Leftgrabon"] rightgrabon = own["Rightgrabon"] linvel = own.getLinearVelocity zvel = own.worldLinearVelocity.z own["Zvel"] = zvel r_ground = cont.sensors["r_Ground"] trigger = r_ground.triggered STANCE = own["stance"] motion = cont.actuators['MotionPump'] linVelocity = own.getLinearVelocity(True) countdown = own['countdown'] jump_timer = own['jump_timer'] pos = own.localPosition rot = own.getAxisVect( [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) gray = cont.sensors["gRay"] #airconst = cont.actuators["airConst"] pop = cont.actuators["pop"] grindHit = own["grindHit"] grindCement = cont.actuators["grind_cement"] grindRail = cont.actuators["grind_rail"] grindSound = own["grindSound"] skater = scene.objects["Char4"] deck = scene.objects["deck"] trucks = scene.objects["trucks"] wheel1 = scene.objects["rollen.000"] wheel2 = scene.objects["rollen.001"] wheel3 = scene.objects["rollen.002"] wheel4 = scene.objects["rollen.003"] turnsens = .04 turnsens2 = .06 #air_turn_boost grindDar = own["grindDar_hit"] grindEmpty = scene.objects["grindEmpty"] grindDar2 = grindEmpty.sensors["grindDar2"] #invertCol = cont.sensors["invertCol"] cam = scene.objects["Camera.003"] freecam = scene.objects["freecam"] followcam = scene.objects["followcam"] coping_on = own["coping"] invert_on = own['invert_on'] grab_type = own['grab_type'] c_ground = cont.sensors['c_ground'] # control_bottom = scene.objects['control_bottom'] invertTouch = control_bottom.sensors['grindCol_bottom'] wallride = own["wallride"] wallride_col = cont.sensors['wallride'] wallrideL = cont.sensors['wallrideL'] wallrideR = cont.sensors['wallrideR'] wallrideconstL = cont.actuators['wallrideconstL'] wallrideconstR = cont.actuators['wallrideconstR'] if r_ground.triggered: own['wallride_off'] = 0 own['pop_sound'] = 0 own['land_sound'] = 0 #own['fall'] = 0 #joystick location timers q1oncd = own["Q1oncd"] q2oncd = own["Q2oncd"] q3oncd = own["Q3oncd"] q4oncd = own["Q4oncd"] q5oncd = own["Q5oncd"] q6oncd = own["Q6oncd"] q7oncd = own["Q7oncd"] q8oncd = own["Q8oncd"] q1oncdl = own["Q1oncdl"] q2oncdl = own["Q2oncdl"] q3oncdl = own["Q3oncdl"] q4oncdl = own["Q4oncdl"] q5oncdl = own["Q5oncdl"] q6oncdl = own["Q6oncdl"] q7oncdl = own["Q7oncdl"] q8oncdl = own["Q8oncdl"] #setable grablay = 600 #this plus 1 fliplay = 470 MAX_VEL = 6.7 SPEEDUP = .055 SPEEDPUMP = .12 #.09 SPEEDPUMPFAST = .14 #.13 PUMP_SPEED_SENS = .4 PUMP_SENS = .98 ACCEL = 10 CRUISE = 9 COUNTDOWN = 20 #pump and speed stuff JUMPHEIGHT = 800 #775#750 JUMPSTRENGTH = 0 own['flip_manual_stance'] = 0 #CAVEMAN_SPEED = .75 LAND_LAYER = 100 LAND_END = 20 #Sensor logic bricks connected to the python Controller #aXis = cont.sensors["sControla"] #bUtt = cont.sensors["sControlb"] #onW = onWindows() ## windows stuff #lar_lts = 0 #uad_lts = 1 #lar_rts = 2 if onW else 2 #uad_rts = 3 if onW else 3 #lt = 4 if onW else 4 #rt = 5 if onW else 5 # These are the numerical values associated with the buttons on the Xbox Controller # Called with - SensorName.getButtonStatus(buttonnumber) - # A joystick sensor logic brick (with the 'Button' Event Type; 'All Events' selected; and 'Tap' enabled) must be connected to the Python Controller logic brick to call these buttons #a_but = 0 if onW else 0 #b_but = 1 if onW else 1 #x_but = 2 if onW else 2 #y_but = 3 if onW else 3 #l_bump = 9 if onW else 9 #r_bump = 10 if onW else 10 #bk_but = 4 if onW else 4 #st_but = 6 if onW else 6 #xb_but = 5 if onW else 5 #lts_pr = 7 if onW else 7 #rts_pr = 8 if onW else 8 #l_dp = 13 if onW else 13 #r_dp = 14 if onW else 14 #u_dp = 11 if onW else 11 #d_dp = 12 if onW else 12 #lLR = aXis.axisValues[lar_lts] / reduction #lUD = aXis.axisValues[uad_lts] / reduction #rLR = aXis.axisValues[lar_rts] / reduction #rUD = aXis.axisValues[uad_rts] / reduction #lTrig = aXis.axisValues[lt] / reduction #rTrig = aXis.axisValues[rt] / reduction #aBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(a_but) #bBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(b_but) #xBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(x_but) #yBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(y_but) #lBump = bUtt.getButtonStatus(l_bump) #rBump = bUtt.getButtonStatus(r_bump) #bkBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(bk_but) #stBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(st_but) #xbBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(xb_but) #ltsBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(lts_pr) #rtsBut = bUtt.getButtonStatus(rts_pr) #ldPad = bUtt.getButtonStatus(l_dp) #rdPad = bUtt.getButtonStatus(r_dp) #udPad = bUtt.getButtonStatus(u_dp) #ddPad = bUtt.getButtonStatus(d_dp) lLR = dict['lLR'] lUD = dict['lUD'] rLR = dict['rLR'] rUD = dict['rUD'] lTrig = dict['lTrig'] rTrig = dict['rTrig'] aBut = dict['aBut'] bBut = dict['bBut'] xBut = dict['xBut'] yBut = dict['yBut'] lBump = dict['lBump'] rBump = dict['rBump'] bkBut = dict['bkBut'] stBut = dict['stBut'] xbBut = dict['xbBut'] ltsBut = dict['ltsBut'] rtsBut = dict['rtsBut'] ldPad = dict['ldPad'] rdPad = dict['rdPad'] udPad = dict['udPad'] ddPad = dict['ddPad'] ## -End- ## #list = bUtt.getButtonActiveList() #print(list) #no input #def cutOff(): # # if (abs(lLR) < axisTh # and abs(lUD) < axisTh # and abs(rLR) < axisTh # and abs(rUD) < axisTh # and aBut == False): # # return True #fliptricks after manuals if (frame - own['last_manual_frame']) < 25: flip_start_lay = 8 flipspeed = .4 own['flipspeed'] = .4 own['flip_start_lay'] = 8 #print("chopping flip start") else: flip_start_lay = 1 own['flip_start_lay'] = 1 flipspeed = .6 own['flipspeed'] = .6 def printplaying(): splaying_layers = "S: " playing_layers = "D: " tplaying_layers = "T: " for x in range(9900): if skater.isPlayingAction(x): #if trucks.isPlayingAction(x): #if skater.isPlayingAction(x): splaying_layers += str(x) splaying_layers += " " if deck.isPlayingAction(x): #if trucks.isPlayingAction(x): #if skater.isPlayingAction(x): playing_layers += str(x) playing_layers += " " if trucks.isPlayingAction(x): #if trucks.isPlayingAction(x): #if skater.isPlayingAction(x): tplaying_layers += str(x) tplaying_layers += " " print(splaying_layers, playing_layers, tplaying_layers) if aBut == True and lasta == False and r_ground.triggered: aBut_ground = True own['aBut_ground'] = True #else: if aBut == False: aBut_ground = False own['aBut_ground'] = False if xBut == True and lastx == False and r_ground.triggered: xBut_ground = True own['xBut_ground'] = True #else: if xBut == False: xBut_ground = False own['xBut_ground'] = False def killact(layer): if skater.isPlayingAction(layer): skater.stopAction(layer) if deck.isPlayingAction(layer): deck.stopAction(layer) if trucks.isPlayingAction(layer): trucks.stopAction(layer) def killall(): for x in range(9000): skater.stopAction(x) deck.stopAction(x) trucks.stopAction(x) def grind_stance(): #own["last_grind_stance"] = own["grind_stance"] # if grindHit == 1 and LAST_GRIND == 1 and (own['grindCountdown'] < 15 or own['grindCountdown'] >19): # own["last_grind_stance"] = own["grind_stance"] #own["grind_stance"] = STANCE pass grind_stance() def reset_rtimers(): own["Q1oncd"] = 0 own["Q2oncd"] = 0 own["Q3oncd"] = 0 own["Q4oncd"] = 0 own["Q5oncd"] = 0 own["Q6oncd"] = 0 own["Q7oncd"] = 0 own["Q8oncd"] = 0 q1oncd = 0 q2oncd = 0 q3oncd = 0 q4oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 q6oncd = 0 q7oncd = 0 q8oncd = 0 def check_fall(): playing_frame = 20 if skater.isPlayingAction(fliplay): playing_frame = skater.getActionFrame(fliplay) if r_ground.triggered == True and skater.isPlayingAction(fliplay) and own['jump_timer'] < 40 and playing_frame < 14 and playing_frame > 3: own['fall'] = 1 print("fall: ", playing_frame, own['jump_timer']) check_fall() def check_landing(): lf_ground = own["lF_ground"] #zvel = own.getLinearVelocity #print(zvel) STANCE = own["stance"] #if lf_ground == False and r_ground.triggered == True and grindDar == 0: playing_action_frame = skater.getActionFrame(LAND_LAYER) #if playing_action_frame < (LAND_END): #own["lastPump"] = False #own["Pump"] = False if lf_ground == False and r_ground.triggered == True: own['jump_from_trans'] = 0 nearestObject = None minDist = None detectedObjects = grindDar2.hitObjectList if grindDar == 0: #print("you are not grinding", grindHit) lastheight = own["air_height"] pos = own.worldPosition.z dist = lastheight - pos dist = dist * 2 if dist > 1: dist = 1 own.actuators["land"].volume = dist sact = own.actuators["land"] sact.stopSound() cont.activate(own.actuators["land"]) own['land_sound'] = 1 if grindDar == 1: pass own["vib_Countdown"] = 14 cont.activate(own.actuators["Vibration"]) if own['manual_v2'] == 0 and grindDar == 0: if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_land' elif STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_land' killact(2) killact(3) killact(4) killact(5) lf_ground = r_ground.triggered own["lF_ground"] = lf_ground vib_countdown = own["vib_Countdown"] if vib_countdown > 0: vib_countdown = vib_countdown - 1 own["vib_Countdown"] = vib_countdown if vib_countdown == 1: stopAnims() stance() #air anim if r_ground.triggered == False: if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_air' if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_air' else: if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_roll' if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_roll' #check manual_v2 if (rUD > .04 and rUD < .07) or (rUD < -.04 and rUD > -.07): #if (rUD > .04 and rUD < .07): #print("zoned") timer = own['manual_v2_timer'] timer = timer + 1 if timer > 20: own['manual_v2'] = 1 own['manual_v2_timer'] = timer if rUD < .04 and rUD > -.04: own['manual_v2_timer'] = 0 own['manual_v2'] = 0 own['manual_v2_type'] = None if own['manual_v2'] == 1: if own['last_manual_v2'] == 0: if STANCE == 0: if rUD > .04 and rUD < .07: #print("reg manual") own['manual_v2_type'] = 'reg manual' own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual' if rUD < -.04 and rUD > -.07: #print("reg nose manual") own['manual_v2_type'] = 'reg nose manual' own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nose_manual' if STANCE == 1: if rUD > .04 and rUD < .07: #print("fak manual") own['manual_v2_type'] = 'fak manual' own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual' if rUD < -.04 and rUD > -.07: #print("fak nose manual") own['manual_v2_type'] = 'fak nose manual' own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nose_manual' else: #print("flip stance") if STANCE == 0: if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak manual': own['manual_v2_type'] = 'reg nose manual' if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak nose manual': own['manual_v2_type'] = 'reg manual' if STANCE == 1: if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg manual': own['manual_v2_type'] = 'fak nose manual' if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg nose manual': own['manual_v2_type'] = 'fak manual' #check manual #### #reg if rUD > .04 and rUD < .07 and STANCE == 0 and rLR < .035 and rLR > -.035: timer = own["reg_manual_timer"] timer = timer + 1 own["reg_manual_timer"] = timer if timer > 20 and rUD < .04: own["reg_manual"] = 0 #print("reg_man off") if rUD <= .04 and (STANCE == 1 or STANCE == 0) and rUD >= -.04: own["reg_manual_timer"] = 0 own["reg_manual"] = 0 #print("reg_man off2") ##### if own["reg_manual_timer"] > 10 and own["fak_manual"] == 0 and own['reg_nmanual'] == 0: own["reg_manual"] = 1 ###### if own["reg_manual_timer"] == 0: own["reg_manual"] = 0 if own['last_reg_manual'] == 1 and own['reg_manual'] == 0: #killall() pass #### #fak if rUD > .04 and rUD < .07 and STANCE == 1 and rLR < .035 and rLR > -.035: timer = own["fak_manual_timer"] timer = timer + 1 own["fak_manual_timer"] = timer if timer > 20: own["fak_manual"] = 0 if rUD <= .04 and (STANCE == 1 or STANCE == 0) and rUD >= -.04: own["fak_manual_timer"] = 0 own["fak_manual"] = 0 if own["fak_manual_timer"] > 10 and own["reg_manual"] == 0: own["fak_manual"] = 1 if own["fak_manual_timer"] == 0: own["fak_manual"] = 0 if own['last_fak_manual'] == 1 and own['fak_manual'] == 0: #killall() pass #print(own["reg_manual"], own["fak_manual"]) ##### #reg nmanual if rUD < -.04 and rUD > -.07 and STANCE == 0 and rLR < .035 and rLR > -.035: timer = own["reg_nmanual_timer"] timer = timer + 1 own["reg_nmanual_timer"] = timer if timer > 20: own["reg_nmanual"] = 0 if rUD >= -.04 and (STANCE == 1 or STANCE == 0) and rUD <= .04: own["reg_nmanual_timer"] = 0 own["reg_nmanual"] = 0 if own["reg_nmanual_timer"] > 10 and own["fak_nmanual"] == 0 and own['reg_manual'] == 0 and own['fak_manual'] == 0: if own['last_fak_manual'] == False and own['last_reg_manual'] == False and own['last_fak_manual'] == False: own["reg_nmanual"] = 1 #print("baaad", own['reg_manual'], own['last_reg_manual']) if own["reg_nmanual_timer"] == 0: own["reg_nmanual"] = 0 if own['last_reg_nmanual'] == 1 and own['reg_nmanual'] == 0: pass #killall() ##### #fak nmanual #print (rUD) if rUD < -.04 and rUD > -.07 and STANCE == 1 and rLR < .035 and rLR > -.035: timer = own["fak_nmanual_timer"] timer = timer + 1 own["fak_nmanual_timer"] = timer if timer > 20: own["fak_nmanual"] = 0 if rUD >= -.04 and (STANCE == 1 or STANCE == 0) and rUD <= .04: own["fak_nmanual_timer"] = 0 own["fak_nmanual"] = 0 #print('@@@@@@@@@fak_man_off_1') if own["fak_nmanual_timer"] > 10 and own["reg_nmanual"] == 0 and own['fak_manual'] == 0 and own ['reg_manual'] == 0: own["fak_nmanual"] = 1 if own["fak_nmanual_timer"] == 0 and own['reg_manual'] == 0: #if own['flip_manual_stance'] == 0: own["fak_nmanual"] = 0 if own['last_fak_nmanual'] == 1 and own['fak_nmanual'] == 0: #killall() pass #print("rm ", own["reg_manual"], "rnm ", own["reg_nmanual"], "fm ", own["fak_manual"], "fnm ", own["fak_nmanual"]) def reg_stance_left_off(): LAST_LEFT = own["LAST_LEFT"] own["LAST_LEFT"] = 0 def reg_stance_right_off(): LAST_RIGHT = own["LAST_RIGHT"] own["LAST_RIGHT"] = 0 def reg_stance_on(): #revert_timer playing = deck.isPlayingAction(40) if own["revert_timer"] < 1 and own['manual_v2'] == 0 and playing == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_roll' def reg_stance_off(): killact(2) def reg_manual_on(): own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual' if own["reg_manual_timer"] == 41: killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) def reg_manual_off(): killact(222) killact(223) killact(224) killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) killact(10) killact(32) killact(11) killact(34) def fak_manual_on(): #killall() own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual' if own["fak_manual_timer"] == 41: killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) def fak_manual_off(): killact(222) killact(223) killact(224) killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) killact(10) killact(32) killact(11) killact(34) ####### ####### ####### ####### def reg_nmanual_on(): own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nmanual' if own["reg_nmanual_timer"] == 41: killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) def reg_nmanual_off(): killact(222) killact(223) killact(224) killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) killact(10) killact(32) killact(11) killact(34) def fak_nmanual_on(): own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nmanual' if own["fak_nmanual_timer"] == 41: killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) def fak_nmanual_off(): killact(222) killact(223) killact(224) killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) killact(10) killact(32) killact(11) killact(34) ########### def reg_stanceinc_on(): skater.playAction("nreg", 1,60, layer=3, blendin=2, layer_weight=0, play_mode=1, speed=.5) deck.playAction("a_reg", 1,40, layer=3, blendin=0, blend_mode=0, play_mode=1, speed=.5) trucks.playAction("a_reg", 1,40, layer=3, blendin=2, layer_weight=0, play_mode=1, speed=.5) def reg_stanceinc_off(): killact(3) def reg_stance_left_on(): if own['manual_v2'] == 0 and own["revert_timer"] < 1 and own['gt_cd2'] < 1: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_turnLeft' LAST_LEFT = own["LAST_LEFT"] playing_action_frame = skater.getActionFrame(LAND_LAYER) if LAST_LEFT == 0 or (playing_action_frame > (LAND_END - 2) and playing_action_frame < (LAND_END - 1)): LAST_LEFT = 1 own["LAST_LEFT"] = 1 def reg_stance_right_on(): if own['manual_v2'] == 0 and own["revert_timer"] < 1 and own['gt_cd2'] < 1: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_turnRight' LAST_RIGHT = own["LAST_RIGHT"] playing_action_frame = skater.getActionFrame(LAND_LAYER) if LAST_RIGHT == 0 or (playing_action_frame > (LAND_END - 2) and playing_action_frame < (LAND_END - 1)): LAST_RIGHT = 1 own["LAST_RIGHT"] = 1 def fak_stance_on(): playing = deck.isPlayingAction(40) if own['manual_v2'] == 0 and own["revert_timer"] < 1 and playing == 0 and own['gt_cd2'] < 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_roll' def fak_stance_off(): killact(3) def fak_stance_left_on(): if own['manual_v2'] == 0 and own["revert_timer"] < 1 and own['gt_cd2'] < 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_turnLeft' LAST_LEFT_FAK = own["LAST_LEFT_FAK"] playing_action_frame = skater.getActionFrame(LAND_LAYER) if LAST_LEFT_FAK == 0 or (playing_action_frame > (LAND_END - 2) and playing_action_frame < (LAND_END - 1)): LAST_LEFT_FAK = 1 own["LAST_LEFT_FAK"] = 1 def fak_stance_left_off(): killact(12) killact(36) LAST_LEFT_FAK = own["LAST_LEFT_FAK"] own["LAST_LEFT_FAK"] = 0 def fak_stance_right_on(): if own['manual_v2'] == 0 and own["revert_timer"] < 1 and own['gt_cd2'] < 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_turnRight' LAST_RIGHT_FAK = own["LAST_RIGHT_FAK"] own["LAST_RIGHT_FAK"] = 1 def fak_stance_right_off(): killact(13) killact(37) LAST_RIGHT_FAK = own["LAST_RIGHT_FAK"] own["LAST_RIGHT_FAK"] = 0 def reg_air_on(): playing = deck.isPlayingAction(fliplay) if playing == False: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_air' def reg_air_off(): killact(4) def fak_air_on(): flipping = skater.isPlayingAction(fliplay) if flipping == False: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_air' def fak_air_off(): killact(5) #$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ def stance(): # turnsens = .04 # turnblend = 10 rotation = .96 turnsens = 0.06 if rot.z < .9: inc = 1 else: inc = 0 flipping = skater.isPlayingAction(500) #print(flipping) #ground if r_ground.triggered == True and grindHit == False and flipping == False and own["wallride"] == None and own['revert_timer'] < 2: if STANCE == 0: reg_manual = own['reg_manual'] fak_manual = own["fak_manual"] reg_nmanual = own['reg_nmanual'] fak_nmanual = own["fak_nmanual"] if LAST_STANCE != STANCE or LAST_GROUND != r_ground.triggered: fak_stance_off() reg_air_off() fak_air_off() if reg_manual == 0 and fak_manual == 0: last_manual = own['last_reg_manual'] if last_manual == 1: reg_manual_off() fak_manual_off() reg_stance_on() if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg manual': reg_manual_on() elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg nose manual': reg_nmanual_on() elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak manual': fak_manual_on() elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak nose manual': fak_nmanual_on() if STANCE == 1: reg_manual = own['reg_manual'] fak_manual = own["fak_manual"] reg_nmanual = own['reg_nmanual'] fak_nmanual = own["fak_nmanual"] if LAST_STANCE != STANCE or LAST_GROUND != r_ground.triggered: reg_stance_off() reg_air_off() fak_air_off if fak_manual == 0: last_manual = own['last_fak_manual'] if last_manual == 1: fak_manual_off() reg_manual_off() fak_stance_on() if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak manual': fak_manual_on() elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak nose manual': fak_nmanual_on() elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg manual': reg_manual_on() elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg nose manual': reg_nmanual_on() if own["Pump"] == False: if lLR < -turnsens and STANCE == 0: reg_stance_left_on() if lLR > -turnsens or LAST_GRIND != grindHit: reg_stance_left_off() if lLR > turnsens and STANCE == 0: reg_stance_right_on() if lLR < turnsens or LAST_GRIND != grindHit: reg_stance_right_off() if lLR < -turnsens and STANCE == 1: fak_stance_left_on() if lLR > -turnsens or LAST_GRIND != grindHit: fak_stance_left_off() if lLR > turnsens and STANCE == 1: fak_stance_right_on() if lLR < turnsens or LAST_GRIND != grindHit: fak_stance_right_off() #air playing = deck.isPlayingAction(fliplay) if r_ground.triggered == False and playing == False and flipping == False: if STANCE == 0: if LAST_STANCE != STANCE or LAST_GROUND != r_ground.triggered: fak_air_off() reg_stance_off() fak_stance_off() reg_stance_left_off() reg_stance_right_off() fak_stance_left_off() fak_stance_right_off() reg_air_on() if STANCE == 1: if LAST_STANCE != STANCE or LAST_GROUND != r_ground.triggered: reg_air_off() reg_stance_off() fak_stance_off() reg_stance_left_off() reg_stance_right_off() fak_stance_left_off() fak_stance_right_off() fak_air_on() if grindHit == True: reg_stance_off() fak_stance_off() ################### #trick definitions# ################### def jump(): #print("jump funct") jump_timer = own['jump_timer'] reg_manual_off() fak_manual_off() reg_nmanual_off() fak_nmanual_off() cont.deactivate(wallrideconstL) cont.deactivate(wallrideconstR) if JUMPSTRENGTH != 0: height = JUMPSTRENGTH * JUMPHEIGHT else: height = JUMPHEIGHT #if jump_timer == 0: if jump_timer < 50: jump_timer = 60 own['jump_timer'] = jump_timer if zvel < 7 and jump_timer == 60: cont.activate(own.actuators["pop"]) own['pop_sound'] = 1 print("jump") # posx = own.worldPosition[0] posy = own.worldPosition[1] posz = own.worldPosition[2] jumppos = Vector((posx, posy, posz)) own['jumpPos'] = jumppos force = [ 0.0, 0.0, height] # use local axis local = False # apply force try: if 'trans' in r_ground.hitObject: print('jump from trans') own['jump_from_trans'] = 1 own['trans_jump_obj'] = r_ground.hitObject except: print('trans jump broke') if grindHit == False: own.applyForce(force, local) force2 = [0.0, 0, 150] own.applyForce(force2, True) #print("apply jump force1") if grindHit == True: linvelloc = own.getLinearVelocity(True) own.applyForce(force, True) force2 = [0.0, 0, 150] own.applyForce(force2, True) linvelloc2 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) force = (linvelloc.x, linvelloc.y, linvelloc2.z) own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) #print("apply jump force2 grindHit") own['jump_stance'] = STANCE if STANCE == True: own["jump_stance"] = 1 if STANCE == False: own["jump_stance"] = 0 own["jump_stance"] = own["stance"] if grindHit == True: own['grind_jump'] = 1 if lLR > turnsens or lLR < -turnsens or lUD > turnsens or lUD < -turnsens: own['grindjumpturn'] = True #print("turn on grindjumpturn") num = 1 if num ==1: rString = "R" lString = "L" cont.deactivate(wallrideconstL) cont.deactivate(wallrideconstR) #print("deactivating constraints") if own["wallride"] == "R": force = [0,170,0] own.applyForce(force, True) print("****walljumpforce R") cont.activate(own.actuators["pop2"]) jump_timer = 60 own['jump_timer'] = jump_timer if own["wallride"] == "L": force = [0,-170,0] #325 own.applyForce(force, True) print("****walljumpforce L") cont.activate(own.actuators["pop2"]) jump_timer = 60 own['jump_timer'] = jump_timer own["Q1oncd"] = 0 own["Q2oncd"] = 0 own["Q3oncd"] = 0 own["Q4oncd"] = 0 own["Q5oncd"] = 0 own["Q6oncd"] = 0 own["Q7oncd"] = 0 own["Q8oncd"] = 0 if own['jump_timer'] == 60: own['jump_timer'] = 59 def jump_Timer(): jump_timer = own['jump_timer'] if jump_timer > 0: jump_timer = jump_timer - 1 own['jump_timer'] = jump_timer if own['grindjumpturn'] == True: jump_timer = 30 own['jump_timer'] = jump_timer def pump(): velocity = own['velocity'] #regular local = True downforce = -.1 if linVelocity.x < MAX_VEL and linVelocity.x >= -0 and STANCE == 1 and grindHit == False: countdown = COUNTDOWN yvel = linVelocity.x + SPEEDPUMP yvel2 = linVelocity.x + SPEEDPUMPFAST own['countdown'] = countdown force = [(yvel), 0, linVelocity.z + downforce] force2 = [(yvel2), 0, linVelocity.z + downforce] if rot.z < PUMP_SENS and rot.z > PUMP_SPEED_SENS: own.setLinearVelocity(force, local) if rot.z < PUMP_SENS and rot.z <= PUMP_SPEED_SENS: own.setLinearVelocity(force2, local) own['requestAction'] = 'fak_pump' #switch if linVelocity.x > -MAX_VEL and linVelocity.x <= 0 and STANCE == 0 and grindHit == False: countdown = COUNTDOWN yvel = linVelocity.x - SPEEDPUMP yvel2 = linVelocity.x - SPEEDPUMPFAST own['countdown'] = countdown force = [(yvel), 0, linVelocity.z + downforce] force2 = [(yvel2), 0, linVelocity.z + downforce] if rot.z < PUMP_SENS and rot.z > PUMP_SPEED_SENS: own.setLinearVelocity(force, local) if rot.z < PUMP_SENS and rot.z <= PUMP_SPEED_SENS: own.setLinearVelocity(force2, local) own['requestAction'] = 'reg_pump' own["Pump"] = True own["lastPump"] = True def roll(): if r_ground.triggered == 1: pass def stop(): if linVelocity.x < .05 and linVelocity.x > -.05: can_stop = 0 own["lastStop"] = True else: can_stop = 1 if r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False and can_stop == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_stop' yvel = linVelocity.x * .985 force = [(yvel), 0, linVelocity.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) elif r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True and can_stop == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_stop' yvel = linVelocity.x * .985 force = [(yvel), 0, linVelocity.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) if linVelocity.x < .05 and linVelocity.x > -.05 and own["lastStop"] == True: own["lastStop"] == False def oposin(): if skater.isPlayingAction(30) or skater.isPlayingAction(31): landing = 1 else: landing = 0 if (r_ground.triggered == 1) and STANCE == False and landing == 0 and own['manual'] == 0: if grindold == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_opos' elif (r_ground.triggered == 1) and STANCE == True and own['manual'] == 0: if grindold == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_opos' else: killact(65) killact(66) killact(67) killact(68) own["last_Opos"] = True def noposin(): if skater.isPlayingAction(30) or skater.isPlayingAction(31): landing = 1 else: landing = 0 if (r_ground.triggered == 1) and STANCE == False and landing == 0 and own['manual'] == 0: if grindold == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nopos' elif (r_ground.triggered == 1) and STANCE == True and own['manual'] == 0: if grindold == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nopos' else: killact(71) killact(72) killact(73) killact(74) own["last_nOpos"] = True def aollie(): print("ollie") dict['trick_string'] = 'Ollie' r_ground = cont.sensors["r_Ground"] trigger = r_ground.triggered STANCE = own["stance"] wallride = own["wallride"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_ollie' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_ollie' jump() def nollie(): print("nollie") dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie' r_ground = cont.sensors["r_Ground"] trigger = r_ground.triggered STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie' own["wallride_off"] = 1 jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie' jump() def kickflip(): print("kickflip") dict['trick_string'] = 'Kickflip' STANCE = own["stance"] print(flip_start_lay) if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_kickflip' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_kickflip' jump() if own["wallride"] !=1: jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_kickflip' if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_kickflip' if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def varial_kickflip(): print("varial kickflip") dict['trick_string'] = 'Varial Kickflip' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_varial_kickflip' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_varial_kickflip' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def nollie_varial_kickflip(): print("nollie varial kickflip") dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Varial Kickflip' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie_varial_kickflip' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie_varial_kickflip' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def nollie_varial_heelflip(): print("nollie varial heelflip") dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Varial Heelflip' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie_varial_heelflip' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie_varial_heelflip' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def varial_heelflip(): print("varial heelflip") dict['trick_string'] = 'Varial Heelflip' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_varial_heelflip' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_varial_heelflip' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def nollie_kickflip(): print("kickflip") STANCE = own["stance"] dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Kickflip' if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie_kickflip' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie_kickflip' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: print("wall out trick") #jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: print("wall out trick") #jump() def heelflip(): print("heelflip") dict['trick_string'] = 'Heelflip' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_heelflip' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_heelflip' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: print("wall out trick") #jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: print("wall out trick") #jump() def nollie_heelflip(): print("heelflip") dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Heelflip' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie_heelflip' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or (grindHit == True and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie_heelflip' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def shovit(): print("shovit") dict['trick_string'] = 'Shovit' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_shovit' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_shovit' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def shovit360(): print("360shovit") dict['trick_string'] = '360 Shovit' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_shovit360' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_shovit360' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def fsshovit360(): print("360shovit") dict['trick_string'] = '360 Shovit' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_fsshovit360' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_fsshovit360' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def nollie_shovit(): print("shovit") dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Shovit' STANCE = own["stance"] if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie_shovit' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie_shovit' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def fsshovit(): dict['trick_string'] = 'Frontside Shovit' if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_fsshovit' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_fsshovit' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def nollie_fsshovit(): dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Frontside Shovit' if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie_fsshovit' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or (grindHit == True and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie_fsshovit' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() #nollie_shovit360() def nollie_shovit360(): dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Frontside Shovit 360' if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie_shovit360' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or (grindHit == True and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie_shovit360' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() #nollie_fsshovit360() def nollie_fsshovit360(): dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Frontside Shovit' if (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == False) or ((grindHit == True or wallride != None) and STANCE == False): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nollie_fsshovit' jump() elif (r_ground.triggered == 1 and STANCE == True) or (grindHit == True and STANCE == True): own["wallride_off"] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nollie_fsshovit' jump() if r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == False: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() elif r_ground.triggered == 0 and STANCE == True: own["wallride_off"] = 1 if own["wallride"] != None: jump() def frontside_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] dict['trick_string'] = 'Mute Grab' if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'frontside_grab' #skater.playAction("reg_fg", 10,30, layer=400, priority=5, play_mode=1, speed=.5) grablay2 = grablay + 1 GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(400) killact(401) def backside_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and r_ground.triggered == 0 and aBut == True: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_fp_rback' #skater.playAction("reg_fp_rback", 10,10, layer=2925, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #deck.playAction("a_reg_fp_rback", 10,10, layer=2925, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_fp_rback", 10,10, layer=2925, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) elif GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'backside_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(402) def fakfrontside_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and r_ground.triggered == 0 and aBut == True: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_fp_rback' #skater.playAction("fak_fp_rback", 10,10, layer=2925, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #deck.playAction("a_fak_fp_rback", 10,10, layer=2925, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_fp_rback", 10,10, layer=2925, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_frontside_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(403) def fakbackside_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_backside_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(404) #nose/tail grabs def frontside_nose_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'frontside_nose_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(400) print("frontside nosegrab on") def frontside_tail_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'frontside_tail_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(400) print("frontside tailgrab on") def backside_nose_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] #airwalk if GRAB_ON == True and r_ground.triggered == 0 and (aBut == True): print("airwalk") skater.playAction("reg_airwalk", 10,30, layer=405, priority=5, blendin=5, play_mode=1, speed=.5) deck.playAction("a_reg_airwalk", 10,30, layer=405, priority=5, blendin=5, play_mode=1, speed=.5) trucks.playAction("a_reg_airwalk", 10,30, layer=405, priority=5, blendin=5, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #norm elif GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'backside_nose_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(405) print("backside nosegrab on") def backside_tail_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'backside_tail_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(411) print("backside tailgrab on") #switch def fak_frontside_nose_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_frontside_nose_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(406) print("fak frontside nosegrab on") def fak_frontside_tail_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_frontside_tail_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(412) print("fak frontside tailgrab on") def fak_backside_nose_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_backside_nose_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(408) print("fak backside nosegrab on") def fak_backside_tail_grab_on(): GRAB_PLAYED = own["GRAB_PLAYED"] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] if GRAB_ON == True and GRAB_PLAYED == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: #cont.activate(fak_backsidegrab) own['requestAction'] = 'fak_backside_tail_grab' GRAB_PLAYED = True own["GRAB_PLAYED)"] = GRAB_PLAYED elif r_ground.triggered == 1: killact(410) print("fak backside tailgrab on") #-------------------- def SWAG(): if r_ground.triggered == 1: SWAG = own["swag"] SWAG = own.getLinearVelocity(True) SWAG = SWAG[1] own["swag"] = SWAG #print(SWAG) if STANCE == True: if SWAG > 1 and SWAG < 2: rotation = [ 0.0, 0, (SWAG / 200)] own.applyRotation( rotation, True) elif SWAG > 2: rotation = [ 0.0, 0, (SWAG / 50)] own.applyRotation( rotation, True) elif SWAG < -1 and SWAG > -2: rotation = [ 0.0, 0, (SWAG / 200)] own.applyRotation( rotation, True) elif SWAG < -2: rotation = [ 0.0, 0, (SWAG / 50)] own.applyRotation( rotation, True) if STANCE == False: if SWAG > 1 and SWAG < 2: rotation = [ 0.0, 0, (-SWAG / 200)] own.applyRotation( rotation, True) elif SWAG > 2: rotation = [ 0.0, 0, (-SWAG / 50)] own.applyRotation( rotation, True) elif SWAG < -1 and SWAG > -2: rotation = [ 0.0, 0, (-SWAG / 200)] own.applyRotation( rotation, True) elif SWAG < -2: rotation = [ 0.0, 0, (-SWAG / 50)] own.applyRotation( rotation, True) def air(): if r_ground.triggered == False and own['airup'] == 0: distance = own.getDistanceTo(gray.hitPosition) since_grind_buf = 3 if gray.hitObject != None and grindDar2.triggered == False and (frame - lgf) > since_grind_buf: if distance < .5: own.alignAxisToVect(gray.hitNormal, 2, .1) elif distance >= .5 and distance < 1.75: own.alignAxisToVect(gray.hitNormal, 2, .05) elif distance >= 1.75: own.alignAxisToVect([0.0,0.0,1.0], 2, .03) if grindDar2.triggered and (frame - lgf) > since_grind_buf: if distance < .5: own.alignAxisToVect(gray.hitNormal, 2, .1) elif distance >= .5 and distance < 1.75: own.alignAxisToVect(gray.hitNormal, 2, .03) elif distance >= 1.75: own.alignAxisToVect([0.0,0.0,1.0], 2, .03) elif r_ground.triggered == True: pass def stopAnims(): pass def isplaying(): # for x in range(9000): # l1 = deck.isPlayingAction(x) # if l1 == True: # print(x) pass def nextframe(): framenumber = own["framenum"] framenumber = framenumber + 1 if framenumber == 900000: framenumber = 0 own["framenum"] = framenumber #print(framenumber) def push(): local = True #print("push") linVelocity15 = own.linearVelocity if linVelocity15.x < MAX_VEL and linVelocity15.x >= -0 and r_ground.triggered == True and own['hippy'] == 0 and own['last_hippy'] == 0 and own['last_footplant'] == False: countdown = COUNTDOWN yvel = linVelocity15.x + SPEEDUP own['countdown'] = countdown force = [(yvel), 0, linVelocity15.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, local) own['requestAction'] = 'fak_push_goof' #switch if linVelocity15.x > -MAX_VEL and linVelocity15.x < 0 and r_ground.triggered == True and own['hippy'] == 0 and own['last_hippy'] == 0: countdown = COUNTDOWN yvel = linVelocity15.x - SPEEDUP own['countdown'] = countdown force = [(yvel), 0, linVelocity15.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, local) own['requestAction'] = 'reg_push' def push_goof(): linVelocity15 = own.linearVelocity local = True #print("push goof") if linVelocity15.x < MAX_VEL and linVelocity15.x >= -0 and r_ground.triggered == True and own['hippy'] == 0 and own['last_hippy'] == 0: countdown = COUNTDOWN yvel = linVelocity15.x + SPEEDUP own['countdown'] = countdown force = [(yvel), 0, linVelocity15.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, local) own['requestAction'] = 'fak_push' #switch if linVelocity15.x > -MAX_VEL and linVelocity15.x < 0 and r_ground.triggered == True and own['hippy'] == 0 and own['last_hippy'] == 0: countdown = COUNTDOWN yvel = linVelocity15.x - SPEEDUP own['countdown'] = countdown force = [(yvel), 0, linVelocity15.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, local) own['requestAction'] = 'reg_push_goof' def brfoot(): lay = grablay + 40 if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_brfoot' # skater.playAction("brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # deck.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # trucks.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_brfoot' # skater.playAction("fak_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # deck.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # trucks.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) jump() def frfoot(): lay = grablay + 40 killact(5) if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_frfoot' # skater.playAction("frfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # deck.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # trucks.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_frfoot' # skater.playAction("fakbfrfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # deck.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # trucks.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) jump() def blfoot(): lay = grablay + 40 killact(5) if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_blfoot' # skater.playAction("blfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # deck.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # trucks.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_blfoot' # skater.playAction("fakfrfoot.001", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # deck.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # trucks.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) jump() def flfoot(): lay = grablay + 40 killact(5) if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_flfoot' # skater.playAction("flfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # deck.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # trucks.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_flfoot' # own['reuqestAction'] = 'fak_flfoot' # skater.playAction("fak_flfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # deck.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) # trucks.playAction("a_brfoot", 1, 30, layer=lay, blendin=2, play_mode=0, speed=CAVEMAN_SPEED) jump() def rollsound(): #onground if r_ground.triggered == 1 and grindDar == 0 and own['invert_on'] == 0: num1 = .05 num2 = .25 if linVelocity.x <= -num1 and linVelocity.x >= num1: own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .0001 cont.deactivate(own.actuators["sroll"]) own.actuators["sroll"].stopSound() if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .02 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = .65 num1 = .25 num2 = .5 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .03 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = .7 num1 = .5 num2 = .75 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .04 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = .75 num1 = .75 num2 = 1 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .05 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = .8 num1 = 1 num2 = 1.5 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .06 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = .85 num1 = 1.5 num2 = 2 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .07 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = .9 num1 = 2 num2 = 3 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .08 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = .95 num1 = 3 num2 = 4 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .09 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = 1 num1 = 4 num2 = 5 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .11 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = 1.05 num1 = 5 num2 = 6 if (linVelocity.x > num1 and linVelocity.x < num2) or (linVelocity.x < -num1 and linVelocity.x > -num2): own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .1 own.actuators["sroll"].pitch = 1.1 own.actuators['sroll'].mode = 2 cont.activate(own.actuators["sroll"]) if grindDar == 1 or own['invert_on'] == 1: own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .0001 cont.deactivate(own.actuators["sroll"]) own.actuators["sroll"].stopSound() #in air if r_ground.triggered == False: own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .0001 cont.deactivate(own.actuators["sroll"]) own.actuators["sroll"].stopSound() act = cont.actuators["sroll"] own['sroll_vol'] = act.volume own['sroll_pitch'] = act.pitch def wheelroll(): #still if linVelocity.x <= -0.05 and linVelocity.x >= 0.05: wheel1.stopAction(2) wheel2.stopAction(2) wheel3.stopAction(2) wheel4.stopAction(2) #regular if linVelocity.x > 0.05 and linVelocity.x < .5: wheel2.playAction("roll1.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.25) wheel3.playAction("roll2.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.25) wheel4.playAction("roll3.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.25) wheel1.playAction("roll4.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.25) if linVelocity.x > 0.5 and linVelocity.x < 1: wheel2.playAction("roll1.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1) wheel3.playAction("roll2.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1) wheel4.playAction("roll3.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1) wheel1.playAction("roll4.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1) if linVelocity.x > 1 and linVelocity.x < 4: wheel2.playAction("roll1.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1.5) wheel3.playAction("roll2.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1.5) wheel4.playAction("roll3.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1.5) wheel1.playAction("roll4.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1.5) if linVelocity.x > 4: wheel2.playAction("roll1.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=2) wheel3.playAction("roll2.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=2) wheel4.playAction("roll3.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=2) wheel1.playAction("roll4.001", 1,20, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=2) #switch if linVelocity.x < -0.05 and linVelocity.x > -.5: wheel2.playAction("roll1.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.25) wheel3.playAction("roll2.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.25) wheel4.playAction("roll3.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.25) wheel1.playAction("roll4.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.25) if linVelocity.x < -0.5 and linVelocity.x > -1: wheel2.playAction("roll1.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1) wheel3.playAction("roll2.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1) wheel4.playAction("roll3.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1) wheel1.playAction("roll4.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1) if linVelocity.x < -1 and linVelocity > -4: wheel2.playAction("roll1.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1.5) wheel3.playAction("roll2.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1.5) wheel4.playAction("roll3.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1.5) wheel1.playAction("roll4.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=1.5) if linVelocity.x < -4: wheel2.playAction("roll1.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=2) wheel3.playAction("roll2.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=2) wheel4.playAction("roll3.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=2) wheel1.playAction("roll4.001", 20,1, layer=2, play_mode=1, speed=2) def transspeed(): num1 = .1 num2 = .4 speed = 20 def turn(): rotamt = .02 linVelocity2 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) speed = .002 manual = 0 if own['manual_v2'] == 1: manual = 1 if abs(linVelocity.x) < 2: speed = .005 jumpstance = own['jump_stance'] if lLR > turnsens or lLR < -turnsens: own["turn"] = 1 else: own["turn"] = 0 if lUD > turnsens or lUD < -turnsens: own["turnud"] = 1 else: own["turnud"] = 0 #light #if manual and grindhit = true if lLR > turnsens and lLR < (turnsens * 1.3) and (grindHit == False or (manual == 1 and grindHit == True)): rotation = [ 0.0, 0.0, (-rotamt)] local = False # use world axis own.applyRotation( rotation, local) if r_ground.triggered == True: #print("light turn") if STANCE == 0: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity2.x - speed, linVelocity2.y, linVelocity2.z], 1) if STANCE == 1: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity2.x + speed, linVelocity2.y, linVelocity2.z], 1) if lLR < -turnsens and lLR > (turnsens * -1.3) and (grindHit == False or (manual == 1 and grindHit == True)): rotation = [ 0.0, 0.0, rotamt] local = False # use world axis own.applyRotation( rotation, local) if r_ground.triggered == True: #print("light turn") if STANCE == 0: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity2.x - speed, linVelocity2.y, linVelocity2.z], 1) if STANCE == 1: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity2.x + speed, linVelocity2.y, linVelocity2.z], 1) #medium if lLR > (turnsens * 1.3) and (grindHit == False or (manual == 1 and grindHit == True)): #turn left if rot.z < .4: rotation = [ 0.0, 0.0, (-rotamt * 5)] if rot.z < .6 and rot.z > .4: rotation = [ 0.0, 0.0, (-rotamt * 2)] else: rotation = [ 0.0, 0.0, (-rotamt * 1.6)] local = True # use world axis own.applyRotation( rotation, local) if r_ground.triggered == True: #print("med turn") if STANCE == 0: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity2.x - speed, linVelocity2.y, linVelocity2.z], 1) if STANCE == 1: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity2.x + speed, linVelocity2.y, linVelocity2.z], 1) if lLR < (-turnsens * 1.3) and (grindHit == False or (manual == 1 and grindHit == True)): #turn right if rot.z < .4: rotation = [ 0.0, 0.0, (rotamt * 5)] if rot.z < .6 and rot.z > .4: rotation = [ 0.0, 0.0, (rotamt * 2)] else: rotation = [ 0.0, 0.0, (rotamt * 1.6)] local = True # use world axis own.applyRotation( rotation, local) if r_ground.triggered == True: #print("med turn") if STANCE == 0: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity2.x - speed, linVelocity2.y, linVelocity2.z], 1) if STANCE == 1: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity2.x + speed, linVelocity2.y, linVelocity2.z], 1) #air if r_ground.triggered == False and lLR > turnsens and (grindHit == False or (manual == 1 and grindHit == True)) and own["wallride"] == None: rotamt = .07 if STANCE == 0: own.applyRotation([0,0,-rotamt], 1) if STANCE == 1: own.applyRotation([0,0,-rotamt], 1) if r_ground.triggered == False and lLR < -turnsens and (grindHit == False or (manual == 1 and grindHit == True)) and own["wallride"] == None: rotamt = .07 if STANCE == 0: own.applyRotation([0,0,rotamt], 1) if STANCE == 1: own.applyRotation([0,0,rotamt], 1) ########### def grindsound(): dropin = own['dropinTimer'] lif = own['last_invert_frame'] if grindSound != None and grindHit == True and own['nogrindsound'] == 0: if abs(linVelocity.x) > abs(linVelocity.y): vel = linVelocity.x elif abs(linVelocity.x) < abs(linVelocity.y): vel = linVelocity.y else: vel = 0 if grindSound == "rail": cont.deactivate(own.actuators['grind_cement']) num1 = .000 num2 = .05 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_rail"].volume = .0001 own.actuators["grind_rail"].pitch = .6 num1 = .05 num2 = .25 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_rail"].volume = .05 own.actuators["grind_rail"].pitch = .7 num1 = .25 num2 = .5 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_rail"].volume = .1 own.actuators["grind_rail"].pitch = .75 num1 = .5 num2 = .75 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_rail"].volume = .14 own.actuators["grind_rail"].pitch = .8 num1 = .75 num2 = 1 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_rail"].volume = .17 own.actuators["grind_rail"].pitch = .85 num1 = 1 num2 = 1.25 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_rail"].volume = .18 own.actuators["grind_rail"].pitch = .9 num1 = 1.25 num2 = 2 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_rail"].volume = .19 own.actuators["grind_rail"].pitch = .95 num1 = 2 num2 = 40 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_rail"].volume = .19 own.actuators["grind_rail"].pitch = 1 cont.activate(own.actuators['grind_rail']) if grindSound == "concrete": #play sound cont.deactivate(own.actuators['grind_rail']) num1 = .000 num2 = .05 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_cement"].volume = .01 own.actuators["grind_cement"].pitch = .6 num1 = .05 num2 = .25 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_cement"].volume = .05 own.actuators["grind_cement"].pitch = .7 num1 = .25 num2 = .5 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_cement"].volume = .1 own.actuators["grind_cement"].pitch = .75 num1 = .5 num2 = .75 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_cement"].volume = .14 own.actuators["grind_cement"].pitch = .8 num1 = .75 num2 = 1 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_cement"].volume = .17 own.actuators["grind_cement"].pitch = .85 num1 = 1 num2 = 1.25 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_cement"].volume = .18 own.actuators["grind_cement"].pitch = .9 num1 = 1.25 num2 = 2 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_cement"].volume = .19 own.actuators["grind_cement"].pitch = .95 num1 = 2 num2 = 40 if (vel > num1 and vel < num2) or (vel < -num1 and vel > -num2): own.actuators["grind_cement"].volume = .19 own.actuators["grind_cement"].pitch = 1 cont.activate(own.actuators['grind_cement']) else: cont.deactivate(own.actuators['grind_cement']) cont.deactivate(own.actuators['grind_rail']) def record_grindsound(): dropin = own['dropinTimer'] lif = own['last_invert_frame'] if grindHit == True and dropin == 0 and own['invert_on'] == 0 and own["LAST_GRIND"] == True and own["nogrindsound"] == 0 and (frame - lif > 13): if grindSound == "concrete": act = own.actuators["grind_cement"] own['grindcement_vol'] = act.volume own['grindcement_pitch'] = act.pitch elif grindSound == "rail": act = own.actuators["grind_rail"] own['grindrail_vol'] = act.volume own['grindrail_pitch'] = act.pitch if own["LAST_GRIND"] == False: own['grindcement_vol'] = 0 own['grindcement_pitch'] = 0 own['grindrail_vol'] = 0 own['grindrail_pitch'] = 0 def grind(): grindsound() STANCE = own["stance"] jumpstance = own["jump_stance"] lif = frame - own['last_invert_frame'] if own['LAST_GRIND'] == False and grindHit == True: own['grindstartFrame'] = own['framenum'] #print(own['grindstartFrame']) if grindHit == True and own['invert_on'] == 0 and own['footplant_on'] == False and own['manual'] == 0 and lif > 40 and own['dropinTimer'] < 30: gblend = 1 if LAST_GRIND == 0: gt = own['grindType'] tempstance = 3 if jumpstance != 3: tempstance = jumpstance else: tempstance = STANCE grindpos = own['grindpos'] if grindpos == "reg_5050" and own['grindType'] == "empty": own['grindType'] = grindpos if own['grindType'] == "empty" and grindpos == 'reg_board': if jumpstance == 1: own['grindType'] = "fak_bsboard" own["stance"] = True STANCE = True elif jumpstance == 0: own['grindType'] = "reg_bsboard" own["stance"] = False STANCE = False elif jumpstance == 3: if STANCE == True: own['grindType'] = "fak_bsboard" else: own['grindType'] = "reg_bsboard" if STANCE == True: if own['grindType'] == "reg_bsboard": own['grind_stance'] = 0 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_bsboard' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_bsboard": own['grind_stance'] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_bsboard' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_fsboard": own['grind_stance'] = 0 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_fsboard' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_tailg": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_tailg' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_tailgR": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_tailgr' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_tailgL": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_tailgl' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_noseg": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_noseg' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_nosegR": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nosegr' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_nosegL": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nosegl' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_noseg": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_noseg' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_nosegR": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nosegr' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_nosegL": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nosegl' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_tailg": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_tailg' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_tailgR": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_tailgr' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_tailgL": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_tailgl' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_tailslide": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_tailslide' own['grind_stance'] = 0 elif own['grindType'] == "fak_tailslide": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_tailslide' own['grind_stance'] = 1 elif own['grindType'] == "reg_noseslide": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_noseslide' own['grind_stance'] = 0 elif own['grindType'] == "fak_noseslide": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_noseslide' own['grind_stance'] = 1 elif own['grindType'] == "nose_stall": own['requestAction'] = 'nose_stall' skater.playAction("fak_nose_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) deck.playAction("a_fak_nose_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) trucks.playAction("a_fak_nose_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) elif own['grindType'] == "tail_stall": own['requestAction'] = 'tail_stall' skater.playAction("fak_tail_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) deck.playAction("a_fak_tail_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) trucks.playAction("a_fak_tail_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) else: if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_5050' if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_5050' #elif STANCE == False and LAST_GRIND == False: elif STANCE == False: if own['grindType'] == "reg_bsboard": own['grind_stance'] = 0 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_bsboard' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_bsboard": own['grind_stance'] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_bsboard' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_tailg": own['grind_stance'] = 0 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_tailg' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_tailgR": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_tailgr' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_tailgL": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_tailgl' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_noseg": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_noseg' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_nosegR": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nosegr' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_nosegL": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_nosegl' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_noseg": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_noseg' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_nosegR": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nosegr' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_nosegL": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_nosegl' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_tailg": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_tailg' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_tailgR": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_tailgr' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_tailgL": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_tailgl' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_tailslide": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_tailslide' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_tailslide": own['grind_stance'] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_tailslide' elif own['grindType'] == "reg_noseslide": own['grind_stance'] = 0 own['requestAction'] = 'reg_noseslide' elif own['grindType'] == "fak_noseslide": own['grind_stance'] = 1 own['requestAction'] = 'fak_noseslide' elif own['grindType'] == "nose_stall": skater.playAction("nose_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) deck.playAction("a_nose_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) trucks.playAction("a_nose_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #print("nose_stall") elif own['grindType'] == "tail_stall": skater.playAction("reg_tail_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) deck.playAction("a_reg_tail_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) trucks.playAction("a_reg_tail_stall", 1,30, layer=700, blendin=gblend, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #print("reg_tail_stall") else: if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_5050' if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_5050' def rotmult(): if r_ground.triggered: num = ((rot.z * -1) +1) num = num * 100 def airup(): if r_ground.triggered == False: pos = own.worldPosition pos = own.worldPosition.z last_pos = own['last_posz'] if last_pos - pos > 0: own['airup'] = 0 if last_pos - pos < 0: own['airup'] = 1 if pos > own['last_posz']: own["air_height"] = pos own['last_posz'] = pos def onramp(): if r_ground.positive: if 'ramp' in r_ground.hitObject: own['onramp'] = 1 else: own['onramp'] = 0 else: own['onramp'] = 0 def grindtype(gtype): own['grindType'] = gtype def transmult(): lastrotz = own["rotz"] linvel = own.getLinearVelocity(True) newx = (linvel.x + (linvel.x * .039)) if linvel.x < 7 and linvel.x > -7 and rot.z > lastrotz and r_ground.triggered == 1 and rot.z > .3 and rot.z < .93: own.setLinearVelocity([newx, linvel.y, linvel.z], True) def speedmult(): vel = own.getLinearVelocity(True) xyz = own.worldOrientation.to_euler() roty = math.degrees(xyz[1]) roty = abs(roty) roty = roty * .0005 if abs(vel.x) > 1: mult = .0015 + roty else: mult = .000 mult2 = .018 mult3 = .007 lastrotz = own["rotz"] x = vel.x * mult x2 = x + vel.x x3 = vel.x * mult2 x4 = x3 + vel.x x5 = vel.x * mult3 x6 = x5 + vel.x if r_ground.triggered and vel.x < 4 and vel.x > -4: own.setLinearVelocity([x2, vel.y, vel.z], True) def coping(): if invertTouch.positive: own["coping"] = 1 else: own["coping"] = 0 def onboard(): if own['walk'] == 1: cont.deactivate(cam.actuators['replayCam']) cont.activate(cam.actuators['Camera']) killall() walklay = 40 fliplay3 = 2060 ob_speed = .5 if STANCE == 0: skater.stopAction(fliplay) deck.stopAction(fliplay) trucks.stopAction(fliplay) killall() if own['dropinCol'] == True: print("dropinanim") own['requestAction'] = reg_dropin else: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_onboard' force = (linVelocity.x -1, linVelocity.y, linVelocity.z) own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) own['dropinTimer'] = 60 if STANCE == 1: skater.stopAction(fliplay) deck.stopAction(fliplay) trucks.stopAction(fliplay) killall() if own['dropinTimer'] > 30: print("dropinanim2") own['requestAction'] = fak_dropin else: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_onboard' force = (linVelocity.x +1, linVelocity.y, linVelocity.z) own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) own['dropinTimer'] = 60 else: num = own['dropinTimer'] if num > 0: num = num - 1 own['dropinTimer'] = num def offboard(): wheel1.stopAction(2) wheel2.stopAction(2) wheel3.stopAction(2) wheel4.stopAction(2) cont.deactivate(own.actuators["sroll"]) sact = own.actuators["sroll"] sact.volume = .0001 own.actuators["sroll"].stopSound() own['offboard_vel'] = own.linearVelocity own['walk_timer'] = 0 def resetjumpstance(): if LAST_GRIND == True and grindHit == False: own["lF_ground_frame"] = own['framenum'] lfg = own["lF_ground_frame"] #print(lfg, "----- this?") if own['jump_stance'] != 3: own['jump_stance'] = 3 def grass(): try: if 'grass' in r_ground.hitObject: #print("grass") linVel = own.getLinearVelocity(True) linvelx = linVel.x * .98 own.setLinearVelocity((linvelx, linVel.y, linVel.z), 1) except: pass def grindoutair(): skippy = 0 linVel = own.getLinearVelocity(True) if own['LAST_GRIND'] == True and grindHit == True: own['lg_stance'] = STANCE lg_stance = own['lg_stance'] own.actuators["grindoutair"].useLocalLinV = True if own['grindjumpturn'] == True and own['grindCountdown'] > 12 and skippy == 0: grindoutspeed = .1 grindoutspeed2 = 5.4 if lLR > turnsens: if own['last_grindpos'] == 'reg_5050': if STANCE == 0: own.actuators["grindoutair"].linV = [0, grindoutspeed, 0] else: own.actuators["grindoutair"].linV = [0, -grindoutspeed, 0] cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutair"]) if lLR < -turnsens: if own['last_grindpos'] == 'reg_5050': if STANCE == 0: own.actuators["grindoutair"].linV = [0, -grindoutspeed, 0] else: own.actuators["grindoutair"].linV = [0, grindoutspeed, 0] cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutair"]) if lUD > turnsens: js = own['lg_stance'] linvelx = own.getLinearVelocity(True) if own['last_grindpos'] == 'reg_board': if js == 1: own.actuators["grindoutair"].linV = [-grindoutspeed, 0, 0] cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutair"]) else: own.actuators["grindoutair"].linV = [grindoutspeed, 0, 0] cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutair"]) if lUD < -turnsens: js = own['lg_stance'] if own['last_grindpos'] == 'reg_board': if js == 0: own.actuators["grindoutair"].linV = [-grindoutspeed, 0, 0] cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutair"]) else: own.actuators["grindoutair"].linV = [grindoutspeed, 0, 0] cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutair"]) if LAST_GRIND == False and r_ground.triggered and own['grindjumpturn'] == True and own['grindCountdown'] < 1: own['grindjumpturn'] = False if r_ground.triggered: own['grind_jump'] = False if own['grindjumpturn'] == False or own['grindCountdown'] < 19: cont.deactivate(own.actuators["grindoutair"]) def set_last_grindpos(): if own['grindpos'] != None: own['last_grindpos'] = own['grindpos'] def air_pos(): grindpos = own['grindpos'] GRAB_ON = own["GRAB_ON"] wr = own["wallride"] if rUD > .040 and r_ground.triggered == False and GRAB_ON == False and wr == None and jump_timer < 40: killact(2) killact(4) if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_air_tail' else: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_air_tail' elif rUD < -.040 and r_ground.triggered == False and GRAB_ON == False and wr == None and jump_timer < 40: killact(2) killact(4) if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_air_nose' else: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_air_nose' def air_turn_boost(): pass def revert(): own["Q3oncdl"] = 0 own["Q4oncdl"] = 0 own["Q5oncdl"] = 0 own["Q6oncdl"] = 0 own["Q7oncdl"] = 0 local = True rot = [ 0.0, 0.0, 3.14] own.applyRotation(rot,local) if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg manual': own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual_revert_ccw' print("reg") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg nose manual': own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual_revert_ccw' #skater.playAction("fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("reg nose manual revert") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak manual': own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual_revert_ccw' #skater.playAction("fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("fak manual revert") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak nose manual': own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual_revert_ccw' #skater.playAction("reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("fak") else: own['requestAction'] = 'revert1' own['revert_timer'] = 20 cont.activate(own.actuators["revertSound"]) def revert2(): own["Q3oncdl"] = 0 own["Q4oncdl"] = 0 own["Q5oncdl"] = 0 own["Q6oncdl"] = 0 own["Q7oncdl"] = 0 local = True rot = [ 0.0, 0.0, -3.14] own.applyRotation(rot,local) if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg manual': own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual_revert_cw' #skater.playAction("reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("reg") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg nose manual': own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual_revert_cw' #skater.playAction("fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("reg nose manual revert") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak manual': own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual_revert_cw' #skater.playAction("fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("fak manual revert") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak nose manual': own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual_revert_cw' #skater.playAction("reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("fak") else: own['requestAction'] = 'revert2' own['revert_timer'] = 20 cont.activate(own.actuators["revertSound"]) def revert3(): own["Q7oncdl"] = 0 own["Q8oncdl"] = 0 own["Q1oncdl"] = 0 own["Q2oncdl"] = 0 own["Q3oncdl"] = 0 local = True rot = [ 0.0, 0.0, 3.14] own.applyRotation(rot,local) print("real revert 3") if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg manual': own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual_revert_ccw' #skater.playAction("reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("reg") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg nose manual': own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual_revert_ccw' #skater.playAction("fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("reg nose manual revert") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak manual': own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual_revert_ccw' #skater.playAction("fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("fak manual revert") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak nose manual': own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual_revert_ccw' #skater.playAction("reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_ccw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("fak") else: own['requestAction'] = 'revert3' own['revert_timer'] = 20 cont.activate(own.actuators["revertSound"]) def revert4(): own["Q7oncdl"] = 0 own["Q8oncdl"] = 0 own["Q1oncdl"] = 0 own["Q2oncdl"] = 0 own["Q3oncdl"] = 0 local = True rot = [ 0.0, 0.0, 3.14] own.applyRotation(rot,local) if own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg manual': own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual_revert_cw' #skater.playAction("reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("reg") #elif own['reg_nmanual'] == 1: elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'reg nose manual': own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual_revert_cw' #skater.playAction("fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("reg nose manual revert") #elif own['fak_manual'] == 1 or own['fak_nmanual'] == 1: elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak manual': own['requestAction'] = 'fak_manual_revert_cw' #skater.playAction("fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_fak_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("fak manual revert") elif own['manual_v2_type'] == 'fak nose manual': own['requestAction'] = 'reg_manual_revert_cw' #skater.playAction("reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=8, play_mode=0, speed=4) #deck.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=1, play_mode=0, speed=4) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_manual_revert_cw", 70,10, layer=400, priority=0, play_mode=0, speed=4) print("fak") else: own['requestAction'] = 'revert4' print("normal revert") own['revert_timer'] = 20 cont.activate(own.actuators["revertSound"]) def powerslide(): own['powerslide_counter'] = own['powerslide_counter'] + 1 since_walk = own['framenum'] - own['last_walk_frame'] since_grind = own['framenum'] - own['last_grind_frame'] if own['powerslide_counter'] > 15 and since_walk > 100 and since_grind > 40: own['powerslide_on'] = 1 if STANCE == 0: own['powerslide'] = "reg2" if STANCE == 1: own['powerslide'] = "fak1" linVelocity4 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) if own['powerslide_counter'] > 15 and own['powerslide_counter'] < 18: newx = linVelocity4.x * .9 else: newx = linVelocity4.x * .98 force = [newx, linVelocity4.y, linVelocity4.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) def powerslide2(): own['powerslide_counter'] = own['powerslide_counter'] + 1 since_walk = own['framenum'] - own['last_walk_frame'] since_grind = own['framenum'] - own['last_grind_frame'] if own['powerslide_counter'] > 15 and since_walk > 100 and since_grind > 100: own['powerslide_on'] = 1 if STANCE == 0: own['powerslide'] = "reg1" if STANCE == 1: own['powerslide'] = "fak2" linVelocity4 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) if own['powerslide_counter'] > 15 and own['powerslide_counter'] < 18: newx = linVelocity4.x * .9 else: newx = linVelocity4.x * .98 force = [newx, linVelocity4.y, linVelocity4.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) def powerslide_state(): ####powerslide on##### if own['powerslide_on'] == 1: if own['powerslide'] == "reg2": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_fs_powerslide' if own['powerslide'] == "fak1": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_fs_powerslide' if own['powerslide'] == "reg1": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_powerslide' if own['powerslide'] == "fak2": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_powerslide' def powerslide_sound(): sact = own.actuators["powerslide_sound"] if own['powerslide_on'] == 1: sact = own.actuators["powerslide_sound"] sact.volume = .2 new_pitch = (abs(linVelocity.x) / 3) if new_pitch < 1.1 and new_pitch > .5: sact.pitch = new_pitch elif new_pitch <= .5: sact.pitch = .5 else: sact.pitch = 1.1 cont.activate(own.actuators["powerslide_sound"]) else: sact.volume = .0 cont.deactivate(own.actuators["powerslide_sound"]) def check_powerslide(): try: own['last_powerslide_on'] = own['powerslide_on'] except: pass psxvel = abs(linVelocity.x) if (lUD > .08 or lUD < -.08) and own['manual_v2'] == False and r_ground.triggered == True and psxvel > .1: if lUD > .08: powerslide() else: powerslide2() else: own['powerslide_on'] = 0 own['powerslide_counter'] = 0 if own['last_powerslide_on'] == 0: own['powerslide'] = None def killmanuals(): if own['last_manual_v2'] == 1 and own['manual_v2'] == 0: fak_manual_off() reg_manual_off() fak_nmanual_off() reg_nmanual_off() def killopos(): pass stopAnims() #nextframe() air() stance() turn() #grind() rotmult() airup() onramp() speedmult() coping() onboard() resetjumpstance() grass() grindoutair() set_last_grindpos() air_pos() air_turn_boost() record_grindsound() check_powerslide() powerslide_state() powerslide_sound() killmanuals() killopos() grind() ################## ###realcontrols### ################## # q1 # q8 q2 # q7 q3 # q6 q4 # q5 ################## #lq6 if lUD > .04 and lLR < -0.04 : lq6on = 1 q6oncdl = countdown own["Q6oncdl"] = q6oncdl #print("lq6on") elif q6oncdl > 0: lq6on = 0 q6oncdl = q6oncdl - 1 own["Q6oncdl"] = q6oncdl #lq8 if lUD < -.04 and lLR < -0.04 : lq8on = 1 q8oncdl = countdown own["Q8oncdl"] = q8oncdl #print("lq8on") elif q8oncdl > 0: lq8on = 0 q8oncdl = q8oncdl - 1 own["Q8oncdl"] = q8oncdl #lq2 if lUD < -.04 and lLR > 0.04 : lq2on = 1 q2oncdl = countdown own["Q2oncdl"] = q2oncdl #print("lq2on") elif q2oncdl > 0: lq2on = 0 q2oncdl = q2oncdl - 1 own["Q2oncdl"] = q2oncdl #q4 if lUD > 0.04 and lLR > 0.04 : lq4on = 1 q4oncdl = countdown own["Q4oncdl"] = q4oncdl #print("lq4on") elif q4oncdl > 0: lq4on = 0 q4oncdl = q4oncdl - 1 own["Q4oncdl"] = q4oncdl #q5 if lUD > .070 and lq4on == 0 and lq6on == 0: lq5on = 1 q5oncdl = countdown own["Q5oncdl"] = q5oncdl #print("lq5on") elif q5oncdl > 0: lq5on = 0 q5oncdl = q5oncdl - 1 own["Q5oncdl"] = q5oncdl #q1 if lUD < -0.070 and lq8on !=1 and lq2on != 1: lq1on = 1 q1oncdl = countdown own["Q1oncdl"] = q1oncdl #print("lq1on") elif q1oncdl > 0: lq1on = 0 q1oncdl = q1oncdl - 1 own["Q1oncdl"] = q1oncdl #q7 if lLR < -0.070 and lq8on != 1 and lq6on != 1: lq7on = 1 q7oncdl = countdown own["Q7oncdl"] = q7oncdl #print("lq7on") elif q7oncdl > 0: lq7on = 0 q7oncdl = q7oncdl - 1 own["Q7oncdl"] = q7oncdl #q3 if lLR > 0.070 and lq2on !=1 and lq4on != 1: lq3on = 1 q3oncdl = countdown own["Q3oncdl"] = q3oncdl #print("lq3on") elif q3oncdl > 0: lq3on = 0 q3oncdl = q3oncdl - 1 own["Q3oncdl"] = q3oncdl #34567 own['set_revert_timer'] = 0 if q3oncdl < q4oncdl < q5oncdl < q6oncdl < q7oncdl: if r_ground.triggered == True: print("REVERT!!!") revert() own['set_revert_timer'] = 1 if q3oncdl > q4oncdl > q5oncdl > q6oncdl > q7oncdl: if r_ground.triggered == True: print("REVERT2!!!") revert2() own['set_revert_timer'] = 1 if q7oncdl < q8oncdl < q1oncdl < q2oncdl < q3oncdl: if r_ground.triggered == True: print("REVERT3!!!") revert3() own['set_revert_timer'] = 1 if q7oncdl > q8oncdl > q1oncdl > q2oncdl > q3oncdl: if r_ground.triggered == True: print("REVERT4!!!") revert4() own['set_revert_timer'] = 1 ################ #q6 if rUD > .04 and rLR < -0.04 : q6on = 1 q6oncd = countdown own["Q6oncd"] = q6oncd #print("q6on") elif q6oncd > 0: q6on = 0 q6oncd = q6oncd - 1 own["Q6oncd"] = q6oncd #q8 if rUD < -.04 and rLR < -0.04 : q8on = 1 q8oncd = countdown own["Q8oncd"] = q8oncd #print("q8on") elif q8oncd > 0: q8on = 0 q8oncd = q8oncd - 1 own["Q8oncd"] = q8oncd #q2 if rUD < -.04 and rLR > 0.04 : q2on = 1 q2oncd = countdown own["Q2oncd"] = q2oncd #print("q2on") elif q2oncd > 0: q2on = 0 q2oncd = q2oncd - 1 own["Q2oncd"] = q2oncd #q4 if rUD > 0.04 and rLR > 0.04 : q4on = 1 q4oncd = countdown own["Q4oncd"] = q4oncd #print("q4on") elif q4oncd > 0: q4on = 0 q4oncd = q4oncd - 1 own["Q4oncd"] = q4oncd #q5 if rUD > .070: if q4on == 0 and q6on == 0: #print("q5on") q5on = 1 q5oncd = countdown own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd oposin() if (rTrig > 0.02 and GRAB_ON == False and r_ground.triggered == 1) or (lTrig > 0.02 and GRAB_ON == False and r_ground.triggered == 1): pump() else: own["lastPump"] = False own["Pump"] = False own['jump_stance'] = STANCE if rUD > .02: grindpos = own['grindpos'] jumpstance = own["jump_stance"] if LAST_GRIND == False: if grindpos == "reg_stall": grindtype("nose_stall") #change elif grindpos == "fak_stall": grindtype("nose_stall") elif grindpos == "reg_5050": if jumpstance != 3: if jumpstance == 0: if rLR > .02: grindtype("reg_tailgR") elif rLR < -.02: grindtype("reg_tailgL") else: grindtype("reg_tailg") if jumpstance == 1: if rLR > .02: grindtype("fak_tailgR") elif rLR < -.02: grindtype("fak_tailgL") else: grindtype("fak_tailg") else: if STANCE == 0: if rLR > .03: grindtype("reg_tailgR") elif rLR < -.02: grindtype("reg_tailgL") else: grindtype("reg_tailg") if STANCE == 1: grindtype("fak_tailg") elif grindpos == "reg_board": if jumpstance != 3: if jumpstance == 0: grindtype("reg_tailslide") if jumpstance == 1: grindtype("fak_tailslide") STANCE = jumpstance own['stance'] = STANCE else: if STANCE == 0: grindtype("reg_tailslide") if STANCE == 1: grindtype("fak_tailslide") else: if jumpstance == 0: grindtype("reg_tailg") if jumpstance == 1: grindtype("fak_tailg") if q5oncd > 0: q5on = 0 q5oncd = q5oncd - 1 own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd own["last_Opos"] = False #q1 if rUD < -0.070: if q2on == 0 and q8on == 0: #print("q1on") q1on = 1 q1oncd = countdown own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd noposin() if rUD < -0.020: grindpos = own['grindpos'] jumpstance = own["jump_stance"] if LAST_GRIND == False: if grindpos == "reg_5050": #print("nose something") if jumpstance != 3: if jumpstance == 0: if rLR > .02: grindtype("reg_nosegR") elif rLR < -.02: grindtype("reg_nosegL") else: grindtype("reg_noseg") if jumpstance == 1: if rLR > .02: grindtype("fak_nosegR") elif rLR < -.02: grindtype("fak_nosegL") else: grindtype("fak_noseg") else: if STANCE == 0: if rLR > .02: grindtype("reg_nosegR") elif rLR < -.02: grindtype("reg_nosegL") else: grindtype("reg_noseg") if STANCE == 1: if rLR > .02: grindtype("fak_nosegR") elif rLR < -.02: grindtype("fak_nosegL") else: grindtype("fak_noseg") elif grindpos == "reg_board": if jumpstance != 3: if jumpstance == 0: grindtype("reg_noseslide") if jumpstance == 1: grindtype("fak_noseslide") STANCE = jumpstance own['stance'] = STANCE else: if STANCE == 0: grindtype("reg_noseslide") if STANCE == 1: grindtype("fak_noseslide") if rUD > -0.020 and rUD <= .020 and LAST_GRIND == False: if own['grindpos'] == 'reg_5050': grindtype("reg_5050") if own['grindpos'] == 'fak_5050': grindtype("fak_5050") if q1oncd > 0: q1on = 0 q1oncd = q1oncd - 1 own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd own["last_nOpos"] = False #print(q1oncd) #q7 if rLR < -0.070: if q8on == 0 and q6on == 0: q7on = 1 q7oncd = countdown own["Q7oncd"] = q7oncd #print("q7on") elif q7oncd > 0: q7on = 0 q7oncd = q7oncd - 1 own["Q7oncd"] = q7oncd #q3 if rLR > 0.070: if q4on == 0 and q2on == 0: q3on = 1 q3oncd = countdown own["Q3oncd"] = q3oncd #print("q3on") elif q3oncd > 0: q3on = 0 q3oncd = q3oncd - 1 own["Q3oncd"] = q3oncd #trick calls # 360 flip # 3 > 4 > 5 > 8 # laser flip # 7 > 6 > 5 > 2 #nollie 360 shovit if q7oncd > 0 and q8oncd > 0 and q1oncd > 0 and q2oncd > 0 and q3oncd > 0 and q7oncd <= q8oncd <= q1oncd <= q2oncd <= q3oncd: print("q4oncd: ", q4oncd, " q5oncd: ", q5oncd, " q6oncd: ", q6oncd) print ("Nollie 360 shovit") dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie 360 Shovit' nollie_shovit360() q7oncd = 0 q8oncd = 0 q1oncd = 0 q2oncd = 0 q3oncd = 0 own["Q7oncd"] = q7oncd own["Q8oncd"] = q8oncd own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd own["Q2oncd"] = q2oncd own["Q3oncd"] = q3oncd #nollie fs 360 shovit if q7oncd > 0 and q8oncd > 0 and q1oncd > 0 and q2oncd > 0 and q3oncd > 0 and q3oncd <= q2oncd <= q1oncd <= q8oncd <= q7oncd: #print("q4oncd: ", q4oncd, " q5oncd: ", q5oncd, " q6oncd: ", q6oncd) print ("Nollie Front Side 360 shovit") dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie FS 360 Shovit' nollie_fsshovit360() q7oncd = 0 q8oncd = 0 q1oncd = 0 q2oncd = 0 q3oncd = 0 own["Q7oncd"] = q7oncd own["Q8oncd"] = q8oncd own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd own["Q2oncd"] = q2oncd own["Q3oncd"] = q3oncd # varial heelflip # 7 < 6 < 2 if q7oncd > 0 and q6oncd > 0 and q2oncd > 0 and q7oncd < q6oncd < q2oncd: dict['trick_string'] = 'Varial Heelflip' varial_heelflip() reset_rtimers() # varial kickflip # 3 < 4 < 8 if q3oncd > 0 and q4oncd > 0 and q8oncd > 0 and q3oncd < q4oncd < q8oncd: dict['trick_string'] = 'Varial Kickflip' varial_kickflip() reset_rtimers() # nollie varial kickflip # 3 < 2 < 6 if q3oncd > 0 and q2oncd > 0 and q6oncd > 0 and q3oncd <= q2oncd <= q6oncd: dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Varial Kickflip' print('Nollie Varial Kickflip') nollie_varial_kickflip() reset_rtimers() # nollie varial heelflip # 7 < 8 < 4 if q7oncd > 0 and q8oncd > 0 and q4oncd > 0 and q7oncd <= q8oncd <= q4oncd: dict['trick_string'] = 'Nollie Varial Heelflip' print('Nollie Varial Heelflip') nollie_varial_heelflip() reset_rtimers() #360 shovit if q3oncd > 0 and q4oncd > 0 and q5oncd > 0 and q6oncd > 0 and q7oncd > 0 and q7oncd >= q6oncd >= q5oncd >= q4oncd >= q3oncd: # print("q4oncd: ", q4oncd, " q5oncd: ", q5oncd, " q6oncd: ", q6oncd) #print ("______-------360 shovit") dict['trick_string'] = '360 Shovit' shovit360() q3oncd = 0 q4oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 q6oncd = 0 q7oncd = 0 own["Q3oncd"] = q3oncd own["Q4oncd"] = q4oncd own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd own["Q6oncd"] = q6oncd own["Q7oncd"] = q7oncd #360 fs shovit if q3oncd > 0 and q4oncd > 0 and q5oncd > 0 and q6oncd >= 0 and q7oncd > 0 and q7oncd <= q6oncd <= q5oncd <= q4oncd <= q3oncd: # print("q4oncd: ", q4oncd, " q5oncd: ", q5oncd, " q6oncd: ", q6oncd) #print ("______-------360 shovit") dict['trick_string'] = '360 Frontside Shovit' fsshovit360() q3oncd = 0 q4oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 q6oncd = 0 q7oncd = 0 own["Q3oncd"] = q3oncd own["Q4oncd"] = q4oncd own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd own["Q6oncd"] = q6oncd own["Q7oncd"] = q7oncd #ollie if q5oncd > 0 and q1oncd > 0 and q5oncd < q1oncd: JUMPSTRENGTH = q1oncd - q5oncd #4,7 if JUMPSTRENGTH <= 4: JUMPSTRENGTH = 1.1 if JUMPSTRENGTH > 4 and JUMPSTRENGTH < 7: JUMPSTRENGTH = 1 if JUMPSTRENGTH >= 7: JUMPSTRENGTH = .9 aollie() q1oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd #nollie if q5oncd > 0 and q1oncd > 0 and q5oncd > q1oncd: JUMPSTRENGTH = q5oncd - q1oncd #4,7 if JUMPSTRENGTH <= 4: JUMPSTRENGTH = 1.1 if JUMPSTRENGTH > 4 and JUMPSTRENGTH < 7: JUMPSTRENGTH = 1 if JUMPSTRENGTH >= 7: JUMPSTRENGTH = .9 nollie() q1oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd print("nollie") #kickflip if q5oncd > 0 and q8oncd > 0 and q5oncd < q8oncd and q3oncd < 1: kickflip() q8oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 own["Q8oncd"] = q8oncd own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd #nollie kickflip if q1oncd > 0 and q6oncd > 0 and q1oncd < q6oncd: nollie_kickflip() q6oncd = 0 q1oncd = 0 own["Q6oncd"] = q6oncd own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd #heelflip if q5oncd > 0 and q2oncd > 0 and q5oncd < q2oncd: heelflip() q2oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 own["Q2oncd"] = q2oncd own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd #nollie_heelflip if q1oncd > 0 and q4oncd > 0 and q1oncd < q4oncd: nollie_heelflip() q1oncd = 0 q4oncd = 0 own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd own["Q4oncd"] = q4oncd #shovit if q4oncd > 0 and q5oncd > 0 and q6oncd > 0 and q4oncd <= q5oncd <= q6oncd and q3oncd < 1: shovit() q4oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 q6oncd = 0 own["Q4oncd"] = q4oncd own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd own["Q6oncd"] = q6oncd #nollie_shovit if q2oncd > 0 and q1oncd > 0 and q8oncd > 0 and q2oncd <= q1oncd <= q8oncd and q3oncd == 0: nollie_shovit() print('nollie shuvit') #nollie_fsshovit() q2oncd = 0 q1oncd = 0 q8oncd = 0 own["Q2oncd"] = q2oncd own["Q1oncd"] = q1oncd own["Q8oncd"] = q8oncd #fsshovit if q4oncd > 0 and q5oncd > 0 and q6oncd > 0 and q6oncd <= q5oncd <= q4oncd and q7oncd < 1: # print("q4oncd: ", q4oncd, " q5oncd: ", q5oncd, " q6oncd: ", q6oncd) # print ("^%*^%*^%*^%fsshovit") fsshovit() q4oncd = 0 q5oncd = 0 q6oncd = 0 own["Q4oncd"] = q4oncd own["Q5oncd"] = q5oncd own["Q6oncd"] = q6oncd #nollie_fsshovit if q8oncd > 0 and q1oncd > 0 and q2oncd > 0 and q8oncd <= q1oncd <= q2oncd and q7oncd == 0: # print("q4oncd: ", q4oncd, " q5oncd: ", q5oncd, " q6oncd: ", q6oncd) print ("nollie fsshovit") nollie_fsshovit() #nollie_shovit() q8oncd = 0 q1oncd = 0 q2oncd = 0 own["Q8oncd"] = q4oncd own["Q1oncd"] = q5oncd own["Q2oncd"] = q6oncd #360 shovit # 360 shovit # 3 > 4 > 5 >6 > 7 # fs 360 shovit # 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 def hippy_jump(): STANCE = own["stance"] if own['hippy'] == 1 and own['last_hippy'] == 0: if STANCE == 0: #own['requestAction'] = 'reg_hippy' skater.playAction("reg_hippy", 1,10, layer=1101, priority=1, layer_weight=0, play_mode=0, speed=.5) if STANCE == 1: skater.playAction("fak_hippy", 1,10, layer=1101, priority=1, layer_weight=0, play_mode=0, speed=.5) if own['hippy'] == 1 and own['last_hippy'] == 1: if STANCE == 0: skater.playAction("reg_hippy", 10,10, layer=1100, priority=0, layer_weight=0, play_mode=1, speed=.5) if STANCE == 1: skater.playAction("fak_hippy", 10,10, layer=1100, priority=0, layer_weight=0, play_mode=1, speed=.5) if own['hippy'] == 0 and own['last_hippy'] == 1: killact(1100) if rLR > turnsens: local = True rot = [ 0.0, 0.0, 3.14] own.applyRotation(rot,local) print("hippy turn") if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_hippy_ncw' skater.playAction("reg_hippy_ncw", 10,40, layer=1102, priority=1, layer_weight=0, play_mode=0, speed=.5) print('%hip1') if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_hippy_ncw' skater.playAction("fak_hippy_ncw", 10,40, layer=1102, priority=1, layer_weight=0, play_mode=0, speed=.5) print('%hip2') elif rLR < -turnsens: local = True rot = [ 0.0, 0.0, -3.14] own.applyRotation(rot,local) print("hippy turn neg") if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_hippy_nccw' skater.playAction("fak_hippy_nccw", 10,40, layer=1102, priority=1, layer_weight=0, play_mode=0, speed=.5) print('%hip3') if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_hippy_nccw' skater.playAction("reg_hippy_nccw", 10,40, layer=1102, priority=1, layer_weight=0, play_mode=0, speed=.5) print('%hip4') ##straight else: if STANCE == 0: skater.playAction("reg_hippy", 10,40, layer=1102, priority=1, layer_weight=0, play_mode=0, speed=.5) own['requestAction'] = 'reg_hippy' if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_hippy' skater.playAction("fak_hippy", 10,40, layer=1102, priority=1, layer_weight=0, play_mode=0, speed=.5) #pushing and hippy jumps since_a = frame - lastaf since_x = frame - lastxf cush = 10 hippy = 0 own['hippy'] = 0 #print(since_a, "a", since_x, "x") #if xBut == 1 and aBut == 1 and since_a <= cush and since_x <= cush and (lTrig < 0.02 and rTrig < 0.02): if xBut == 1 and aBut == 1 and (lTrig < 0.02 and rTrig < 0.02) and r_ground.triggered == True: #F"hippy") hippy = 1 own['hippy'] = 1 #hippy_jump() #print(hippy) hippy_jump() if since_a > cush and aBut == 1 and lasta == 1 and (lTrig < 0.02 and rTrig < 0.02) and own['last_hippy'] == 0: #print("apush suckka", since_a) if xBut == 0 and hippy == 0 and lastaBut_ground == True: push() if since_x > cush and xBut == 1 and lastx == 1 and (lTrig < 0.02 and rTrig < 0.02) and own['last_hippy'] == 0: #print("push suckka", since_x) if aBut == 0 and hippy == 0 and lastxBut_ground == True: push_goof() #cavemans if LAST_GRIND == False and grindHit == False and r_ground.triggered: if (aBut ==0 and own['lastaBut_ground'] == 1) and lTrig > 0.02: brfoot() if (aBut ==0 and own['lastaBut_ground'] == 1) and rTrig > 0.02: frfoot() if (xBut ==0 and own['lastxBut_ground'] == 1) and lTrig > 0.02: blfoot() if (xBut ==0 and own['lastxBut_ground'] == 1) and rTrig > 0.02: flfoot() #push b button if bBut == 1: #print("push suckka") if linVelocity.x > .05 or linVelocity.x < -.05: stop() elif linVelocity.x < .05 or linVelocity.x > -.05: if own["lastStop"] == True: own["lastStop"] = False elif bBut ==0: own["lastStop"] = False ##### falls if own['fall'] == 1: offboard() own['getoffboard'] = True #### #y button if own['lasty'] == 1 and yBut ==0: offboard() if own["GRAB_ON"] == True: playing = skater.isPlayingAction(fliplay) if playing == 1: frame = skater.getActionFrame(fliplay) #print("Flipping frame: ", frame) if frame > 16: skater.stopAction(fliplay) #frontside grab flipping = skater.isPlayingAction(fliplay) if rTrig > 0.02 and r_ground.triggered == 0 and flipping == False: GRAB_ON = True own["GRAB_ON"] = GRAB_ON #print(rTrig, GRAB_ON) if STANCE == False and rUD >= -.07 and rUD <= .07: frontside_grab_on() elif STANCE == True and rUD >= -.07 and rUD <= .07: fakbackside_grab_on() #front_nose if STANCE == True and rUD < -0.070: fak_backside_nose_grab_on() #front_tail elif STANCE == True and rUD > 0.07: fak_backside_tail_grab_on() # if STANCE == False and rUD < -0.070: frontside_nose_grab_on() #front_tail elif STANCE == False and rUD > 0.07: frontside_tail_grab_on() #backside grab #if lTrig > 0.02 and GRAB_ON == False and r_ground.triggered == 0: if lTrig > 0.02 and r_ground.triggered == 0 and flipping == False: GRAB_ON = True own["GRAB_ON"] = GRAB_ON #print(rTrig) if STANCE == False and rUD >= -.07 and rUD <= .07: backside_grab_on() elif STANCE == True and rUD >= -.07 and rUD <= .07: fakfrontside_grab_on() #front_nose if STANCE == True and rUD < -0.070: fak_frontside_nose_grab_on() #front_tail elif STANCE == True and rUD > 0.07: fak_frontside_tail_grab_on() #front_nose if STANCE == False and rUD < -0.070: backside_nose_grab_on() #front_tail elif STANCE == False and rUD > 0.07: backside_tail_grab_on() #kill grabs if lTrig <= 0.02 and GRAB_ON == True and lTrig >= -.02 and rTrig <= .02 and rTrig >= -.2: GRAB_ON = False own["GRAB_ON"] = GRAB_ON GRAB_PLAYED = False own["GRAB_PLAYED"] = GRAB_PLAYED #frontside pump #backside pump def footplant(): framenum = own['framenum'] last_ground_frame = own['lF_ground_frame'] lF_air_frame = own['lF_air_frame'] frames_since_ground = framenum - lF_air_frame frames_since_grind = framenum - own['last_grind_frame'] if grindHit == True and aBut == True: print("first invert check") own.linearVelocity.x = 0 own.linearVelocity.y = 0 #own.setLinearVelocity([0,0,0],0) own['footplant_on'] = 1 if grindHit == False: own['footplant_on'] = 0 if own['footplant_on'] == True and rUD < turnsens and rUD > -turnsens: #own.setLinearVelocity([0,0,0],0) own.linearVelocity.x = 0 own.linearVelocity.y = 0 if own['footplant_on'] == 1 and own['last_footplant'] == True and own['jump_timer'] < 50: if skater.isPlayingAction(2925) == False: if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_fp_rback' #print("requesting footplant0") if STANCE == 1: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_fp_rback' #print("requesting footplant1") def invert(): if grindHit == True and own['grindpos'] == 'reg_board': #if LAST_GRIND == False and grindHit == True and own['grindpos'] == 'reg_board': if lBump == 1: #print("invert") #if coping_on ==1 and lBump == 1: #print("invert") own['invert_on'] = 1 #invert_on = 1 own.linearVelocity.x = 0 own.linearVelocity.y = 0 if own["coping"] == 1 and own['invert_on'] == 1: if own['invert_on'] == 1 and own['last_invert'] == False: #killall() cont.activate(own.actuators['invertOn_sound']) if STANCE == False: own['invert_type'] = "reg_back_invert_in" if STANCE == True: own['invert_type'] = "fak_fr_invert" if own['invert_on'] == 0 and own['last_invert'] == True: #print("kill invert") own['last_invert_frame'] = frame cont.activate(own.actuators['invertOff_Sound']) if own['invert_on'] == 1: if own['invert_type'] == "reg_back_invert_in": own['requestAction'] = 'reg_back_invert' if own['invert_type'] == "fak_fr_invert": own['requestAction'] = 'fak_fr_invert' lif = own['last_invert_frame'] if frame - lif > 3 and own['invert_on'] == 0: own['invert_type'] = None if grindHit == False: own['invert_on'] = False invert() footplant() if own['invert_on'] == 0: killact(900) def reset_pos(): #reset if ddPad == 1: spawn_pos = own['spawn_pos'] spawn_rot = own['spawn_rot'] try: own.worldPosition = (spawn_pos[0], spawn_pos[1], (spawn_pos[2] + .1)) own.worldOrientation = [[spawn_rot[0][0],spawn_rot[0][1],spawn_rot[0][2]], [spawn_rot[1][0],spawn_rot[1][1],spawn_rot[1][2]], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] except: own.worldPosition = (0, 0, .1) own.worldOrientation = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] if own["spawn_stance"] == 1: own.setLinearVelocity([.1,0,0], 1) #cam.worldPosition = (spawn_pos[0], spawn_pos[1], (spawn_pos[2] + .25)) #cam.applyMovement([0,-1,0], True) #lx = cam.localPosition[1] #lx = lx - 4 #cam.worldOrientation = [[spawn_rot[0][0],spawn_rot[0][1],spawn_rot[0][2]], [spawn_rot[1][0],spawn_rot[1][1],spawn_rot[1][2]], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] #cam.localPosition[1] = lx else: own.setLinearVelocity([-.1,0,0], 1) #cam.worldPosition = (spawn_pos[0], spawn_pos[1], (spawn_pos[2] + .25)) #cam.applyMovement([0,1,0], True) #lx = cam.localPosition[1] #lx = lx - 4 #cam.worldOrientation = [[spawn_rot[0][0],spawn_rot[0][1],spawn_rot[0][2]], [spawn_rot[1][0],spawn_rot[1][1],spawn_rot[1][2]], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] #cam.localPosition[1] = lx if udPad == 1: own['spawn_pos'] = [own.worldPosition[0], own.worldPosition[1], own.worldPosition[2]] own['spawn_rot'] = [[own.worldOrientation[0][0],own.worldOrientation[0][1],own.worldOrientation[0][2]], [own.worldOrientation[1][0],own.worldOrientation[1][1],own.worldOrientation[1][2]], own.worldOrientation[2][2]] stance = own["stance"] own["spawn_stance"] = stance #start button #print(own['last_stBut']) #print(own['pause_on']) if stBut == True: own.actuators["sroll"].volume = .0001 cont.deactivate(own.actuators["sroll"]) own.actuators["sroll"].stopSound() if stBut == False and own['last_stBut'] == True: if own['pause_on'] == True: own['pause_on'] = False own.restoreDynamics() else: own['pause_on'] = True own.suspendDynamics() own['last_stBut'] = stBut def ylimit(): lgf = own['last_grind_frame'] frame = own['framenum'] frames_since_grinding = frame - lgf if r_ground.triggered and touched == False and grindHit == 0 and frames_since_grinding > 20: linVelocity4 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) newy = linVelocity4.y * .8 #.4 force = [linVelocity4.x, newy, linVelocity4.z] own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) def getoffboard(): lasty = own['lasty'] getoffboard = own['getoffboard'] if getoffboard == 1 and own['fall'] == False: own['getoffboard'] = 0 if yBut == False and lasty == True: own['getoffboard'] = 1 def switchcam(): pass # if ltsBut == False and own['lastlts'] == True and rtsBut == False: # if own['camera'] == 1: # own['camera'] = 0 # else: # own['camera'] = 1 # if rtsBut == False and own['lastrts'] == True and ltsBut == False: # if own['camera'] == 2: # own['camera'] = 0 # else: # own['camera'] = 2 #followcam def move_followcam(): if own['camera'] == 2: #if rtsBut == False and own['lastrts'] == True: if own['lastbkBut'] == True and bkBut == False: #print("activate move followcam") if own['move_followcam'] == False: own['move_followcam'] = True else: own['move_followcam'] = False if own['move_followcam'] == True: #act = followcam.actuators[ camspeed1 = .015 camspeed2 = .055 camrot1 = .005 camrot2 = .02 #up if lUD < -0.080: followcam.actuators["up"].dLoc = [ 0, 0, -camspeed2] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["up"]) #print("fastup") else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["up"]) # #down if lUD > .080: followcam.actuators["down"].dLoc = [ 0, 0, camspeed2] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["down"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["down"]) # #left if lLR < -0.080: followcam.actuators["left"].dLoc = [-camspeed2, 0, 0] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["left"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["left"]) # #right if lLR > 0.080: followcam.actuators["right"].dLoc = [camspeed2, 0, 0] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["right"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["right"]) #up if rUD < -0.080: followcam.actuators["rotup"].dLoc = [0, 0, camrot2] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["rotup"]) #print("uppppppppppppppppppppppppppp") else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["rotup"]) # #down if rUD > .080: followcam.actuators["rotdown"].dLoc = [0, 0, -camrot2] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["rotdown"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["rotdown"]) # #left if rLR < -0.080: followcam.actuators["rotleft"].dRot = [0, 0, camrot2] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["rotleft"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["rotleft"]) # #right if rLR > 0.080: followcam.actuators["rotright"].dRot = [0, 0, -camrot2] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["rotright"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["rotright"]) #********************************************* if lUD > -0.080 and lUD < -0.030: followcam.actuators["up"].dLoc = [ 0, 0, -camspeed1] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["up"]) #print(lUD) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["up"]) # #down if lUD < .080 and lUD > .03: followcam.actuators["down"].dLoc = [ 0, 0, camspeed1] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["down"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["down"]) # #left if lLR > -0.080 and lLR < -0.030: followcam.actuators["left"].dLoc = [-camspeed1, 0, 0] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["left"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["left"]) # #right if lLR < .080 and lLR > .03: followcam.actuators["right"].dLoc = [camspeed1, 0, 0] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["right"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["right"]) #up if rUD > -0.080 and rUD < -0.030: followcam.actuators["rotup"].dRot = [camrot1, 0, 0] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["rotup"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["rotup"]) # #down if rUD < .080 and rUD > .03: followcam.actuators["rotdown"].dRot = [-camrot1, 0, 0] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["rotdown"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["rotdown"]) # #left if rLR > -0.080 and rLR < -0.030: followcam.actuators["rotleft"].dRot = [0, 0, camrot1] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["rotleft"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["rotleft"]) # #right if rLR < .080 and rLR > .03: followcam.actuators["rotright"].dRot = [0, 0, -camrot1] cont.activate(followcam.actuators["rotright"]) else: cont.deactivate(followcam.actuators["rotright"]) def move_flycam(): if own['camera'] == 1: #if rtsBut == False and own['lastrts'] == True: if own['lastbkBut'] == True and bkBut == False: if own['move_freecam'] == False: own['move_freecam'] = True else: own['move_freecam'] = False if own['move_freecam'] == True: #act = freecam.actuators[ camspeed1 = .015 camspeed2 = .055 camrot1 = .005 camrot2 = .02 #up if lUD < -0.080: freecam.actuators["up"].dLoc = [ 0, 0, -camspeed2] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["up"]) #print("fastup") else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["up"]) # #down if lUD > .080: freecam.actuators["down"].dLoc = [ 0, 0, camspeed2] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["down"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["down"]) # #left if lLR < -0.080: freecam.actuators["left"].dLoc = [-camspeed2, 0, 0] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["left"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["left"]) # #right if lLR > 0.080: freecam.actuators["right"].dLoc = [camspeed2, 0, 0] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["right"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["right"]) #up if rUD < -0.080: freecam.actuators["rotup"].dRot = [camrot2, 0, 0] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["rotup"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["rotup"]) # #down if rUD > .080: freecam.actuators["rotdown"].dRot = [-camrot2, 0, 0] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["rotdown"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["rotdown"]) # #left if rLR < -0.080: freecam.actuators["rotleft"].dRot = [0, 0, camrot2] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["rotleft"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["rotleft"]) # #right if rLR > 0.080: freecam.actuators["rotright"].dRot = [0, 0, -camrot2] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["rotright"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["rotright"]) #********************************************* if lUD > -0.080 and lUD < -0.030: freecam.actuators["up"].dLoc = [ 0, 0, -camspeed1] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["up"]) #print(lUD) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["up"]) # #down if lUD < .080 and lUD > .03: freecam.actuators["down"].dLoc = [ 0, 0, camspeed1] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["down"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["down"]) # #left if lLR > -0.080 and lLR < -0.030: freecam.actuators["left"].dLoc = [-camspeed1, 0, 0] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["left"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["left"]) # #right if lLR < .080 and lLR > .03: freecam.actuators["right"].dLoc = [camspeed1, 0, 0] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["right"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["right"]) #up if rUD > -0.080 and rUD < -0.030: freecam.actuators["rotup"].dRot = [camrot1, 0, 0] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["rotup"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["rotup"]) # #down if rUD < .080 and rUD > .03: freecam.actuators["rotdown"].dRot = [-camrot1, 0, 0] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["rotdown"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["rotdown"]) # #left if rLR > -0.080 and rLR < -0.030: freecam.actuators["rotleft"].dRot = [0, 0, camrot1] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["rotleft"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["rotleft"]) # #right if rLR < .080 and rLR > .03: freecam.actuators["rotright"].dRot = [0, 0, -camrot1] cont.activate(freecam.actuators["rotright"]) else: cont.deactivate(freecam.actuators["rotright"]) if r_ground.triggered == False: own["lF_air_frame"] = own["framenum"] if r_ground.triggered == True: own["lF_ground_frame"] = own["framenum"] if own['LAST_GRIND'] == True: own['last_grind_frame'] = own['framenum'] if own['LAST_GRIND'] == False and r_ground.triggered and own['jump_timer'] == 0: if own['jump_stance'] != 3: own['jump_stance'] = 3 def control_calib(): #controller calibration test scenes = bge.logic.getSceneList() controller_calib = [scene for scene in scenes if scene.name=="controller_calib"][0] cq1 = controller_calib.objects['q1'] cq2 = controller_calib.objects['q2'] cq3 = controller_calib.objects['q3'] cq4 = controller_calib.objects['q4'] cq5 = controller_calib.objects['q5'] cq6 = controller_calib.objects['q6'] cq7 = controller_calib.objects['q7'] cq8 = controller_calib.objects['q8'] if lq1on == 1: cq1["q1"] = 1 else: cq1["q1"] = 0 if lq2on == 1: cq2["q2"] = 1 else: cq2["q2"] = 0 if lq3on == 1: cq3["q3"] = 1 else: cq3["q3"] = 0 if lq4on == 1: cq4["q4"] = 1 else: cq4["q4"] = 0 if lq5on == 1: cq5["q5"] = 1 else: cq5["q5"] = 0 if lq6on == 1: cq6["q6"] = 1 else: cq6["q6"] = 0 if lq7on == 1: cq7["q7"] = 1 else: cq7["q7"] = 0 if lq8on == 1: cq8["q8"] = 1 else: cq8["q8"] = 0 def grind_turn(): jumping = None gotcd = 25 force = [0,0,0] grindHit = own['grindTouch'] #print("grindHit: ", grindHit) sincegrinding = own['framenum'] - own['grindstartFrame'] STANCE = own['stance'] if rUD > turnsens or rLR > turnsens or rUD < -turnsens or rLR < -turnsens: jumping = True if grindHit == False: cont.deactivate(own.actuators['grindoutRight']) cont.deactivate(own.actuators['grindoutLeft']) if (grindHit == True and jumping == None and sincegrinding > 20)or own['invert_on'] == True: #if grindHit == True and jumping == None: outloc = 0.022 bsoutloc = .07 bsoutvel = .1 outrot = .02 #0.012 outrot2 = .24 outact = own.actuators["grindoutRight"] if own['grindpos'] == 'reg_5050': if lq3on == 1 or lq2on: if own['gt_cd2'] == 0: own['gt_cd2'] = 60 if STANCE == True: if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'fak right' if STANCE == False: if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'reg right' own["grindoutturn"] = gotcd if lq7on == 1 or lq8on: if own['gt_cd2'] == 0: own['gt_cd2'] = 60 if STANCE == True: if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'fak left' if STANCE == False: if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'reg left' own["grindoutturn"] = gotcd if lq4on == 1: if own['gt_cd2'] == 0: own['gt_cd2'] = 60 if STANCE == True: if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'fak fak right' if STANCE == False: if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'reg fak right' own["grindoutturn"] = gotcd if lq6on == 1: if own['gt_cd2'] == 0: own['gt_cd2'] = 60 if STANCE == True: if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'fak fak left' if STANCE == False: if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'reg fak left' own["grindoutturn"] = gotcd #use stance for 5050 and grindstance for boards if own['grindpos'] == 'reg_board': outvel = own.getLinearVelocity(1) outact.dLoc = [0, 0, 0] outact.dRot = [0, 0, 0] if lq5on == 1: if own['gt_cd2'] == 0: own['gt_cd2'] = 60 if STANCE == True: if own['footplant_on'] == True: own.setLinearVelocity([(outvel.x + -bsoutvel), outvel.y, outvel.z], 1) cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutRight"]) if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'bs fak back' if STANCE == False: if own['footplant_on'] == True: own.setLinearVelocity([(outvel.x + bsoutvel), outvel.y, outvel.z], 1) cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutRight"]) if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'bs reg back' own["grindoutturn"] = gotcd own['invert_on'] = 0 if lq1on == 1: if own['gt_cd2'] == 0: own['gt_cd2'] = 60 if STANCE == True: if own['footplant_on'] == True: own.setLinearVelocity([(outvel.x + bsoutvel), outvel.y, outvel.z], 1) cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutRight"]) if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'bs fak forward' if STANCE == False: if own['footplant_on'] == True: own.setLinearVelocity([(outvel.x + -bsoutvel), outvel.y, outvel.z], 1) cont.activate(own.actuators["grindoutRight"]) if own['grind_out_type'] == None: own['grind_out_type'] = 'bs reg forward' own["grindoutturn"] = gotcd own['invert_on'] = 0 if lq1on or lq2on or lq3on or lq4on or lq5on or lq6on or lq7on or lq8on: gt_cd = own['gt_cd'] if gt_cd == 0: gt_cd = 30 own['gt_cd'] = gt_cd #else: #else: if own['grindoutturn'] == 0: cont.deactivate(own.actuators["grindoutRight"]) own["grindoutturn"] = 0 gt_cd = own['gt_cd'] if gt_cd > 0: own['gt_cd'] = gt_cd - 1 else: own['gt_cd'] = 0 #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ reg_move = .05 reg_rot = 0.01 reg_rot2 = .26 reg_move2 = .13 bsforce = 50 bs_dloc = .03 outvel = own.linearVelocity if own['gt_cd2'] > 50 and own['jump_timer'] < 20: if own['grind_out_type'] == 'reg right': #print("do reg right") own.applyMovement([0,reg_move,0], True) own.applyRotation([0,0,reg_rot],True) if own['grind_out_type'] == 'fak right': own.applyMovement([0,-reg_move,0], True) own.applyRotation([0,0,-reg_rot],True) #print("do fak right") if own['grind_out_type'] == 'reg left': #print("do reg left") own.applyMovement([0,-reg_move,0], True) own.applyRotation([0,0,reg_rot],True) if own['grind_out_type'] == 'fak left': own.applyMovement([0,reg_move,0], True) own.applyRotation([0,0,-reg_rot],True) #print("do fak left") if own['grind_out_type'] == 'reg fak right': if own['gt_cd2'] > 55: own.applyMovement([0,reg_move2,0], True) own.applyRotation([0,0,reg_rot2],True) #print("do reg fak right") if own['grind_out_type'] == 'fak fak right': if own['gt_cd2'] > 55: own.applyMovement([0,-reg_move2,0], True) own.applyRotation([0,0,reg_rot2],True) #print("do fak fak right") if own['grind_out_type'] == 'reg fak left': if own['gt_cd2'] > 55: own.applyMovement([0,-reg_move2,0], True) own.applyRotation([0,0,-reg_rot2],True) #print("do reg fak left") if own['grind_out_type'] == 'fak fak left': if own['gt_cd2'] > 55: own.applyMovement([0,reg_move2,0], True) own.applyRotation([0,0,-reg_rot2],True) #print("do fak fak left") if own['grind_out_type'] == 'reg right' or own['grind_out_type'] == 'reg left' or own['grind_out_type'] == 'fak right' or own['grind_out_type'] == 'fak left': own.setLinearVelocity([outvel.x * 1.01, outvel.y, outvel.z], True) if own['grind_out_type'] == 'reg fak right' or own['grind_out_type'] == 'reg fak left' or own['grind_out_type'] == 'fak fak right' or own['grind_out_type'] == 'fak fak left': if own['gt_cd2'] == 51: #print('outforce') if STANCE == False: own.applyForce([-200, 0, 0], True) own['stance'] = True STANCE = True if STANCE == True: own.applyForce([200, 0, 0], True) own['stance'] = False STANCE = False if own['grind_out_type'] == 'bs reg back' or own['grind_out_type'] == 'bs fak forward': if own['gt_cd2'] > 50: if STANCE == True: own.applyForce([bsforce, 0, 0], True) if STANCE == False: own.applyForce([bsforce, 0, 0], True) own.applyMovement([bs_dloc,0,0], True) if own['grind_out_type'] == 'bs fak back' or own['grind_out_type'] == 'bs reg forward': if own['gt_cd2'] > 50: if STANCE == True: own.applyForce([-bsforce, 0, 0], True) if STANCE == False: own.applyForce([-bsforce, 0, 0], True) own.applyMovement([-bs_dloc,0,0], True) if own['gt_cd2'] > 0: own['gt_cd2'] -= 1 if own['gt_cd2'] == 0: own['grind_out_type'] = None if own["grindoutturn"] > 0: own["grindoutturn"] = own["grindoutturn"] - 1 def air_height(): height = own["air_height"] if lf_ground == True and r_ground.triggered == False: height = 0 #if #wallride def wallride(): wallride_off = own['wallride_off'] distance = own.getDistanceTo(gray.hitPosition) upforce = 25 sideforce = 15 #distance = own["air_height"] try: obj = gray.hitObject objpos = obj.worldPosition ownpos = own.worldPosition distance = ownpos.z - objpos.z #print(distance) except: pass if wallrideL.triggered and wallride_off == 0 and r_ground.triggered == False: #print("wallrideL", distance) own['jump_timer'] = 0 if r_ground.triggered == False: own["wallride"] = "L" #print(own["wallride"]) cont.activate(wallrideconstL) force = [0,sideforce,upforce] own.applyForce(force,1) #own.alignAxisToVect(obj.worldPosition, 1, .9) #align if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_wall_r' #skater.playAction("reg_wall_r", 10,10, layer=3000, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) else: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_wall_l' #skater.playAction("fak_wall_l", 10,10, layer=3000, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #deck.playAction("a_reg_wall_r", 10,10, layer=3000, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_wall_r", 10,10, layer=3000, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) else: if own["wallride"] != "R": own["wallride"] = None cont.deactivate(wallrideconstL) killact(3000) killact(3001) killact(3002) if wallrideR.triggered and wallride_off == 0: own['jump_timer'] = 0 #print("wallrideR", distance) if r_ground.triggered == False: own["wallride"] = "R" cont.activate(wallrideconstR) force = [0,-sideforce,upforce] own.applyForce(force,1) #own.alignAxisToVect(obj.worldPosition, 1, .9) if STANCE == 0: own['requestAction'] = 'reg_wall_l' #skater.playAction("reg_wall_l", 10,10, layer=3000, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) else: own['requestAction'] = 'fak_wall_r' #skater.playAction("fak_wall_r", 10,10, layer=3000, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #deck.playAction("a_reg_wall_l2", 10,10, layer=3000, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) #trucks.playAction("a_reg_wall_l2", 10,10, layer=3000, priority=8, play_mode=1, speed=.5) else: if own["wallride"] != "L": own["wallride"] = None cont.deactivate(wallrideconstR) killact(3003) killact(3004) killact(3005) def wallride_sound(): sact = own.actuators["wallSound"] if own["wallride"] != None and (own['actionState'] == 'reg_wall_r' or own['actionState'] == 'reg_wall_l' or own['actionState'] == 'fak_wall_r' or own['actionState'] == 'fak_wall_l'): sact.volume = .2 cont.activate(own.actuators["wallSound"]) else: sact.volume = .001 sact.stopSound() if own['revert_timer'] > 0: own['revert_timer'] = own['revert_timer'] - 1 def shutoff_timers(): #print(wallride) if (LAST_GRIND == False and grindHit == True) or (jump_timer > 10 and own['wallride'] == None): own["Q1oncd"] = 0 own["Q2oncd"] = 0 own["Q3oncd"] = 0 own["Q4oncd"] = 0 own["Q5oncd"] = 0 own["Q6oncd"] = 0 own["Q7oncd"] = 0 own["Q8oncd"] = 0 def grindout_cleanup(): lgf = own['last_grind_frame'] def trans_jump(): if own['jump_from_trans'] == 1: ground_ray = cont.sensors['ground_look'] jump_obj = own['trans_jump_obj'] jump_obj = scene.objects[str(own['trans_jump_obj'])] #print(jump_obj) worldVect = [1, 0, 0] vect = jump_obj.getAxisVect(worldVect) go = jump_obj.worldOrientation grinder_axis = [0,1,0] player_pos = own.worldPosition jump_obj = jump_obj.worldPosition try: delta = player_pos - jump_obj except: #print("delta broke: ", player_pos, grinder_pos) pass delta = delta.cross(vect) deltamove = delta[1] * .25 move = [deltamove, 0, 0] #print(deltamove) if abs(deltamove) < 1 and delta[1] < 1: own.applyMovement(move, True) #print(deltamove, delta, "delta.......") #pos = ground_ray.hitPosition #print(pos) #linvelloc6 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) #xvel6 = linvelloc6.x * .95 #force = (xvel6, linvelloc6.y, linvelloc6.z) #own.setLinearVelocity(force, True) #control_calib() #scene must be enabled in main jump_Timer() check_landing() #SWAG() #isplaying() nextframe() wheelroll() rollsound() reset_pos() ylimit() getoffboard() #switchcam() move_flycam() move_followcam() grind_turn() air_height() wallride() wallride_sound() shutoff_timers() grindout_cleanup() #trans_jump() #printplaying() #transmult() linvelx = own.getLinearVelocity(True) #print(linvelx) own["linvelx"] = linvelx.x LAST_STANCE = STANCE LAST_STANCE = own["stance"] own["last_stance"] = STANCE own["lastGrab"] = GRAB_ON own['ground'] = r_ground.triggered own['last_ground'] = r_ground.triggered own["LAST_GRIND"] = grindHit own["rotz"] = rot.z own['walk'] = 0 own['lasty'] = yBut own['lastlts'] = ltsBut own['lastrts'] = rtsBut own["lF_ground2"] = own["lF_ground"] own['last_invert'] = invert_on own['lastbkBut'] = bkBut own['grab_type'] = grab_type own['last_last_manual'] = own['last_manual'] own['last_manual'] = own['manual'] own['last_reg_manual'] = own['reg_manual'] own['last_fak_manual'] = own['fak_manual'] own['last_fak_nmanual'] = own['fak_nmanual'] own['last_reg_nmanual'] = own['reg_nmanual'] if own['manual'] == 1: own['last_manual_frame'] = frame #print(own['hippy'], own['last_hippy']) own['last_hippy'] = own['hippy'] #last pressed down frame if aBut == 1 and own["lasta"] == 0: own["lastaf"] = frame if xBut == 1 and own["lastx"] == 0: own["lastxf"] = frame own["lasta"] = aBut own["lastx"] = xBut own['lastaBut_ground'] = aBut_ground own['lastxBut_ground'] = xBut_ground own["last_sel"] = own["sel"] own["sel"] = bkBut if r_ground.triggered and own["jump_timer"] < 20: force2 = [0.0, 0, -10] own.applyForce(force2, True) #print('grindtouch = ', own['grindTouch']) if grindDar == False and r_ground.triggered and own['grindTouch'] == False: own['grindType'] = ''