import bge def main(cont): own = cont.owner if 'inited' not in own: own['inited'] = True own['direction'] = False own['speed'] = .5 own['life'] = 0 own['ticker'] = 2.0 multer = 1 inc = .05 color = own.color if own['life'] > (own['id'] * multer): if color[3] < 1: own.color[3] += inc if 'star' in own and own['life'] > ((own['id'] * multer) + 60) and (own['life'] % 2) == 0: if own['direction'] == True: own['ticker'] = own['ticker'] + own['speed'] if own['direction'] == False: own['ticker'] = own['ticker'] - own['speed'] if own['ticker'] > 16: own['direction'] = False if own['ticker'] < .01: own['direction'] = True print(own['ticker']) own.color = [color[0], color[1], color[2], own['ticker']] own['life'] += 1