Shuvit game master repo.
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  1. import bge
  2. import FSM
  3. import requests
  4. import platform
  5. def phone_home():
  6. #url = ''
  7. url = ''
  8. n = platform.uname()
  9. n = platform.platform()
  10. myobj = {'somekey': n}
  11. x =, data = myobj, timeout=3.50)
  12. print('phone home response')
  13. print(x.text)
  14. def main(cont):
  15. own = cont.owner
  16. dict = bge.logic.globalDict
  17. if 'game_inited' not in own:
  18. own['game_inited'] = True
  19. own['cont'] = cont
  20. dict['gameFSM'] = FSM.GameFSM(own)
  21. #phone_home()
  22. dict['gameFSM'].Execute()