Shuvit game master repo.
Du kannst nicht mehr als 25 Themen auswählen Themen müssen mit entweder einem Buchstaben oder einer Ziffer beginnen. Sie können Bindestriche („-“) enthalten und bis zu 35 Zeichen lang sein. 27KB

  1. """controls grind physics and sends results to for setting the grind animations."""
  2. import bge
  3. import math
  4. def main():
  5. cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
  6. own = cont.owner
  7. player = cont.owner
  8. scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
  9. dict = bge.logic.globalDict
  10. #grindDar = cont.sensors['grindDar']
  11. grindEmpty = scene.objects['grindEmpty']
  12. grindDar = grindEmpty.sensors['grindDar2']
  13. rGround = cont.sensors['r_Ground']
  14. control_bottom = scene.objects['control_bottom']
  15. #grindCol_bottom
  16. grindTouch = control_bottom.sensors['grindCol_bottom']
  17. #grindTouch = cont.sensors['grindCol']
  18. invertCol = cont.sensors['invertCol']
  19. invertObjs = invertCol.hitObjectList
  20. invert_on = own['invert_on']
  21. detectedObjects = grindDar.hitObjectList
  22. lastObject = own['grindTrackObj']
  23. nearestObject = None
  24. minDist = None
  25. #act = cont.actuators["Target"]
  26. test = own["test"]
  27. grindold = own["grindOld"]
  28. lgobj = own["lGobj"]
  29. countdown = own['grindCountdown']
  30. #print(lgobj)
  31. ray = cont.sensors["GuardDuty"] # get the ray sensor attached to the controller named GuardDuty
  32. gt_cd = own["gt_cd"]
  33. pos = ray.hitPosition # get position where the game object hit by ray
  34. linVelocity = own.getLinearVelocity(False)
  35. linVelocity2 = own.getLinearVelocity(True)
  36. pos[2] = pos[2] + 1
  37. norm = ray.hitNormal
  38. STANCE = own["stance"]
  39. orientation = own.worldOrientation
  40. test = ray.hitObject
  41. xyz = own.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  42. rotz = math.degrees(xyz[2])
  43. roty = math.degrees(xyz[1])
  44. #print(roty)
  45. roty = abs(roty)
  46. sub = 0
  47. align_strength = .1#.3
  48. align_strength2 = .2
  49. touched = grindTouch.triggered
  50. lgf = own['last_grind_frame']
  51. gsf = own['grind_start_frame']
  52. framenum = own['framenum']
  53. last_ground_frame = own['lF_ground_frame']
  54. frames_since_ground = framenum - last_ground_frame
  55. frames_since_grind = framenum - lgf
  56. frames_grinding = framenum - gsf
  57. #if framenum - lgf > 60:
  58. minus = framenum - gsf
  59. grindspeed_rail = .996 #multiplied by current speed
  60. grindspeed_cement = .995 #multiplied by current speed
  61. grindDar_timer = own["grindDar_timer"]
  62. last_grindDar = 0
  63. last_manual = own["manual"]
  64. joinit = 0
  65. rot = own.getAxisVect([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
  66. dropin = own['dropinTimer']
  67. nearestObject = None
  68. last_hit = own['grindDar_hit']
  69. jump_timer = own['jump_timer']
  70. grind_jump = own['grind_jump']
  71. lastGround = own['lF_ground2']
  72. OG_PLAYER_POS = own.worldPosition
  73. grindvect = None
  74. grindyvect = None
  75. skipcol = 0
  76. try:
  77. no_grind_pull = own['no_grind_pull']
  78. except:
  79. own['no_grind_pull'] = 0
  80. no_grind_pull = 0
  81. since_jumped = framenum - own['last_jump_frame']
  82. #no grind
  83. no_grind = 1
  84. if jump_timer > 50:
  85. own['no_grind_timer'] = 0
  86. if own['no_grind_timer'] > 0:
  87. no_grind = 0
  88. own['no_grind_timer'] -= 1
  89. if grindold == 1:
  90. no_grind = 0
  91. #don't grind unless you were in the air recently or were on a ramp recently or were grinding.
  92. #if (own['onramp'] == 0 and frames_since_grind > 30):
  93. #no_grind = 1
  94. #if frames_since_grind > 30:
  95. #no_grind = 0
  96. if frames_since_ground > 30 or since_jumped < 120:
  97. no_grind = 0
  98. if jump_timer > 50:
  99. no_grind = 1
  100. if grindold == 0 and (dict['lUD'] < -.04 or dict['lUD'] > .04):
  101. no_grind = 1
  102. #print('no grind timer', no_grind, own['no_grind_timer'])
  103. if (own['fak_nmanual'] == 1 or own['reg_nmanual'] == 1 or own['fak_manual'] == 1 or own['reg_manual'] == 1):
  104. manual = 1
  105. else:
  106. manual = 0
  107. #manual = own['manual']
  108. own["nogrindsound"] = 0
  109. no_grind = 1
  110. if (dict['rBump'] == 1 or own['vert'] == 0):
  111. #print(own['last_vert_frame'])
  112. #if (dict['rBump'] == 1 or (framenum - own['last_vert_frame'] < 10) and own['vert'] == 0):
  113. no_grind = 0
  114. #print('no_grind = 0')
  115. if own['LAST_GRIND']:
  116. no_grind = 0
  117. # if (dict['lUD'] < -.04 or dict['lUD'] > .04):
  118. # no_grind = 0
  119. #---------###########___###########-----------
  120. #start new #######
  121. ##----------##############----------############
  122. #grindvect func
  123. grindvect = None
  124. grindyvect = None
  125. lastobj = own["grindTouchobj"]
  126. grindpos = own["grindpos"]
  127. player_e = own.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  128. player_rotz = math.degrees(player_e[2])
  129. velxb = linVelocity2.x
  130. player_e = own.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  131. ogrot = own.orientation
  132. ogrot = player_e
  133. #print(touched, 'touched')
  134. if (framenum - gsf) > 15:
  135. velx = linVelocity2.x
  136. vely = linVelocity2.y
  137. #print("limit speed")
  138. else:
  139. velx = linVelocity2.x
  140. vely = linVelocity2.y
  141. if abs(own['pregrind_vely']) > abs(vely) and own['LAST_GRIND'] == 0:
  142. #convely = own['pregrind_vely']
  143. #print('changing convely')
  144. convely = vely
  145. else:
  146. convely = vely
  147. def grindvect(obj):
  148. STANCE = own['stance']
  149. if obj != None:
  150. grinder_e = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  151. grinder_rotz = math.degrees(grinder_e[2])
  152. rot = player_rotz - grinder_rotz
  153. if rot >= 0 and rot < 45:
  154. grindvect = "pos"
  155. if rot >= 45 and rot < 90:
  156. grindvect = "pos"
  157. grindyvect = "pos"
  158. if rot >= 90 and rot < 135:
  159. grindvect = "neg"
  160. grindyvect = "neg"
  161. if rot >= 135 and rot < 180:
  162. grindvect = "neg"
  163. if rot >= 180 and rot < 225:
  164. grindvect = "neg"
  165. if rot >= 225 and rot < 270:
  166. grindvect = "neg"
  167. grindyvect = "pos"
  168. if rot >= 270 and rot < 315:
  169. grindvect = "pos"
  170. grindyvect = "neg"
  171. if rot >= 315:
  172. grindvect = "pos"
  173. if rot < 0 and rot >= -45:
  174. grindvect = "pos"
  175. if rot < -45 and rot >= -90:
  176. grindvect = "pos"
  177. grindyvect = "neg"
  178. if rot < -90 and rot >= -135:
  179. grindvect = "neg"
  180. grindyvect = "pos"
  181. if rot < -135 and rot >= -180:
  182. grindvect = "neg"
  183. if rot < -180 and rot >= -225:
  184. grindvect = "neg"
  185. if rot < -225 and rot >= -270:
  186. grindvect = "neg"
  187. grindyvect = "neg"
  188. if rot < -270 and rot >= -315:
  189. grindvect = "pos"
  190. grindyvect = "pos"
  191. if rot < -315:
  192. grindvect = "pos"
  193. rot = round((rot * .01), 1)
  194. rot *= 100
  195. #print(own['inverting'])
  196. if frames_grinding > 20 and own['inverting'] == False:
  197. #print("setting stance")
  198. if (rot == 90 or rot == -270) and STANCE == True:
  199. #print("90 fak stance")
  200. own['stance'] = 1
  201. STANCE = 1
  202. if (rot == 90 or rot == -270) and STANCE == False:
  203. #print("90 fak stance")
  204. own['stance'] = 1
  205. STANCE = 1
  206. if (rot == -90 or rot == 270) and STANCE == True:
  207. #print("-90 reg stance")
  208. own['stance'] = 0
  209. STANCE = 0
  210. if (rot == -90 or rot == 270) and STANCE == False:
  211. #print("-90 reg stance")
  212. own['stance'] = 0
  213. STANCE = 0
  214. def grindrotvel(obj):
  215. joinit = 0
  216. grinder_e = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  217. grinder_rotz = math.degrees(grinder_e[2])
  218. grinder_vect = obj.getAxisVect([1, 0, 0])
  219. grinder_vectz = obj.getAxisVect([0, 0, 1])
  220. rot = player_rotz - grinder_rotz
  221. rayhit = ray.hitObject
  222. own['grind_rot'] = rot
  223. vect = obj.getAxisVect([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
  224. xyzb = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  225. rotzb = math.degrees(xyzb[2])
  226. grindpos = "None"
  227. align = "None"
  228. sub_converted = 0
  229. rotz = math.degrees(xyz[2])
  230. roty = math.degrees(xyz[1])
  231. bsrot = [0.0, 0.0, 1.570796327]
  232. negbsrot = [0.0, 0.0, -1.570796327]
  233. zvel = own.linearVelocity
  234. zvel = zvel.z * .95
  235. if grindold == 0:
  236. if rotz < 0:
  237. rotz = rotz + 360
  238. if rotzb < 0:
  239. rotzb = rotzb + 360
  240. if rotz > rotzb:
  241. sub_converted = rotz - rotzb
  242. if rotz < rotzb:
  243. sub_converted = rotzb - rotz
  244. #z align
  245. #print("zalign")
  246. stre = .15#.075#.15
  247. player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vectz, 2, stre)
  248. if rot >= 0 and rot < 45:
  249. player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vect, 0, align_strength)
  250. grindvect = "pos"
  251. #player.applyForce([0, 0, 0], True)
  252. player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1)
  253. grindpos = "reg_5050"
  254. #print("50-1")
  255. elif rot >= 45 and rot < 90:
  256. player.alignAxisToVect([-grinder_vect.y, grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength)
  257. grindvect = "pos"
  258. align = "pos"
  259. player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1)
  260. grindpos = "reg_board"
  261. grindyvect = "pos"
  262. #print("bs1, don't switch")
  263. elif rot >= 90 and rot < 135:
  264. grinder_vect = grinder_vect * -1
  265. player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength)
  266. grindvect = "neg"
  267. align = "neg"
  268. grindyvect = "neg"
  269. player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1)
  270. grindpos = "reg_board"
  271. #print("-bs2, don't switch?")
  272. elif rot >= 135 and rot < 180:
  273. player.alignAxisToVect(-grinder_vect, 0, align_strength)
  274. grindvect = "neg"
  275. player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1)
  276. grindpos = "reg_5050"
  277. #print("50-2")
  278. elif rot >= 180 and rot < 225:
  279. player.alignAxisToVect(-grinder_vect, 0, align_strength)
  280. grindvect = "neg"
  281. player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1)
  282. grindpos = "reg_5050"
  283. #print("50-3")
  284. elif rot >= 225 and rot < 270:
  285. player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength)
  286. grindvect = "neg"
  287. align = "pos"
  288. player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1)
  289. grindpos = "reg_board"
  290. grindyvect = "pos"
  291. #print("bs3")
  292. elif rot >= 270 and rot < 315:
  293. player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength)
  294. grindvect = "pos"
  295. align = "neg"
  296. player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1)
  297. grindpos = "reg_board"
  298. grindyvect = "neg"
  299. #print("-bs4")
  300. elif rot >= 315:
  301. player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vect, 0, align_strength)
  302. grindvect = "pos"
  303. player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1)
  304. grindpos = "reg_5050"
  305. #print("50-4")
  306. #-------------------------------------------------------------
  307. elif rot < 0 and rot >= -45:
  308. player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vect, 0, align_strength)
  309. grindvect = "pos"
  310. player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1)
  311. grindpos = "reg_5050"
  312. #print("50-5")
  313. elif rot < -45 and rot >= -90:
  314. grinder_vect = grinder_vect * -1
  315. player.alignAxisToVect([-grinder_vect.y, grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength)
  316. grindvect = "pos"
  317. align = "neg"
  318. player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1)
  319. grindpos = "reg_board"
  320. #print("-bs5")
  321. grindyvect = "neg"
  322. elif rot < -90 and rot >= -135:
  323. player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength)
  324. grindvect = "neg"
  325. align = "pos"
  326. player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1)
  327. grindpos = "reg_board"
  328. grindyvect = "pos"
  329. #print("bs6")
  330. elif rot < -135 and rot >= -180:
  331. player.alignAxisToVect(-grinder_vect, 0, align_strength)
  332. grindvect = "neg"
  333. player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1)
  334. grindpos = "reg_5050"
  335. #print("50-6")
  336. elif rot < -180 and rot >= -225:
  337. player.alignAxisToVect(-grinder_vect, 0, align_strength)
  338. grindvect = "neg"
  339. player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1)
  340. grindpos = "reg_5050"
  341. #print("50-7")
  342. elif rot < -225 and rot >= -270:
  343. grinder_vect = grinder_vect * -1
  344. player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength)
  345. grindvect = "neg"
  346. align = "neg"
  347. player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1)
  348. grindpos = "reg_board"
  349. grindyvect = "neg"
  350. #print("-bs7")
  351. elif rot < -270 and rot >= -315:
  352. player.alignAxisToVect([-grinder_vect.y, grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength)
  353. grindvect = "pos"
  354. align = "pos"
  355. player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1)
  356. grindpos = "reg_board"
  357. grindyvect = "pos"
  358. #print("bs8")
  359. elif rot < -315:
  360. player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vect, 0, align_strength)
  361. grindvect = "pos"
  362. player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1)
  363. grindpos = "reg_5050"
  364. #print("50-8")
  365. own['grindpos'] = grindpos
  366. own['grindvect'] = grindvect
  367. own['grindervect'] = grinder_vect
  368. try:
  369. own['grindyvect'] = grindyvect
  370. except:
  371. pass
  372. #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  373. def grind(obj):
  374. try:
  375. grindyvect = own['grindyvect']
  376. except:
  377. grindyvect = 0
  378. grindvect = own['grindvect']
  379. if 'rail' in obj:
  380. own["grindSound"] = "rail"
  381. else:
  382. own["grindSound"] = "concrete"
  383. own['lGobj'] = obj
  384. grinding = 1
  385. framenum = own['framenum']
  386. lastairframe = own['lF_air_frame']
  387. jumpside = 0
  388. if (framenum - lastairframe) < 10:
  389. player_pos = own['jumpPos']
  390. jumpside = 1
  391. else:
  392. player_pos = OG_PLAYER_POS
  393. player_pos = own.worldPosition
  394. try:
  395. if 1 == 1:
  396. grinder_pos = obj.worldPosition
  397. worldVect = [1, 0, 0]
  398. vect = obj.getAxisVect(worldVect)
  399. grinder_axis = [0, 1, 0]
  400. try:
  401. delta = player_pos - grinder_pos
  402. except:
  403. #print("delta broke: ", player_pos, grinder_pos)
  404. pass
  405. delta = delta.cross(vect)
  406. if delta[2] >= 0:
  407. grindside = "right"
  408. else:
  409. grindside = "left"
  410. edge = 0
  411. if 'edge' in obj:
  412. edge = 1
  413. #print('grind on', grindside, edge)
  414. if (delta[2] > .00001 or delta[2] < -.00001) and (delta[2] < .8 or delta[2] < -.8):
  415. rotation = own.worldOrientation[2] - obj.worldOrientation[2]
  416. player_e = own.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  417. player_rotz = math.degrees(player_e[2])
  418. grinder_e = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  419. grinder_rotz = math.degrees(grinder_e[2])
  420. deltamove = delta[2] * .3
  421. #print(round(deltamove, 4), "deltamove")
  422. #5050
  423. if own["grindpos"] == "reg_5050":
  424. #print("missing delta")
  425. if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindvect == "pos":
  426. move = [0, deltamove, 0]
  427. #print("1deltamove", deltamove)
  428. own.applyMovement(move, True)
  429. if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindvect == "neg":
  430. move = [0, -deltamove, 0]
  431. #print("2deltamove -", deltamove)
  432. own.applyMovement(move, True)
  433. #board
  434. if own["grindpos"] == "reg_board":
  435. if grindvect == "neg":
  436. if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindyvect == "pos":
  437. move = [-deltamove, 0, 0]
  438. #print("3deltamove", deltamove)
  439. own.applyMovement(move, True)
  440. if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindyvect == "neg":
  441. move = [deltamove, 0, 0]
  442. #print("4deltamove -", deltamove)
  443. own.applyMovement(move, True)
  444. if grindvect == "pos":
  445. if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindyvect == "pos":
  446. move = [deltamove, 0, 0]
  447. #print("5deltamove", deltamove)
  448. own.applyMovement(move, True)
  449. if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindyvect == "neg":
  450. move = [-deltamove, 0, 0]
  451. own.applyMovement(move, True)
  452. own['grindside'] = grindside
  453. except:
  454. print('something in grinding is wrong')
  455. #pass
  456. #speed limit
  457. velo = own.getLinearVelocity(True)
  458. touchobj = obj
  459. if touchobj != None and gt_cd == 0:
  460. if 'rail' in touchobj:
  461. newvelx = velo.x * grindspeed_rail
  462. newvely = velo.y * grindspeed_rail
  463. else:
  464. newvelx = velo.x * grindspeed_cement
  465. newvely = velo.y * grindspeed_cement
  466. player.setLinearVelocity([newvelx, newvely, velo.z], 1)
  467. player_rot = own.worldOrientation[2]
  468. grinder_rot = touchobj.worldOrientation[2]
  469. player_rot = own.getAxisVect([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
  470. xyz3 = own.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  471. player_rot = math.degrees(xyz3[2])
  472. xyz4 = touchobj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
  473. grinder_rot = math.degrees(xyz4[2])
  474. if player_rot < 0:
  475. player_rot = abs(player_rot) + 180
  476. if grinder_rot < 0:
  477. grinder_rot = abs(grinder_rot) + 180
  478. subtraction = player_rot - grinder_rot
  479. def invertpos(detectedObjects):
  480. minDist = None
  481. nearestObject = None
  482. for obj in detectedObjects:
  483. dist = own.getDistanceTo(obj)
  484. if (minDist is None or dist < minDist):
  485. nearestObject = obj
  486. minDist = dist
  487. if nearestObject != None:
  488. own.linearVelocity.x = 0
  489. own.linearVelocity.y = 0
  490. if grindDar.positive == False and grindTouch.triggered and grindold == 0 and dropin == 0 and grind_jump == 0 and own["grindoutturn"] == 0 and gt_cd == 0 and manual == 0 and no_grind == 0 and nearestObject != lastObject and own['grindjumpturn'] == 0 and own['gt_cd2'] == 0 and own['air_mover'] == False:
  491. #print("touching, no dar")
  492. pass
  493. #print(grindold, "grindold")
  494. skipper = 0
  495. if (grindDar.positive or grindTouch.positive) and no_grind == 0:
  496. if grindDar.positive:
  497. detectedObjects = grindDar.hitObjectList
  498. dist = 0.0
  499. for obj in detectedObjects:
  500. dist = own.getDistanceTo(obj)
  501. if (minDist is None or dist < minDist):
  502. nearestObject = obj
  503. minDist = dist
  504. elif grindTouch.positive:
  505. nearestObject = grindTouch.hitObject
  506. dist = .7
  507. #print('using touch object')
  508. #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  509. #init grind
  510. if invert_on:
  511. invertpos(detectedObjects)
  512. own['inverting'] = True
  513. else:
  514. own['inverting'] = False
  515. grind_dist = .8#.6
  516. skipper = 0
  517. #print(lastobj.worldPosition)
  518. if dist < grind_dist and dropin == 0 and manual == 0 and no_grind == 0 and own['grindoutturn'] == 0 and own['manual'] == 0 and own['gt_cd2'] < 40 and invert_on == False and own['air_mover'] == False and no_grind_pull == 0 and own['last_invert'] == False and own['grindjumpturn'] == 0 and grind_jump == 0 and own['airup'] == 0:
  519. #print("grinding")
  520. grind_height_dif = (own.worldPosition[2] - nearestObject.worldPosition[2]) - .287
  521. #worldPos = own.worldPosition
  522. if grind_height_dif > -.05:#02:
  523. if own['grinder_rot'] != None:
  524. grot = nearestObject.getAxisVect([1, 0.0, 0.0]).x
  525. dif = (grot - own['grinder_rot'])
  526. if dif > .8 or dif < - .8:
  527. print('skipping grind, angle is', dif)
  528. skipper = 1
  529. #print((grot - own['grinder_rot']), 'grinder_rot')
  530. own['grinder_rot'] = nearestObject.getAxisVect([1, 0, 0]).x
  531. if skipper != 1:
  532. grindvect(nearestObject)
  533. grindrotvel(nearestObject)
  534. grind(nearestObject)
  535. grindold = True
  536. own['grindold_timer'] = 0
  537. own["grindHit"] = True
  538. own['grindnew_timer'] += 1
  539. if own['grindnew_timer'] < 1:
  540. if grindTouch.triggered:
  541. nearpos = nearestObject.worldPosition
  542. if hitNormal != None:
  543. stre = .15
  544. own.alignAxisToVect(hitNormal, 2, stre)
  545. #print("align")
  546. #own.worldPosition = [nearpos.x, nearpos.y, nearpos.z + .2975]
  547. print('new moving world')
  548. else:
  549. #grindold = False
  550. own['grindold_timer'] += 1
  551. own["grindHit"] = False
  552. own['inverting'] = False
  553. if own['grindold_timer'] > 5:
  554. grindold = False
  555. own['grind_start_frame'] = framenum
  556. own["grindSound"] = None
  557. if own['grindHit'] == False:
  558. own['grindnew_timer'] = 0
  559. #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  560. #if you are touching grinder and last_manual is off keep manual off
  561. if (own['fak_nmanual'] == 1 or own['reg_nmanual'] == 1 or own['fak_manual'] == 1 or own['reg_manual'] == 1) and lastGround == True and grindold == False:
  562. manual = 1
  563. if last_manual == 0 and grindTouch.triggered == True:
  564. manual = 0
  565. own["nogrindsound"] = 1
  566. grindhit = own["grindHit"]
  567. if abs(own['pregrind_vely']) > abs(vely) and own['LAST_GRIND'] == 0:
  568. convely = own['pregrind_vely']
  569. else:
  570. convely = vely
  571. off = 0
  572. if touched == True:
  573. own["grindTouchobj"] = grindTouch.hitObject
  574. else:
  575. own["grindTouchobj"] = None
  576. if ray.triggered and dropin == 0:
  577. lgobj = ray.hitObject
  578. own['lGobj'] = lgobj
  579. obj = ray.hitObject
  580. #prop = obj.get("property", None)
  581. linVelocity3 = own.getLinearVelocity(True)
  582. grindpos2 = own["grindpos"]
  583. if obj is not None:
  584. if 'rail' in ray.hitObject:
  585. own["grindSound"] = "rail"
  586. else:
  587. own["grindSound"] = "concrete"
  588. own['lGobj'] = lgobj
  589. else:
  590. lgobj = "empty"
  591. own['lGobj'] = lgobj
  592. def timer():
  593. countdown = own["grindCountdown"]
  594. if touched == 1:
  595. countdown = 20
  596. else:
  597. countdown = countdown - 1
  598. own['grindCountdown'] = countdown
  599. def aligntimer():
  600. if own['grindOld'] == 0 and ray.triggered == 1:
  601. own['aligntimer'] = 20
  602. if own['grindOld'] == 1 and ray.triggered == 1:
  603. own['aligntimer'] = own['aligntimer'] - 1
  604. if own['grindOld'] == 0 and ray.triggered == 0:
  605. own['aligntimer'] = 0
  606. def invertpos():
  607. minDist = None
  608. nearestObject = None
  609. for obj in invertObjs:
  610. dist = own.getDistanceTo(obj)
  611. if (minDist is None or dist < minDist):
  612. nearestObject = obj
  613. minDist = dist
  614. vect = nearestObject.getAxisVect([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
  615. #own.alignAxisToVect(vect, 0, 0)
  616. own.worldPosition = [nearestObject.worldPosition.x, nearestObject.worldPosition.y, nearestObject.worldPosition.z +.1]
  617. #own.setLinearVelocity([0, 0.0, 0], 1)
  618. def set_pregrind_vel():
  619. if grindDar.triggered == False and ray.triggered == False:
  620. own['pregrind_velx'] = linVelocity2.x
  621. own['pregrind_vely'] = linVelocity2.y
  622. own['pregrind_velz'] = linVelocity2.z
  623. def stop_bounce():
  624. if grindTouch.triggered and no_grind == 0 and grind_jump == 0 and jump_timer < 30:
  625. linVelocity4 = own.getLinearVelocity(True)
  626. if linVelocity4.z > 0:
  627. own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity4.x, linVelocity4.y, 0], 1)
  628. if jump_timer < 30:
  629. own['grind_jump'] = 0
  630. if grindold == False and ray.triggered:
  631. own['grind_start_frame'] = own['framenum']
  632. if grindDar_timer > 0:
  633. grindDar_timer -= 1
  634. if ray.triggered == False and touched == True and own['footplant_on'] == False and manual == 0 and own['gt_cd2'] < 55 and own['grindoutturn'] == 0 and own['grindjumpturn'] == 0:
  635. obj = grindTouch.hitObject
  636. try:
  637. nearpos = obj.worldPosition
  638. except:
  639. pass
  640. #if ray.triggered == False:
  641. #own["nogrindsound"] = 1
  642. def slow_roty():
  643. #print(abs(roty - own['last_roty']))
  644. #print(roty)
  645. #if roted > 5:
  646. #pass
  647. #align slow
  648. constraint = cont.actuators['gConstraint']
  649. if (own['framenum'] - own['grind_start_frame'] < 40) and touched == 1:
  650. #print('limit rot')
  651. #constraint.damp = 80
  652. #else:
  653. #constraint.damp = 30
  654. #constraint.rotDamp = 80
  655. cont.activate(constraint)
  656. else:
  657. cont.deactivate(constraint)
  658. timer()
  659. aligntimer()
  660. stop_bounce()
  661. slow_roty()
  662. own['grindOld'] = grindold
  663. own['test'] = test
  664. own['grindTrackObj'] = nearestObject
  665. own['grindDar_hit'] = grindDar.positive
  666. own['lastTouched'] = touched
  667. own['grindTouch'] = grindTouch.triggered
  668. own["grindDar_timer"] = grindDar_timer
  669. own["last_grindDar"] = last_grindDar
  670. own['last_roty'] = roty
  671. linVelocity3 = own.getLinearVelocity(True)
  672. set_pregrind_vel()
  673. own['last_z'] = own.worldPosition.z
  674. own["manual"] = manual