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  1. import bge
  2. from random import randint
  3. from time import clock
  4. #====================================
  5. class Transition(object):
  6. def __init__(self, toState):
  7. self.toState = toState
  8. def Execute(self):
  9. #print('Transitioning ...', self.toState)
  10. pass
  11. #====================================
  12. State = type("State", (object,), {})
  13. class State(object):
  14. def __init__(self, npcFSM):
  15. self.npcFSM = npcFSM
  16. self.timer = 0
  17. self.startTime = 0
  18. def Enter(self):
  19. pass
  20. #print('entering')
  21. def Execute(self):
  22. pass
  23. #print('Executing')
  24. def Exit(self):
  25. pass
  26. #print('Exiting')
  27. class Target1(State):
  28. def __init__(self,npcFSM):
  29. super(Target1, self).__init__(npcFSM)
  30. def Enter(self):
  31. #print('Preparing to walk towards target 1.')
  32. self.cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
  33. self.npcFSM.stateLife = 1
  34. self.own = self.cont.owner
  35. = 'larryTarget'
  36. self.npcArm = self.own.children['npc']
  37. self.scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
  38. nm = self.own['navMesh']
  39. = nm.findPath(self.own.worldPosition, self.scene.objects[].worldPosition)
  40. print('target1')
  41. super(Target1, self).Enter()
  42. def Execute(self):
  43. #print('Tracking target 1.', self.npcFSM.stateLife)
  44. self.npcFSM.stateLife += 1
  45. duration = 50000
  46. #print('path',
  47. if len( > 0:
  48. target =[0]
  49. vg = self.own.getVectTo(target)
  50. dist = vg[0]
  51. v = vg[1]
  52. self.own.alignAxisToVect(v, 0, .5)
  53. self.own.alignAxisToVect([0,0,1], 2, 1)
  54. #print(dist)
  55. if dist > 1.5:
  56. x = 10
  57. max_vel = 1.5
  58. if self.own.linearVelocity.x < max_vel:
  59. self.own.applyForce([x, 0, 5], True)
  60. else:
  62. else:
  63. print('goal reached')
  64. self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget2')
  65. if self.npcFSM.stateLife > duration:
  66. num = randint(1,2)
  67. # if num == 1:
  68. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget2')
  69. # elif num ==2:
  70. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget2')
  71. # else:
  72. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toIdle')
  73. else:
  74. #self.cont.activate(self.actu)
  75. self.npcArm.playAction('g_walk2', 1,62, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.5)
  76. def Exit(self):
  77. #print('Finished target 1')
  78. #self.cont.deactivate(self.actu)
  79. pass
  80. class Target2(State):
  81. def __init__(self,npcFSM):
  82. super(Target2, self).__init__(npcFSM)
  83. def Enter(self):
  84. #print('Preparing to walk towards target 2.')
  85. self.cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
  86. self.npcFSM.stateLife = 1
  87. self.own = self.cont.owner
  88. = 'larryTarget.001'
  89. self.npcArm = self.own.children['npc']
  90. self.scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
  91. nm = self.own['navMesh']
  92. = nm.findPath(self.own.worldPosition, self.scene.objects[].worldPosition)
  93. print('target2')
  94. super(Target2, self).Enter()
  95. def Execute(self):
  96. #print('Tracking target 2.', self.npcFSM.stateLife)
  97. self.npcFSM.stateLife += 1
  98. duration = 10000
  99. if len( > 0:
  100. target =[0]
  101. vg = self.own.getVectTo(target)
  102. dist = vg[0]
  103. v = vg[1]
  104. self.own.alignAxisToVect(v, 0, .5)
  105. self.own.alignAxisToVect([0,0,1], 2, 1)
  106. #print(dist)
  107. if dist > 1.5:
  108. x = 10
  109. max_vel = 1.5
  110. if self.own.linearVelocity.x < max_vel:
  111. self.own.applyForce([x, 0, 5], True)
  112. else:
  114. else:
  115. print('goal reached')
  116. self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget3')
  117. if self.npcFSM.stateLife > duration:
  118. num = randint(1,3)
  119. # if num == 1:
  120. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget3')
  121. # elif num ==2:
  122. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget3')
  123. # else:
  124. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toIdle')
  125. else:
  126. #self.cont.activate(self.actu)
  127. self.npcArm.playAction('g_walk2', 1,62, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.5)
  128. def Exit(self):
  129. #print('Finished target 2')
  130. #self.cont.deactivate(self.actu)
  131. pass
  132. class Target3(State):
  133. def __init__(self,npcFSM):
  134. super(Target3, self).__init__(npcFSM)
  135. def Enter(self):
  136. #print('Preparing to walk towards target 3.')
  137. self.cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
  138. self.npcFSM.stateLife = 1
  139. self.own = self.cont.owner
  140. = 'larryTarget.002'
  141. self.npcArm = self.own.children['npc']
  142. self.scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
  143. nm = self.own['navMesh']
  144. = nm.findPath(self.own.worldPosition, self.scene.objects[].worldPosition)
  145. print('target3')
  146. super(Target3, self).Enter()
  147. def Execute(self):
  148. self.npcFSM.stateLife += 1
  149. duration = 12000
  150. if len( > 0:
  151. target =[0]
  152. vg = self.own.getVectTo(target)
  153. dist = vg[0]
  154. v = vg[1]
  155. self.own.alignAxisToVect(v, 0, .5)
  156. self.own.alignAxisToVect([0,0,1], 2, 1)
  157. #print(dist)
  158. if dist > 1.5:
  159. x = 10
  160. max_vel = 1.5
  161. if self.own.linearVelocity.x < max_vel:
  162. self.own.applyForce([x, 0, 5], True)
  163. else:
  165. else:
  166. print('goal reached')
  167. self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget1')
  168. if self.npcFSM.stateLife > duration:
  169. self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget1')
  170. else:
  171. cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
  172. own = cont.owner
  173. npcArm = own.children['npc']
  174. npcArm.playAction('g_walk2', 1,62, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.5)
  175. def Exit(self):
  176. #print('Finished target 3')
  177. #self.cont.deactivate(self.actu)
  178. pass
  179. class Idle(State):
  180. def __init__(self,npcFSM):
  181. super(Idle, self).__init__(npcFSM)
  182. def Enter(self):
  183. #print('Starting to idle.')
  184. self.cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
  185. self.own = self.cont.owner
  186. self.npcArm = self.own.children['npc']
  187. self.npcFSM.stateLife = 1
  188. super(Idle, self).Enter()
  189. def Execute(self):
  190. #print('Idleing.', self.npcFSM.stateLife)
  191. self.npcFSM.stateLife += 1
  192. duration = 300
  193. if self.npcFSM.stateLife > duration:
  194. num = randint(1,4)
  195. #self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toImpatient')
  196. self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget1')
  197. # if num == 1:
  198. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget1')
  199. # elif num == 2:
  200. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget2')
  201. # elif num == 3:
  202. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toTarget3')
  203. # elif num == 4 or num == 5 or num == 6:
  204. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toImpatient')
  205. # else:
  206. # self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toIdle')
  207. else:
  208. #pass
  209. #print(self.own.children)
  210. #print('idling')
  211. self.npcArm.playAction('g_idle', 1,201, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.5)
  212. def Exit(self):
  213. pass
  214. ##print('Waking up from idle.')
  215. class Startup(State):
  216. def __init__(self,npcFSM):
  217. super(Startup, self).__init__(npcFSM)
  218. def Enter(self):
  219. self.npcFSM.stateLife = 1
  220. print('npc startup enter')
  221. super(Startup, self).Enter()
  222. def Execute(self):
  223. self.npcFSM.stateLife += 1
  224. duration = 4
  225. #print('executing', self.npcFSM.stateLife)
  226. if self.npcFSM.stateLife > duration:
  227. self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toIdle')
  228. def Exit(self):
  229. #pass
  230. print('Exiting npc startup.')
  231. class Impatient(State):
  232. def __init__(self,npcFSM):
  233. super(Impatient, self).__init__(npcFSM)
  234. def Enter(self):
  235. #print('Starting to idle.')
  236. self.npcFSM.stateLife = 1
  237. self.cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
  238. self.own = self.cont.owner
  239. self.npcArm = self.own.children['npc']
  240. super(Impatient, self).Enter()
  241. def Execute(self):
  242. #print('being Impatient.', self.npcFSM.stateLife)
  243. self.npcFSM.stateLife += 1
  244. duration = 300
  245. if self.npcFSM.stateLife > duration:
  246. self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toIdle')
  247. else:
  248. #pass
  249. self.npcArm.playAction('npcImpatient', 1,201, layer=2, play_mode=0, speed=.5)
  250. def Exit(self):
  251. pass
  252. #print('stopping bening impatient.')
  253. #===================================
  254. class npcFSM(object):
  255. def __init__ (self, character):
  256. self.char = character
  257. self.states = {}
  258. self.transitions = {}
  259. self.curState = None
  260. self.prevState = None
  261. self.trans = None
  262. self.stateLife = 0
  263. def AddTransition(self, transName, transition):
  264. self.transitions[transName] = transition
  265. def AddState(self, stateName, state):
  266. self.states[stateName] = state
  267. def SetState(self, stateName):
  268. self.prevState = self.curState
  269. self.curState = self.states[stateName]
  270. def ToTransition(self, toTrans):
  271. self.trans = self.transitions[toTrans]
  272. def Execute(self):
  273. if (self.trans):
  274. self.curState.Exit()
  275. self.trans.Execute()
  276. self.SetState(self.trans.toState)
  277. self.curState.Enter()
  278. self.trans = None
  279. self.curState.Execute()
  280. #====================================
  281. Char = type("Char",(object,),{})
  282. class Walker(Char):
  283. def __init__(self):
  284. self.npcFSM = npcFSM(self)
  285. #cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
  286. #own = cont.owner
  287. #self.LightOn = own['state']
  288. ##STATES
  289. self.npcFSM.AddState("Startup", Startup(self.npcFSM))
  290. self.npcFSM.AddState("Idle", Idle(self.npcFSM))
  291. self.npcFSM.AddState("Impatient", Impatient(self.npcFSM))
  292. self.npcFSM.AddState('Target1', Target1(self.npcFSM))
  293. self.npcFSM.AddState('Target3', Target3(self.npcFSM))
  294. self.npcFSM.AddState('Target2', Target2(self.npcFSM))
  296. self.npcFSM.AddTransition('toStartup', Transition('Startup'))
  297. self.npcFSM.AddTransition('toIdle', Transition('Idle'))
  298. self.npcFSM.AddTransition('toImpatient', Transition('Impatient'))
  299. self.npcFSM.AddTransition('toTarget3', Transition('Target3'))
  300. self.npcFSM.AddTransition('toTarget1', Transition('Target1'))
  301. self.npcFSM.AddTransition('toTarget2', Transition('Target2'))
  302. if self.npcFSM.curState == None:
  303. self.npcFSM.SetState('Startup')
  304. #self.npcFSM.ToTransition('toIdle')
  305. #print('setting npc state to startup')
  306. def Execute(self):
  307. self.npcFSM.Execute()
  308. #print('executing machine')
  309. #====================================
  310. r = Walker()
  311. def main(cont):
  312. own = cont.owner
  313. scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
  314. if 'inited' not in own:
  315. own['inited'] = True
  316. own['frame'] = 0
  317. own['state'] = 'On'
  318. own['navMesh'] = None
  319. for x in scene.objects:
  320. if 'npcNavmesh' in x:
  321. own['navMesh'] = x
  322. #print('initing')
  323. if own['frame'] == 40:
  324. own.worldPosition = [0,0,50]
  325. ln = own['cName'] + '_loader'
  326. if ln in scene.objects:
  327. to = scene.objects[ln]
  328. own.worldPosition = to.worldPosition
  329. own.worldOrientation = to.worldOrientation
  330. #own.worldPosition.z += 50
  331. r.Execute()
  332. #print(r.npcFSM.curState)
  333. own['frame'] += 1
  334. yvel = own.linearVelocity.y
  335. yvel = yvel *.05
  336. if own.linearVelocity.y > .01 or own.linearVelocity.y < -.01:
  337. own.applyRotation([0,0,yvel], True)