import bge import math from random import randint from time import clock dict = bge.logic.globalDict def get_request_state(cur_state): if dict['cam_state'] != cur_state: print(cur_state) print('change cam') return 'to' + str(dict['cam_state']) else: return None #camera - (Target Object, Min Distance, Max Distance, Height) def activate_camera(cobj, cmin, cmax, cheight): cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() camActu = cont.actuators['Camera'] camActu.object = scene.objects[cobj] camActu.min = cmin camActu.max = cmax camActu.height = cheight cont.activate(camActu) #==================================== class Transition(object): def __init__(self, toState): self.toState = toState def Execute(self): print('Transitioning ...', self.toState) #==================================== State = type("State", (object,), {}) class State(object): def __init__(self, FSM): self.FSM = FSM self.timer = 0 self.startTime = 0 #cam settings = None self.min = 0 self.max = 0 def Enter(self): self.timer = randint(0,5) self.startTime = int(clock()) def Execute(self): print('Executing') def Exit(self): print('Exiting') class WalkCam(State): def __init__(self,FSM): super(WalkCam, self).__init__(FSM) self.min = 4 self.max = 5 = 'player' def Enter(self): print('Preparing to enter walk cam state.') self.FSM.stateLife = 1 super(WalkCam, self).Enter() def Execute(self): #print('walk cam state', self.FSM.stateLife) self.FSM.stateLife += 1 duration = 50 #activate_camera('camCube', 2, 3, 1) new_state = get_request_state(self.__class__.__name__) if new_state: self.FSM.ToTransition(new_state) print('call new state') def Exit(self): print('walk cam state') class RollCam(State): def __init__(self,FSM): super(RollCam, self).__init__(FSM) def Enter(self): print('Preparing to enter roll cam state') self.FSM.stateLife = 1 super(RollCam, self).Enter() def Execute(self): #print('Eating Breakfast.', self.FSM.stateLife) self.FSM.stateLife += 1 #duration = 500 if self.FSM.stateLife > 60: dict = bge.logic.globalDict own = dict['p1c'] if own['grinding'] == True: scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() ce = scene.objects['cam_helper2'] ce.worldPosition = own.worldPosition ce.worldOrientation = own.worldOrientation #ce.applyMovement([-1,0,0], True) #activate_camera('camCube', 1.5, 3, 2) fliplist = ['reg_tailslide', 'reg_noseslide', 'reg_bsboard', 'fak_tailslide', 'fak_noseslide', 'fak_bsboard'] #fliplist = [] stre = .02 local = own.worldOrientation.inverted() * (dict['camera'].worldPosition - own.worldPosition) if local.y > 0: rot = 'right' else: rot = 'left' print(own['requestAction']) yval = 0 if own['stance'] == True: xval = -1 else: xval = 1 if rot == 'right': yval = 1 if own['requestAction'] in fliplist: xval *= -1 #print('flipping') dict['camera'].worldPosition = dict['camera'].worldPosition.lerp(ce.worldPosition, stre) else: yval = -1 if own['requestAction'] in fliplist: xval *= -1 print('flipping') ce.applyMovement([xval,yval,0], True) dict['camera'].worldPosition = dict['camera'].worldPosition.lerp(ce.worldPosition, stre) # cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() # scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() # camActu = cont.actuators['Camera'] # #camActu.object = scene.objects[cobj] # camActu.damping = 0 # #camActu.max = cmax # #camActu.height = cheight # cont.activate(camActu) #activate_camera('camCube', 1.5, 3, 2) new_state = get_request_state(self.__class__.__name__) if new_state: self.FSM.ToTransition(new_state) print('call new state') def Exit(self): print('Finished RollCaming') class RagdollCam(State): def __init__(self,FSM): super(RagdollCam, self).__init__(FSM) def Enter(self): print('Preparing to RagdollCam state.') self.FSM.stateLife = 1 super(RagdollCam, self).Enter() def Execute(self): #print('Vacumming.', self.FSM.stateLife) self.FSM.stateLife += 1 duration = 6 new_state = get_request_state(self.__class__.__name__) if new_state: self.FSM.ToTransition(new_state) print('call new state') def Exit(self): print('Finished RagdollCaming') class PauseCam(State): def __init__(self,FSM): super(PauseCam, self).__init__(FSM) def Enter(self): print('Starting to PauseCam.') super(PauseCam, self).Enter() self.FSM.stateLife = 1 def Execute(self): print('PauseCaming.', self.FSM.stateLife) self.FSM.stateLife += 1 new_state = get_request_state(self.__class__.__name__) if new_state != None: self.FSM.ToTransition(new_state) print('call new state') def Exit(self): print('Finished PauseCaming.') class PauseIdleCam(State): def __init__(self,FSM): super(PauseIdleCam, self).__init__(FSM) def Enter(self): print('Starting to PauseIdleCam.') super(PauseIdleCam, self).Enter() self.FSM.stateLife = 1 def Execute(self): print('PauseIdleCaming.', self.FSM.stateLife) self.FSM.stateLife += 1 new_state = get_request_state(self.__class__.__name__) if new_state != None: self.FSM.ToTransition(new_state) print('call new state') def Exit(self): print('Finished PauseIdleCaming.') #=================================== class FSM(object): def __init__ (self, character): self.char = character self.states = {} self.transitions = {} self.curState = None self.prevState = None self.trans = None self.stateLife = 0 def AddTransition(self, transName, transition): self.transitions[transName] = transition def AddState(self, stateName, state): self.states[stateName] = state def SetState(self, stateName): self.prevState = self.curState self.curState = self.states[stateName] def ToTransition(self, toTrans): self.trans = self.transitions[toTrans] def Execute(self): if (self.trans): self.curState.Exit() self.trans.Execute() self.SetState(self.trans.toState) self.curState.Enter() self.trans = None self.curState.Execute() #==================================== Char = type("Char",(object,),{}) class CameraFSM(Char): def __init__(self): self.FSM = FSM(self) ##STATES self.FSM.AddState('WalkCam', WalkCam(self.FSM)) self.FSM.AddState('RollCam', RollCam(self.FSM)) self.FSM.AddState('RagdollCam', RagdollCam(self.FSM)) self.FSM.AddState("PauseCam", PauseCam(self.FSM)) self.FSM.AddState("PauseIdleCam", PauseIdleCam(self.FSM)) #TRANSITIONS self.FSM.AddTransition('toPauseCam', Transition('PauseCam')) self.FSM.AddTransition('toPauseIdleCam', Transition('PauseIdleCam')) self.FSM.AddTransition('toWalkCam', Transition('WalkCam')) self.FSM.AddTransition('toRollCam', Transition('RollCam')) self.FSM.AddTransition('toRagdollCam', Transition('RagdollCam')) if self.FSM.curState == None: self.FSM.SetState('WalkCam') print('setting none') def Execute(self): self.FSM.Execute() #==================================== machine = CameraFSM() def main(cont): own = cont.owner if 'FSMinited' not in own: own['FSMinited'] = True #own['frame'] = 0 #own['state'] = 'On' print('FSMiniting') machine.Execute() #own['frame'] += 1