import bge from bge import logic cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner #constants STANCE_SENS = 0.05 STANCE = own["stance"] jumpstance = own['jump_stance'] grindpos = own['grindpos'] # use game object axis local = True try: #stance detection if own['ground'] == True and (own['grindpos'] != 'reg_board' or own['grindOld'] == False) and own['invert_on'] == False: #print("detect stance") LVX = own.localLinearVelocity.x if LVX > STANCE_SENS: STANCE = 1 if LVX < (-STANCE_SENS): STANCE = 0 except: print("no stance") if jumpstance == 3: if own["grindOld"] == 0: own["stance"] = STANCE else: if grindpos == "reg_5050": own["stance"] = STANCE else: STANCE = jumpstance own["stance"] = STANCE dict = bge.logic.globalDict #Get the global dictionary dict['stance'] = STANCE #Store the new score #print(STANCE) #stance = dict.get('stance') #Get the current score or the number 0 #print(LVX) #print(STANCE)