#zskcam import bge import mathutils from mathutils import * scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() import camFSM import birds import sound_man import FSM import cars import walkers import occluders def main(cont): own = cont.owner dict = bge.logic.globalDict camempty = scene.objects['camEmpty.001'] controlcube = scene.objects['control_cube.002'] camCube = scene.objects['camCube'] dropinCol = controlcube.sensors['dropinCol'] LAST_GRIND = controlcube['LAST_GRIND'] up = cont.sensors['up'] ray = cont.sensors['up'] down = cont.sensors['down'] left = cont.sensors['left'] right = cont.sensors['right'] distance = 0.12 cam = cont.actuators["Camera"] near = cont.sensors["Near"] move = own.actuators["move"] cam_def_height = dict['cam_height'] cam_def_min = dict['cam_min'] cam_def_max = dict['cam_max'] cam_height = cam.height cam_min = cam.min cam_max = cam.max lasty = controlcube['lasty'] cam_moved = 0 lastCamheight = controlcube['lastCamheight'] raised = 0 walk = controlcube['walk'] cam.axis = 4 ccheight = controlcube.worldPosition[2] camwpz = own.worldPosition[2] zdist = camwpz - ccheight cam1 = scene.objects['Camera.003'] cam2 = scene.objects['freecam'] cam3 = scene.objects['followcam'] camList = scene.cameras freecam = camList["freecam"] if 'init' not in own: own['init'] = 1 own['last_move_x'] = 0 own['last_move_y'] = 0 own['last_move_z'] = 0 own['last_rot_x'] = 0 own['last_rot_y'] = 0 own['last_rot_z'] = 0 own['idlecampos_x'] = 0 own['speed_mult'] = 1.00 controlcube['driving'] = False dict['cur_ccH_min'] = dict['cam_walk_min'] dict['cur_ccH_max'] = dict['cam_walk_max'] cam.height = dict['cam_height'] dict['cam_state'] = 'walking' controlcube['ragdoll_active'] = False dict['camera'] = cam1 #own['NpcPedFSM'] = FSM.NpcPed(own) own['CamFSM'] = FSM.CameraFSM(own) own['life'] = 0 occluders.place() acam = scene.active_camera def get_cam_state(): if dict['npause']: if dict['menu_idle_timer'] > 300: #dict['cam_state'] = 'pause_idle' dict['cam_state'] = 'PauseIdleCam' else: dict['cam_state'] = 'PauseCam' elif walk == 1: if controlcube['ragdoll_active']: dict['cam_state'] = 'RagdollCam' else: dict['cam_state'] = 'WalkCam' elif controlcube['driving']: dict['cam_state'] = 'driving' else: dict['cam_state'] = 'RollCam' if controlcube['driving'] == False: LAST_GRIND = False if down.triggered == True and LAST_GRIND == False and walk == 0: hitPosition = down.hitPosition distance = own.getDistanceTo(hitPosition) cam_moved = 1 if down.triggered == False and LAST_GRIND == False and cam_moved == 0 and walk == 0: camempty['hitdown'] = False if cam_height > (cam_def_height + .08) and zdist > -.2 and raised == 0: cam.height = cam_height - .02 if cam_height < -.6 and cam_moved == 0 and LAST_GRIND == False and zdist > -.2 and raised == 0 and walk == 0: cam_height = .1 if LAST_GRIND == True and walk == 0: if cam.height < -.5 or zdist < -.2: cam.height = cam.height + .013 if cam.height >= -.5 and not down.triggered: pass controlcube['lastCamheight'] = cam.height cont.activate(own.actuators['Camera']) if near.triggered == True and walk == 0: if cam.min < 1: cam.min = cam.min + .1 cam.max = cam.max + .1 cam.height = cam_height + .01 cam.damping = .001 cont.activate(move) else: cont.deactivate(move) if cam.min > cam_def_min: cam.min = cam.min - .05 cam.max = cam.max - .05 cam.damping = .0 if cam.damping != 0 and down.triggered == False and near.triggered == False: cam.damping = 0.91 obj = cont.owner cube = controlcube to = cube to2 = to.worldPosition pos = [to.worldPosition.x, to.worldPosition.y, to.worldPosition.z] pos[2] = pos[2] - .2 from2 = obj from3 = [from2.worldPosition.x, from2.worldPosition.y, from2.worldPosition.z] from3[2] = from3[2] - .2 distance = 0.0 property = "" face = 1 xray = 0 poly = 0 hit = obj.rayCast( pos, from3, distance, property, face, xray, poly) control = "control_cube.002" hitobj = hit[0] hitobj = str(hitobj) if hit[0]: if hitobj != control and walk == 0 and 'vert' not in hit[0] and 'ground' in hit[0]: cam.damping = .01 if cam.height < 2: cam.height = cam_height + .1 cam.max = cam.max - .2 elif cam.height >= 2 and cam.height < 4: cam.height = cam_height + .05 cam.max = cam.max - .05 if dict['menu_idle_timer'] > 300: move_len = 2048 if own['idlecampos_x'] < move_len: own['idlecampos_x'] += 1 if own['idlecampos_x'] == move_len: own['idlecampos_x'] = 0 if own['idlecampos_x'] < (move_len / 2): move = [.0001, 0, 0] freecam.applyMovement( move, True) freecam.applyRotation([.0001, 0, .0001], True) if own['idlecampos_x'] > (move_len / 2): move = [-.0001, 0, 0] freecam.applyMovement(move, True) freecam.applyRotation([-.0001, 0, -.0001], True) if dict['npause'] == True: cont.deactivate(own.actuators['Camera']) controlcube['camera'] = 2 if controlcube['camera'] == 2 and dict['joy_con'] == 1: cont.deactivate(own.actuators['Camera']) scene.active_camera = freecam cont.activate(cube.actuators['freecam']) lLR = dict['lLR'] / .082 * 100 lUD = dict['lUD'] / .082 * 100 - 20 / 80 rLR = dict['rLR'] / .082 * 100 - 20 / 80 rUD = dict['rUD'] / .082 * 100 - 20 / 80 lTrig = dict['lTrig'] / .082 * 100 - 20 / 80 rTrig = dict['rTrig'] / .082 * 100 - 20 / 80 if lLR < -20: lmLR = round((lLR + 20) / 80 * 100, 0) elif lLR > 20: lmLR = round((lLR - 20) / 80 * 100, 0) else: lmLR = 0 if lUD > 20: lmUD = round((lUD - 20) / 80 * 100, 0) elif lUD < -20: lmUD = round((lUD + 20) / 80 * 100, 0) else: lmUD = 0 if rLR < -20: rmLR = round((rLR + 20) / 80 * 100, 0) elif rLR > 20: rmLR = round((rLR - 20) / 80 * 100, 0) else: rmLR = 0 if rUD > 20: rmUD = round((rUD - 20) / 80 * 100, 0) elif rUD < -20: rmUD = round((rUD + 20) / 80 * 100, 0) else: rmUD = 0 if lTrig > 3: mTrig = lTrig * -1 elif rTrig > 3: mTrig = rTrig else: mTrig = 0 #move camera damping = .95 damping2 = 1.005 mult = .0005 * own['speed_mult'] move_x = lmUD * mult move_y = lmLR * mult move_z = (mTrig * -mult) / 2#4 rot_mult = -.00015 * own['speed_mult'] rot_x = rmUD * rot_mult rot_y = rmLR * rot_mult if move_x == 0 and own['last_move_x'] != 0: move_x = own['last_move_x'] * damping if move_y == 0 and own['last_move_y'] != 0: move_y = own['last_move_y'] * damping if move_z == 0 and own['last_move_z'] != 0: move_z = own['last_move_z'] * damping if rot_x == 0 and own['last_rot_x'] != 0: rot_x = own['last_rot_x'] * damping if rot_y == 0 and own['last_rot_y'] != 0: rot_y = own['last_rot_y'] * damping move = [move_y, 0, move_x] freecam.applyMovement(move, True) freecam.applyMovement([0, 0, move_z], False) freecam.applyRotation([rot_x, 0, 0], True) freecam.applyRotation([0, 0, rot_y], False) ################ multer = .02 if dict['walk'] == 1 and not controlcube['ragdoll_active']: if dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] < dict['cam_walk_height']: dist = dict['cam_walk_height'] - dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] = dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] + (dist * multer) if dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] > dict['cam_walk_height']: dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] = dict['cam_walk_height'] cam.min = dict['cam_walk_min'] cam.max = dict['cam_walk_max'] else: if dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] < dict['cch_targetHeight']: dist = dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] - dict['cch_targetHeight'] dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] = dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] - (dist * multer) if dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] > dict['cch_targetHeight'] - .001: dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] = dict['cch_targetHeight'] if dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] > dict['cch_targetHeight']: dist = dict['cch_targetHeight'] - dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] = dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] + (dist * multer) if dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] < dict['cch_targetHeight'] + .001: dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] = dict['cch_targetHeight'] ccH_targetHeight = dict['cur_ccH_targetHeight'] ccH = camCube.worldPosition.z pH = camCube.parent.worldPosition.z ccheight = (round((ccH - pH), 2) - .4) localPos = camCube.localPosition.z if localPos != ccH_targetHeight: num = ccH_targetHeight - localPos camCube.localPosition.z += num num = ccH_targetHeight - ccheight try: if dict['npause'] == False and controlcube['ragdoll_active'] == False: cont.activate(own.actuators['Camera']) controlcube['camera'] = 0 if controlcube['ragdoll_active'] == True: own.actuators['Camera'].object = scene.objects['ragdoll_parent'] cont.activate(own.actuators['Camera']) controlcube['camera'] = 0 except: pass def set_lens_dist(): cur_lens = cam1.lens cur_min = cam.min cur_max = cam.max inc = .025 if walk == 1: #lens if dict['walk_focal_length'] > cur_lens: new_lens = cur_lens + inc else: new_lens = cur_lens - inc if cur_lens > (dict['walk_focal_length'] - .1) and cur_lens < (dict['walk_focal_length'] + .1): new_lens = dict['walk_focal_length'] #distance inc = .025 if cur_min > (dict['cam_walk_min'] - inc): new_min = cur_min - inc if cur_min < (dict['cam_walk_min'] + inc): new_min = cur_min + inc if cur_max > (dict['cam_walk_max'] - inc): new_max = cur_min - inc if cur_max < (dict['cam_walk_max'] + inc): new_max = cur_min + inc else: #lens if dict['focal_length'] > cur_lens: new_lens = cur_lens + inc else: new_lens = cur_lens - inc if cur_lens > (dict['focal_length'] - .1) and cur_lens < (dict['focal_length'] + .1): new_lens = dict['focal_length'] #distance inc = .025 if cur_min > (dict['cam_min'] - inc): new_min = cur_min - inc if cur_min < (dict['cam_min'] + inc): new_min = cur_min + inc if cur_max > (dict['cam_max'] - inc): new_max = cur_min - inc if cur_max < (dict['cam_max'] + inc): new_max = cur_min + inc focallength = new_lens cam1.lens = focallength cam2.lens = focallength cam3.lens = focallength try: cam.min = new_min cam.max = new_max except: pass set_lens_dist() get_cam_state() camFSM.main(cont) birds.main(cont, scene) sound_man.main(cont) if own['life'] % 2 == 1: #cars.Execute(cont) own['CamFSM'].Execute() #walkers.Execute(cont) else: pass own['life'] += 1 # mo = scene.objects['Suzanne'] # print(mo.culled) # if dict['kb_a'] == True and dict['last_kb_a'] == False: # if scene.active_camera == scene.objects['tmp_cam2']: # scene.active_camera = scene.objects['tmp_cam'] # print('change cam tmp', scene.active_camera) # else: # scene.active_camera = scene.objects['tmp_cam2'] # print('change cam og', scene.active_camera)