"""controls grind physics and sends results to controller2.py for setting the grind animations.""" import bge import math import mathutils from mathutils import Vector def main(): cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner player = cont.owner scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() dict = bge.logic.globalDict grindEmpty = scene.objects['grindEmpty'] grindDar = grindEmpty.sensors['grindDar2'] rGround = cont.sensors['r_Ground'] control_bottom = scene.objects['control_bottom'] grindTouch = control_bottom.sensors['grindCol_bottom'] invertCol = cont.sensors['invertCol'] invertObjs = invertCol.hitObjectList invert_on = own['invert_on'] detectedObjects = grindDar.hitObjectList lastObject = own['grindTrackObj'] nearestObject = None minDist = None test = own["test"] grindold = own["grindOld"] lgobj = own["lGobj"] countdown = own['grindCountdown'] ray = cont.sensors["gRay"] # get the ray sensor attached to the controller named GuardDuty gt_cd = own["gt_cd"] pos = ray.hitPosition # get position where the game object hit by ray linVelocity = own.getLinearVelocity(False) linVelocity2 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) pos[2] = pos[2] + 1 norm = ray.hitNormal STANCE = own["stance"] orientation = own.worldOrientation test = ray.hitObject xyz = own.worldOrientation.to_euler() rotz = math.degrees(xyz[2]) roty = math.degrees(xyz[1]) roty = abs(roty) sub = 0 align_strength = .1#.3 align_strength2 = .2 touched = grindTouch.triggered lgf = own['last_grind_frame'] gsf = own['grind_start_frame'] framenum = own['framenum'] last_ground_frame = own['lF_ground_frame'] frames_since_ground = framenum - last_ground_frame frames_since_grind = framenum - lgf frames_grinding = framenum - gsf #if framenum - lgf > 60: minus = framenum - gsf grindspeed_rail = .996 #multiplied by current speed grindspeed_cement = .995 #multiplied by current speed grindDar_timer = own["grindDar_timer"] last_grindDar = 0 last_manual = own["manual"] joinit = 0 rot = own.getAxisVect([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) dropin = own['dropinTimer'] nearestObject = None last_hit = own['grindDar_hit'] jump_timer = own['jump_timer'] grind_jump = own['grind_jump'] lastGround = own['lF_ground2'] OG_PLAYER_POS = own.worldPosition grindvect = None grindyvect = None skipcol = 0 def get_vert_rot(own, object): if 'inited' not in object: object['inited'] = True for mesh in object.meshes: red_verts = [] green_verts = [] for m_index in range(len(mesh.materials)): for v_index in range(mesh.getVertexArrayLength(m_index)): vertex = mesh.getVertex(m_index, v_index) if vertex.color[0] > .8: loc = object.worldTransform * vertex.XYZ red_verts.append(loc.freeze()) if vertex.color[1] > .8: loc = object.worldTransform * vertex.XYZ green_verts.append(loc.freeze()) red_verts = set(red_verts) #for v in red_verts: #print(v, 'red_vert') green_verts = set(green_verts) object['red_verts'] = red_verts object['green_verts'] = green_verts size_red = len(object['red_verts']) kd_red = mathutils.kdtree.KDTree(size_red) size_green = len(object['green_verts']) kd_green = mathutils.kdtree.KDTree(size_green) for i, v in enumerate(object['red_verts']): kd_red.insert(v, i) for i, v in enumerate(object['green_verts']): kd_green.insert(v, i) kd_red.balance() kd_green.balance() object['kd_red'] = kd_red object['kd_green'] = kd_green #print('kd built -------') #print(own['kd_red']) # Find the closest points to the player co_find = control_bottom.worldPosition found_red = object['kd_red'].find_n(co_find, 2) found_green = object['kd_green'].find_n(co_find, 1) primary = Vector(found_red[0][0]) secondary = Vector(found_red[1][0]) lineVector = secondary - primary lineVector2 = primary - secondary lv_green = Vector(found_green[0][0]) eul = Vector((1, 0, 0)).rotation_difference(lineVector).to_euler() te = scene.objects['temp_empty'] rotation = te.worldOrientation.to_euler() if abs(rotation.z) > 3: te.applyRotation([0, 0, 1.570796*2], True) #te.alignAxisToVect(worldY, 1, 1) #print(te.worldOrientation, 'world orientation') xyz = te.localOrientation.to_euler() xyz[0] = math.radians(0) te.localOrientation = xyz.to_matrix() if lineVector == Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]): #print('vector is empty') pass else: te.alignAxisToVect(lineVector, 0, 1) te.worldPosition = primary local = te.worldOrientation.inverted() * (lv_green - te.worldPosition) if local.y < 0: #print('flip vector') eul = Vector((1, 0, 0)).rotation_difference(lineVector2).to_euler() if lineVector2 == Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]): #print('linVector2 is empty') pass else: te.alignAxisToVect(lineVector2, 0, 1) #print('align2', lineVector2) te.worldPosition = secondary else: #print('align1', lineVector) pass #flip z axis #print(local, 'local') myhead = te.worldOrientation.col[2] worldUp = Vector([0,0,1]) #worldY = Vector([0,1,0]) dot_p = myhead.dot(worldUp) if dot_p > 0.9: pass else: #print('flip grind object rotation') te.applyRotation([1.570796*2, 0, 0], True) return eul #print(detectedObjects) if grindDar.positive: get_vert_rot(own, grindDar.hitObjectList[0]) try: no_grind_pull = own['no_grind_pull'] except: own['no_grind_pull'] = 0 no_grind_pull = 0 since_jumped = framenum - own['last_jump_frame'] #no grind no_grind = 1 if jump_timer > 50: own['no_grind_timer'] = 0 if own['no_grind_timer'] > 0: no_grind = 0 own['no_grind_timer'] -= 1 if (own['fak_nmanual'] == 1 or own['reg_nmanual'] == 1 or own['fak_manual'] == 1 or own['reg_manual'] == 1): manual = 1 else: manual = 0 own["nogrindsound"] = 0 no_grind = 1 if (framenum - own['last_vert_frame'] < 40) and own['vert'] == 0: no_grind = 1 #print('no_grind = 1 last vert = ', (framenum - own['last_vert_frame'])) if dict['rBump'] == 1 or (framenum - own['last_vert_frame'] > 40): no_grind = 0 if own['LAST_GRIND']: no_grind = 0 if grindold == 1: no_grind = 0 if dict['lBump'] and dict['rBump']: no_grind = 1 elif dict['lBump']: no_grind = 0 #---------###########___###########----------- #start new ####### ##----------##############----------############ #grindvect func grindvect = None grindyvect = None #lastobj = own["grindTouchobj"] grindpos = own["grindpos"] player_e = own.worldOrientation.to_euler() player_rotz = math.degrees(player_e[2]) velxb = linVelocity2.x player_e = own.worldOrientation.to_euler() ogrot = own.orientation ogrot = player_e #print(touched, 'touched') if (framenum - gsf) > 15: velx = linVelocity2.x vely = linVelocity2.y #print("limit speed") else: velx = linVelocity2.x vely = linVelocity2.y if abs(own['pregrind_vely']) > abs(vely) and own['LAST_GRIND'] == 0: #convely = own['pregrind_vely'] #print('changing convely') convely = vely else: convely = vely def grindvect(obj): STANCE = own['stance'] if obj != None: grinder_e = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler() grinder_rotz = math.degrees(grinder_e[2]) rot = player_rotz - grinder_rotz if rot >= 0 and rot < 45: grindvect = "pos" if rot >= 45 and rot < 90: grindvect = "pos" grindyvect = "pos" if rot >= 90 and rot < 135: grindvect = "neg" grindyvect = "neg" if rot >= 135 and rot < 180: grindvect = "neg" if rot >= 180 and rot < 225: grindvect = "neg" if rot >= 225 and rot < 270: grindvect = "neg" grindyvect = "pos" if rot >= 270 and rot < 315: grindvect = "pos" grindyvect = "neg" if rot >= 315: grindvect = "pos" if rot < 0 and rot >= -45: grindvect = "pos" if rot < -45 and rot >= -90: grindvect = "pos" grindyvect = "neg" if rot < -90 and rot >= -135: grindvect = "neg" grindyvect = "pos" if rot < -135 and rot >= -180: grindvect = "neg" if rot < -180 and rot >= -225: grindvect = "neg" if rot < -225 and rot >= -270: grindvect = "neg" grindyvect = "neg" if rot < -270 and rot >= -315: grindvect = "pos" grindyvect = "pos" if rot < -315: grindvect = "pos" rot = round((rot * .01), 1) rot *= 100 #print(own['inverting']) if frames_grinding > 20 and own['inverting'] == False: #print("setting stance") if (rot == 90 or rot == -270) and STANCE == True: #print("90 fak stance") own['stance'] = 1 STANCE = 1 if (rot == 90 or rot == -270) and STANCE == False: #print("90 fak stance") own['stance'] = 1 STANCE = 1 if (rot == -90 or rot == 270) and STANCE == True: #print("-90 reg stance") own['stance'] = 0 STANCE = 0 if (rot == -90 or rot == 270) and STANCE == False: #print("-90 reg stance") own['stance'] = 0 STANCE = 0 def grindrotvel(obj): joinit = 0 grinder_e = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler() grinder_rotz = math.degrees(grinder_e[2]) grinder_vect = obj.getAxisVect([1, 0, 0]) grinder_vectz = obj.getAxisVect([0, 0, 1]) rot = player_rotz - grinder_rotz rayhit = ray.hitObject own['grind_rot'] = rot vect = obj.getAxisVect([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) xyzb = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler() rotzb = math.degrees(xyzb[2]) grindpos = "None" align = "None" sub_converted = 0 rotz = math.degrees(xyz[2]) roty = math.degrees(xyz[1]) bsrot = [0.0, 0.0, 1.570796327] negbsrot = [0.0, 0.0, -1.570796327] zvel = own.linearVelocity zvel = zvel.z * .95 if grindold == 0: if rotz < 0: rotz = rotz + 360 if rotzb < 0: rotzb = rotzb + 360 if rotz > rotzb: sub_converted = rotz - rotzb if rotz < rotzb: sub_converted = rotzb - rotz #z align stre = .15#.075#.15 #player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vectz, 2, stre) if rot >= 0 and rot < 45: player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vect, 0, align_strength) grindvect = "pos" #player.applyForce([0, 0, 0], True) player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_5050" #print("50-1") elif rot >= 45 and rot < 90: player.alignAxisToVect([-grinder_vect.y, grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength) grindvect = "pos" align = "pos" player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_board" grindyvect = "pos" elif rot >= 90 and rot < 135: grinder_vect = grinder_vect * -1 player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength) grindvect = "neg" align = "neg" grindyvect = "neg" player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_board" #print("-bs2, don't switch?") elif rot >= 135 and rot < 180: player.alignAxisToVect(-grinder_vect, 0, align_strength) grindvect = "neg" player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_5050" #print("50-2") elif rot >= 180 and rot < 225: player.alignAxisToVect(-grinder_vect, 0, align_strength) grindvect = "neg" player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_5050" #print("50-3") elif rot >= 225 and rot < 270: player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength) grindvect = "neg" align = "pos" player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_board" grindyvect = "pos" #print("bs3") elif rot >= 270 and rot < 315: player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength) grindvect = "pos" align = "neg" player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_board" grindyvect = "neg" #print("-bs4") elif rot >= 315: player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vect, 0, align_strength) grindvect = "pos" player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_5050" #print("50-4") #------------------------------------------------------------- elif rot < 0 and rot >= -45: player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vect, 0, align_strength) grindvect = "pos" player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_5050" #print("50-5") elif rot < -45 and rot >= -90: grinder_vect = grinder_vect * -1 player.alignAxisToVect([-grinder_vect.y, grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength) grindvect = "pos" align = "neg" player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_board" #print("-bs5") grindyvect = "neg" elif rot < -90 and rot >= -135: player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength) grindvect = "neg" align = "pos" player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_board" grindyvect = "pos" #print("bs6") elif rot < -135 and rot >= -180: player.alignAxisToVect(-grinder_vect, 0, align_strength) grindvect = "neg" player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_5050" #print("50-6") elif rot < -180 and rot >= -225: player.alignAxisToVect(-grinder_vect, 0, align_strength) grindvect = "neg" player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_5050" #print("50-7") elif rot < -225 and rot >= -270: grinder_vect = grinder_vect * -1 player.alignAxisToVect([grinder_vect.y, -grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength) grindvect = "neg" align = "neg" player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_board" grindyvect = "neg" #print("-bs7") elif rot < -270 and rot >= -315: player.alignAxisToVect([-grinder_vect.y, grinder_vect.x, 0], 0, align_strength) grindvect = "pos" align = "pos" player.setLinearVelocity([0, convely, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_board" grindyvect = "pos" #print("bs8") elif rot < -315: player.alignAxisToVect(grinder_vect, 0, align_strength) grindvect = "pos" player.setLinearVelocity([velxb, 0.0, zvel], 1) grindpos = "reg_5050" #print("50-8") own['grindpos'] = grindpos own['grindvect'] = grindvect own['grindervect'] = grinder_vect try: own['grindyvect'] = grindyvect except: pass #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ def grind(obj): try: grindyvect = own['grindyvect'] except: grindyvect = 0 grindvect = own['grindvect'] # if 'rail' in obj: # own["grindSound"] = "rail" # else: # own["grindSound"] = "concrete" own['lGobj'] = obj grinding = 1 framenum = own['framenum'] lastairframe = own['lF_air_frame'] jumpside = 0 if (framenum - lastairframe) < 10: player_pos = own['jumpPos'] jumpside = 1 else: player_pos = OG_PLAYER_POS player_pos = own.worldPosition try: if 1 == 1: grinder_pos = obj.worldPosition worldVect = [1, 0, 0] vect = obj.getAxisVect(worldVect) grinder_axis = [0, 1, 0] try: delta = player_pos - grinder_pos except: pass delta = delta.cross(vect) if delta[2] >= 0: grindside = "right" else: grindside = "left" edge = 0 if 'edge' in obj: edge = 1 #print('grind on', grindside, edge) if (delta[2] > .00001 or delta[2] < -.00001) and (delta[2] < 1.8 or delta[2] < -1.8): rotation = own.worldOrientation[2] - obj.worldOrientation[2] player_e = own.worldOrientation.to_euler() player_rotz = math.degrees(player_e[2]) grinder_e = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler() grinder_rotz = math.degrees(grinder_e[2]) deltamove = delta[2] * .3 #5050 if own["grindpos"] == "reg_5050": #print("missing delta") if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindvect == "pos": move = [0, deltamove, 0] #print("1deltamove", deltamove) own.applyMovement(move, True) if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindvect == "neg": move = [0, -deltamove, 0] #print("2deltamove -", deltamove) own.applyMovement(move, True) #board if own["grindpos"] == "reg_board": if grindvect == "neg": if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindyvect == "pos": move = [-deltamove, 0, 0] #print("3deltamove", deltamove) own.applyMovement(move, True) if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindyvect == "neg": move = [deltamove, 0, 0] #print("4deltamove -", deltamove) own.applyMovement(move, True) if grindvect == "pos": if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindyvect == "pos": move = [deltamove, 0, 0] #print("5deltamove", deltamove) own.applyMovement(move, True) if (jumpside == 1 or jumpside == 0) and grindyvect == "neg": move = [-deltamove, 0, 0] own.applyMovement(move, True) own['grindside'] = grindside except: print('something in grinding is wrong') #pass #speed limit velo = own.getLinearVelocity(True) touchobj = obj if touchobj != None and gt_cd == 0: if 'rail' in touchobj: newvelx = velo.x * grindspeed_rail newvely = velo.y * grindspeed_rail else: newvelx = velo.x * grindspeed_cement newvely = velo.y * grindspeed_cement player.setLinearVelocity([newvelx, newvely, velo.z], 1) player_rot = own.worldOrientation[2] grinder_rot = touchobj.worldOrientation[2] player_rot = own.getAxisVect([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) xyz3 = own.worldOrientation.to_euler() player_rot = math.degrees(xyz3[2]) xyz4 = touchobj.worldOrientation.to_euler() grinder_rot = math.degrees(xyz4[2]) if player_rot < 0: player_rot = abs(player_rot) + 180 if grinder_rot < 0: grinder_rot = abs(grinder_rot) + 180 subtraction = player_rot - grinder_rot def invertpos(detectedObjects): minDist = None nearestObject = None for obj in detectedObjects: dist = own.getDistanceTo(obj) if (minDist is None or dist < minDist): nearestObject = obj minDist = dist if nearestObject != None: own.linearVelocity.x = 0 own.linearVelocity.y = 0 #if grindDar.positive == False and grindTouch.triggered and grindold == 0 and dropin == 0 and grind_jump == 0 and own["grindoutturn"] == 0 and gt_cd == 0 and manual == 0 and no_grind == 0 and nearestObject != lastObject and own['grindjumpturn'] == 0 and own['gt_cd2'] == 0 and own['air_mover'] == False: #print("touching, no dar") #pass #print(grindold, "grindold") skipper = 0 if (grindDar.positive or grindTouch.positive) and no_grind == 0: if grindDar.positive: detectedObjects = grindDar.hitObjectList dist = 0.0 for obj in detectedObjects: #dist = own.getDistanceTo(obj) if (minDist is None or dist < minDist): #nearestObject = obj minDist = dist #elif grindTouch.positive: #nearestObject = grindTouch.hitObject #dist = .7 #print('using touch object') nearestObject = scene.objects['temp_empty'] dist = own.getDistanceTo(nearestObject) #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #init grind if invert_on: invertpos(detectedObjects) own['inverting'] = True print('calling invert funct') else: own['inverting'] = False grind_dist = .8#.6 skipper = 0 #print(lastobj.worldPosition) if dist < grind_dist and dropin == 0 and manual == 0 and no_grind == 0 and own['grindoutturn'] == 0 and own['manual'] == 0 and own['gt_cd2'] < 40 and invert_on == False and own['air_mover'] == False and no_grind_pull == 0 and own['last_invert'] == False and own['grindjumpturn'] == 0 and grind_jump == 0 and (own['airup'] == 0 or dict['rBump'] == 1 or dict['lBump'] == 1): #print("grinding") grind_height_dif = (own.worldPosition[2] - nearestObject.worldPosition[2]) - .287 if grind_height_dif > -.05:#02: if own['grinder_rot'] != None: grot = nearestObject.getAxisVect([1, 0.0, 0.0]).x dif = (grot - own['grinder_rot']) if dif > .8 or dif < - .8: print('skipping grind, angle is', dif) skipper = 1 own['grinder_rot'] = nearestObject.getAxisVect([1, 0, 0]).x if skipper != 1: grindvect(nearestObject) grindrotvel(nearestObject) grind(nearestObject) grindold = True own['grindold_timer'] = 0 own["grindHit"] = True own['grindnew_timer'] += 1 if own['grindnew_timer'] < 1: if grindTouch.triggered: nearpos = nearestObject.worldPosition.copy nearpos.z += .2975 if hitNormal != None: stre = .15 #own.alignAxisToVect(hitNormal, 2, stre) #own.worldPosition = [nearpos.x, nearpos.y, nearpos.z + .2975] own.worldPosition.lerp(own.worldPosition, nearpos, .025) print('new moving world') else: own['grindold_timer'] += 1 own["grindHit"] = False own['inverting'] = False if own['grindold_timer'] > 5: grindold = False own['grind_start_frame'] = framenum own["grindSound"] = None if own['grindHit'] == False: own['grindnew_timer'] = 0 #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #if you are touching grinder and last_manual is off keep manual off if (own['fak_nmanual'] == 1 or own['reg_nmanual'] == 1 or own['fak_manual'] == 1 or own['reg_manual'] == 1) and lastGround == True and grindold == False: manual = 1 if last_manual == 0 and grindTouch.triggered == True: manual = 0 own["nogrindsound"] = 1 grindhit = own["grindHit"] if abs(own['pregrind_vely']) > abs(vely) and own['LAST_GRIND'] == 0: convely = own['pregrind_vely'] else: convely = vely off = 0 if touched == True: own["grindTouchobj"] = grindTouch.hitObject else: own["grindTouchobj"] = None if ray.triggered and dropin == 0: lgobj = ray.hitObject own['lGobj'] = lgobj obj = ray.hitObject linVelocity3 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) grindpos2 = own["grindpos"] if obj is not None: if 'rail' in ray.hitObject: own["grindSound"] = "rail" else: own["grindSound"] = "concrete" own['lGobj'] = lgobj else: lgobj = "empty" own['lGobj'] = lgobj def timer(): countdown = own["grindCountdown"] if touched == 1: countdown = 20 else: countdown = countdown - 1 own['grindCountdown'] = countdown def aligntimer(): if own['grindOld'] == 0 and ray.triggered == 1: own['aligntimer'] = 20 if own['grindOld'] == 1 and ray.triggered == 1: own['aligntimer'] = own['aligntimer'] - 1 if own['grindOld'] == 0 and ray.triggered == 0: own['aligntimer'] = 0 def invertpos(xyz): minDist = None nearestObject = None print('doing invert funct') for obj in invertObjs: dist = own.getDistanceTo(obj) if (minDist is None or dist < minDist): nearestObject = obj minDist = dist vect = nearestObject.getAxisVect([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) own.worldPosition = [nearestObject.worldPosition.x, nearestObject.worldPosition.y, nearestObject.worldPosition.z +.1] def set_pregrind_vel(): if grindDar.triggered == False and ray.triggered == False: own['pregrind_velx'] = linVelocity2.x own['pregrind_vely'] = linVelocity2.y own['pregrind_velz'] = linVelocity2.z def stop_bounce(): if grindTouch.triggered and no_grind == 0 and grind_jump == 0 and jump_timer < 30: linVelocity4 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) if linVelocity4.z > 0: own.setLinearVelocity([linVelocity4.x, linVelocity4.y, 0], 1) if jump_timer < 30: own['grind_jump'] = 0 if grindold == False and ray.triggered: own['grind_start_frame'] = own['framenum'] if grindDar_timer > 0: grindDar_timer -= 1 if ray.triggered == False and touched == True and own['footplant_on'] == False and manual == 0 and own['gt_cd2'] < 55 and own['grindoutturn'] == 0 and own['grindjumpturn'] == 0: obj = grindTouch.hitObject try: nearpos = obj.worldPosition except: pass def slow_roty(): constraint = cont.actuators['gConstraint'] if (own['framenum'] - own['grind_start_frame'] < 40) and touched == 1: cont.activate(constraint) else: cont.deactivate(constraint) timer() aligntimer() stop_bounce() slow_roty() own['grindOld'] = grindold own['test'] = test own['grindTrackObj'] = nearestObject own['grindDar_hit'] = grindDar.positive own['lastTouched'] = touched own['grindTouch'] = grindTouch.triggered own["grindDar_timer"] = grindDar_timer own["last_grindDar"] = last_grindDar own['last_roty'] = roty linVelocity3 = own.getLinearVelocity(True) set_pregrind_vel() own['last_z'] = own.worldPosition.z own["manual"] = manual