varying vec2 texCoord; varying vec3 vNormal; varying vec3 eyePos; varying vec4 tangent; attribute vec4 Tangent; uniform float time; uniform float strength; uniform float speed; uniform float deforming; uniform float bending; uniform float ground; uniform vec2 direction; uniform mat4 ModelMatrix; uniform mat4 ViewMatrix; // ########################################Settings######################################## vec2 windDirection = direction; // Direction of the wind float windStrength = strength; // Strength of the wind float groundLevel = ground; // Everything over ground level will have movement const int windSamples = 3; // Number of wind sine waves to add // ########################################Functions######################################## vec2 getWind(vec4 worldPos, float height) // Function to generate the wind { vec2 wind; if (height > groundLevel) { float windTime = time*speed; float windDisplacement = cos(0.375*((17.5+worldPos.x)+(17.5+worldPos.y))+(windTime*1.25)); for (int w = 0; w < windSamples; w++) { float rAnd = float(w)+1.0-(float(windSamples)/2.0); float rCnd = float(w)-1.0+(float(windSamples)/2.0); windDisplacement += sin(0.5*((17.5+rAnd+worldPos.x)+(rAnd+worldPos.y))+(windTime*(rAnd*0.1+1.75))); windDisplacement -= cos(0.5*((17.5+rCnd+worldPos.x)+(rAnd+worldPos.y))+(windTime*(rCnd*0.1+1.75))); } wind = windStrength*(height-0.25)*sin((worldPos.xy*normalize(windDirection))+vec2(windTime*0.5))*windDisplacement; wind *= ((height - groundLevel) * bending + 1.0 - bending); } else { wind = vec2(0.0,0.0); } return wind; } mat4 addWorldPos(mat4 modelMat, vec3 pos) { modelMat[3][0] += pos.x; modelMat[3][1] += pos.y; modelMat[3][2] += pos.z; return modelMat; } // ########################################Main-Function######################################## void main() { vec4 verts = gl_Vertex; vec4 worldSpacePos = ModelMatrix * (verts*deforming+1.0-deforming); vec2 wind = getWind(worldSpacePos, verts.z); mat4 modelViewMatix = ViewMatrix * addWorldPos(ModelMatrix, vec3(wind, 0.0)); texCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy; vNormal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal; eyePos = (modelViewMatix * verts).xyz; = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *; tangent.w = Tangent.w; gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * modelViewMatix * verts; }