#37 enabling/disabling shadows

créé il y a 6 ans par shuvit · 2 commentaires
shuvit a commenté il y a 6 ans

lot’s of issues here and possible problems fixes. trying to track finding here.

lot's of issues here and possible problems fixes. trying to track finding here.
shuvit a commenté il y a 5 ans

might try 2 lamps in main scene that get moved to active scene.

might try 2 lamps in main scene that get moved to active scene.
shuvit a commenté il y a 5 ans

simple fix for this would just be turning the sun’s energy to 0. need to do some test to see if this actually effects performance.

simple fix for this would just be turning the sun's energy to 0. need to do some test to see if this actually effects performance.
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